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joined Feb 15, 2013

I could just imagine Kiri going wild at this...

A game Hina liked to play in infancy was “Yuna-climbing.”

Yuna would be reading a book or something and Hina would grab onto her and climb up to Yuna’s eye-level, grin at her, then climb back down. That’s all it was, but it would be a fatal game to Kiri.

This must be adorable, but considering that they are only 1 year difference in age? It probably won't be as fun as if infant Hina do it to a full adult Yuna :D

last edited at Jul 8, 2016 11:40PM

joined Feb 15, 2013

The only thing I remember about this manga is drunken Hinata. The best drunk!!

last edited at Jul 8, 2016 11:35PM

joined Feb 15, 2013

If you buy the Drama CDs on Steam or Mangagamer you get them subbed.

Ah so steam sell CD dramas too? Thought they only sell games.

Anything part of Kindred Spirits franchise that is not on steam?

last edited at Jul 6, 2016 11:09PM

joined Feb 15, 2013

Only a bit more than half way through. And I already feel that I will miss this game, gonna suffer a massive yuri deficiency at the end of this :(

Definitely will miss Yuna, and Megumi, and Sachi, and Hina and Nena a lot...

Lucky for us there are the Drama CDs, an official manga and the director's twits to satisfy us.

Could you give me the detail of all that? Like how many drama CD there is (is there subs and such)?

joined Feb 15, 2013

Only a bit more than half way through. And I already feel that I will miss this game, gonna suffer a massive yuri deficiency at the end of this :(

Definitely will miss Yuna, and Megumi, and Sachi, and Hina and Nena a lot...

joined Feb 15, 2013

Not sure why the need of coping out incest relationship in yuri manga.

As in term of social taboo, step-siblings since birth and blood siblings still carry out that same social taboo (hence was both forbidden in many society). In term of biologically, not like they will have children (any time soon).

last edited at Jul 6, 2016 12:34PM

joined Feb 15, 2013

Liked the story a lot. Super adorable

Found it amusing that people was so up in arm on legal age of consent and lolicon, despite there was a clear case of slavery right there.... Not to mention animal ear girl? Scientifically created? Human testing and gene modification on human? If they were just a different race in universe, then destruction and genocide of a lesser race? Imperialism and colonialism apologists? Some serious ethical violation going on

Too much PC on a fictional story about a master and her dog girl pet. As one once said It's way too late for a moral hazard. Just sit back and enjoy while it lasts

last edited at Jul 6, 2016 12:29PM

joined Feb 15, 2013

Playing this game and what an excellent piece of art this is. Like if I have to say, none of the aspect truly is masterpiece. But one of the few games where it get a round 8-9/10 for every aspect: art, story line, pace, character design, voice, music...etc...

Only got to the 'Cola' screen so far. And what's a player Yuna is. One girl in each arm :D

Just checked vndb and real pity that the artist for this game apparently haven't worked on anything previous to and after this game. How come? Like his/ her art and character design so much

last edited at Jul 6, 2016 12:21PM

New Game discussion 05 Jul 11:59
joined Feb 15, 2013

Stereotypical speaking, Aoba x Kou should not be possible, as each has their own shipping partner. But considering the author chapter arts have constantly hammered the Aoba x Kou x Rin (and we know how Rin actually feel about Kou). And now with how the anime has really put a bit more extra mile on Kou x Aoba (the heart heart first meeting, the Kou nonchalantly going to invite Aoba for lunch, and the close up screen of Kou taking of Aoba top button)... guess is as long as the subtext in New Game still continue, Aoba x Kou ship will be hard to sink

last edited at Jul 5, 2016 12:00PM

New Game discussion 05 Jul 09:12
joined Feb 15, 2013

Too bad that the anime unlikely will reach the Umiko x Nene date.Some awesome moment then

New Game discussion 05 Jul 08:55
joined Feb 15, 2013

Aoba x Kou got a good start, so I'm happy..The adaptation also smooth so far so it's all good.

I sorta expected/ hoped for a Nichijou~ish adaptation through (so the episode is chopped up into smaller segment with lots of screen transition, instead of being connected into a massive episode). But I guess this is also good

last edited at Jul 5, 2016 8:56AM

joined Feb 15, 2013

I will add Tenkuu Shinpan (ongoing manga) and maybe Gunsmith Cats? Maybe?

I will also add Gakkou Gurashi for subtext. But maybe I am just a big shipper of Kurumi x Miki

I am looking for real yuri, not subtext.

Tenkuu Shinpan, Gunsmith Cats <- do these actually have yuri?

The first one is pretty much Nanoha~ish. Depending onwhether you count Nanoha as yuri or not. The second, yuri plays a main theme in its biggest and final arc.

joined Feb 15, 2013

I will add Tenkuu Shinpan (ongoing manga) and maybe Gunsmith Cats? Maybe?

I will also add Gakkou Gurashi for subtext. But maybe I am just a big shipper of Kurumi x Miki

last edited at Jul 4, 2016 9:36AM

joined Feb 15, 2013

sato's aunt is a pedo...seems so. like everyone else, my mind is jumbled. like, at first im like, awww poor taiyo and then suddenly, bitch stop panting u gross. and then two delinquents. fucking bastards. thank god sato chan killed them because the world doesnt need more of them. im confused about sato's feelings towards shio because of the last page. is she mad at shio? that would be a problem...crossing a yandere is a BAD decision. feel sorry for shio...
after seeing tiny sato, an image of older shio with long hair just came to my mind and i just, "OMG PRETTY" im exciteeeeed to see how this would unravel. super excited woohoooo

This is exactly the reason why this manga is so awesome. Every character is so fucked up that they defy the cliche and our expectation. It's like the author already got into our brain and jump out at every turn to remind us "oh, you think you knew what went on? Tck, tck, tck, think again."

At the beginning of this chapter, I was starting to feel sorry for Taiyou, and feel bad for calling him a lolicon. One minute later, we all realised that it was not falling tears, but the lolicon bastard was panting and drooling all over the place at the touch of Shio. Considering he saw Sato and Shio, I think he will be a bigger problem than we thought

Then Shio mom, I thought she was just a tragic mom under domestic violence. Considering her traumatic image was leading Shio to avoid troubles. But apparently nope, that woman probably passed the DV from her husband down to Shio as well, and at very least was blaming Shio for her own misery.

Best of course is Satou-chan. Badass as fuck. At first I was wondering what she had in the bag, and a second later, it was like Unlimited Yandere Works in there. WHoo... that's how you win back your love, literally. And it was so sweet with her and Shio reunion through, at least now they realised their mutual love and trus... oii what the fuck is that reflecting in your eyes. And what the heck did you put on the door. Still I think I am in love with that yandere. But damn, Shio have a big task at hand to convert this yandere into proper love material.

last edited at Jul 2, 2016 1:41PM

joined Feb 15, 2013

Not sure if the rest of this manga will ever be translated. but I think up to last chapter was pretty good at closing up the loose end.

Kinda bugged me somehow that most of the main arc's duels, were literally decided by a distracted moment due to a turn of heart. Both Akira vs Hitsugi and Jun vs Ayana earlier. I know that it is meant by the author as in: one's concentration during the duel is as important as one's ability/ cunning. But still I think Akira's defeat to Hitsugi could have been avoided, has she not been distracted right at that key moment. Not to mention seeing her waifu being taken away earlier on. Same to Jun's fight when she was clearly distracted by Yuho's well being right before crossing swords with Ayana

...or maybe I was just a bit bitter that Akira and Jun losing out. The endings for both arcs were perfect through.

Hmm... so yeah I probably like most of the pairing in this manga. But top by mile was a split between Yun x Yuho (half-sister wincest FTW) or Akira x Inorin (series OTP)

last edited at Jul 2, 2016 9:21AM

joined Feb 15, 2013

Adorable as heck. Second best Tima story I have read so far...

Behind the mother daughter porn book one, of course. That one is a legend

last edited at Jun 24, 2016 7:19AM

Image Comments 22 Jun 10:51
joined Feb 15, 2013

^ not necessary. Akagi can lift her level cap as long as she get the ring, disregard who give her :D

last edited at Jun 22, 2016 10:51AM

joined Feb 15, 2013

I like that type of gay romance too, it'd be nice if it was normalized and bury your gays became a thing of the past too.

What? Do you means readers should not be pissed off when a pairing that they rooted for since the beginning of the story, suddenly being killed off for no reason in the end? Just so their love can't be fulfilled? /s

That is probably my second most hatred trope. The first by a long mile is "curing" or "just-a-phase lesbianism". Where a female character just suddenly get over her love for girl to suck it up to a guy. Most of the time, the main character. Very often a fucking Mary Sue to boost.

I fucking hate it so much that I simply despise the author who do it. It could have the best plot and silky art, and it would still deserve to be burnt in hell for eternity

Either way I will take an open ending. As long as Yuri x Nise are hinted to be with each other. They should too, considering all that possibilities about how God of that world can revive people

last edited at Jun 20, 2016 12:31PM

joined Feb 15, 2013

God damn Kanna's so adorable that I could punch a cat...

joined Feb 15, 2013

I'm on chapter 65... >_> I can totes see the yuri here...

I just want someone to go fangirling with me over Yuri x Nise. Without fear of spoiling future event, that's all xD

I actually kinda like this kind of approach toward yuri. As in treating the yuri component just like any hetero relationship in a different manga genre. In this case, it's a survival/ mystery/ action manga with the main character and the main support has that little (totally gay) romance with each other.

Not explicit yet, of course, but I think this is how the genre has always played romance, where main character (99% male) and the main heroine kinda flirt around and skrt around the idea of being couple, but never confess their love or kiss until the very end. Finger-crossed

last edited at Jun 20, 2016 3:33AM

joined Feb 15, 2013

not gonna lie here. she did sounded like a prostitute

Only if she take money for it?

Wondering why none of the girl tried to monopolise Aya through. Maybe she already has a one-sided love interest? Hence they only can do it once under the pretext of curiosity?

last edited at Jun 19, 2016 10:15PM

joined Feb 15, 2013

Yeah for a H-piece that devoted 90% on sex, it has quite a decent amount of contents and background

joined Feb 15, 2013

So I read some of Tenkuu Shinpan... and wtf. She trips on stairwells, and then when she deciedes to jump off the roof she drops her id book or whatever and chases after it...

*Jackie Chan why meme.jpg* lol

Keep reading, until introduction of Nise (probably chapter 10-15~ish)

Yuri make everything better!!

joined Feb 15, 2013

Anyone reading a manga called Tenkuu Shinpan?

Isn't the two main characters there totally gay toward each other? I means all of the promises about how they want to be together forever. How both readily sacrificed their life to save each other. Or sorely live to protect each other. With Nise in particular all blushed around naked Yuri and her exposed panty, or get totally jealous seeing Yuri get close to another girl. Means while Yuri despite being a hopeless brocon, still put Nise even above her brother in many situations

There was a kiss too, but they purposely don't show it, so we don't know if it was on the lip or on the forehead.

The yuri in there pretty much screamed from roof top to be canon. My gaydar meanswhile say it probably on Nanoha x Fate level

last edited at Jun 19, 2016 9:34AM

joined Feb 15, 2013

Unfortunately the worst of them got to her first.

what. satocchi is best!!!! if its not satocchi, its not yuri. it'll be just some stupid manga about a lolicon or siscon. AND NO YURI

I means, the worst of them got to her first this chapter :)

Of course I am in the yandere team