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Image Comments 15 Aug 21:29
joined Feb 22, 2015

Nio's not alone, she always had melon bread

last edited at Aug 15, 2015 9:35PM

joined Feb 22, 2015

Damn, Kazuya is one sick fucker. I think Ikumi will eventually turn on him and maybe be the one to kill him, but maybe that's just wishful thinking, I hope she stops him raping or killing Izuru. He's already fucked up the mother it would surely be over kill for him to fuck up the daughter.

Image Comments 11 Aug 22:06
joined Feb 22, 2015

I don't know, certainly seems like Eri is still in the mood

joined Feb 22, 2015

I love this manga it never fails to make me smile, can't wait for more

joined Feb 22, 2015

Does anyone else think of The Female Body when she talks about Takkun and his mom at the start? I know there's no actual crossover, but it's a nice fantasy.

That would be wonderful if all yuri stories were set within the same universe and subtle links are left for use to find.

joined Feb 22, 2015

When ever Nishi Uko does lighthearted it's always delightful, this one being no exception, very cute.

Gamma discussion 02 Aug 18:47
joined Feb 22, 2015

I don't get the stats they give each character. They always seem so low, I mean if Flamebane is supposed to be one of the strongest heroes around why are all of his stats middling? His highest is only a seven for gods sake, what the hell must a ten look like?

joined Feb 22, 2015

That was pretty cute, for hentai. Even if the scale was a bit fucky on some pages

joined Feb 22, 2015

Kanna is adorable and I now ship her with tsundere girl

last edited at Jul 31, 2015 1:59PM

joined Feb 22, 2015

interesting chapter, nice to see something a little unconventional, I think she'll eventually drift towards senpai, you could see at the end when she could reject her. I think they will end up together but the journey will likely be angsty, and if the introduction of Maki is anything to go by, featuring het

joined Feb 22, 2015


joined Feb 22, 2015

This would be so much easier to take if Takeda was also a dick, like Hotaru's boyfriend.

last edited at Jul 29, 2015 10:03PM

joined Feb 22, 2015

Hey! You need to prepare those panties properly, before stuffing them on ur mouth raw!

And she needs the cooking experience! Everyone's problems solved in one fell swoop, genius!

joined Feb 22, 2015

For the first point, I'll have to agree to disagree. What you call a person, I do not, and I'll fully accept we just see this differently. When reading fiction, I expect the author to make them human, and I respect your differing view.

Perhaps it's because I have a bit of an outsiders view on relationships, but I do not believe cheating to be as bad as you make it morally or universally, but I am not familiar with the circumstance myself, and so I must concede it's horribleness to you.

Agreeing to disagree is probably the best thing we can do at this point, and while I may think differently, I can totally understand why you would feel a lack of empathy with such a blank character, after all you don't know enough about them to know if you can relate to them.

In regards to relationships I too must admit to being somewhat of an outsider looking in and as such my opinion on cheating has been formed with out personal experience. Cheating to me seems to be a complete disregard of your partners trust and as such a rather horrible thing to do, though not having experienced it I'm perhaps not the best judge. Also there's the question of whether or not is is cheating, I think it is, but with Hotaru initiating it creates a grey area that I'm sure other people will interpret it differently.

I think of the two couples shown, the wishes of those involved are paramount, regardless of whether you think one deserves it or not. Nor do I believe that ones actions, or at least those of Hotaru thus far, should preclude her from having a relationship with Yuma, however I'll concede that as different moral outlook.

I agree that both partners have to want the relationship for it to work, however I do believe behavior is important as well and given her actions so far It makes me wonder how Hotaru would behave if in a relationship. That being said, you are totally right that her actions up to this point should not prevent her from having a relationship with Yuma in the future, however it is my opinion that for that relationship to work she would have to change the way she acts, as if she were to act the same way while in a relationship I can envision that being problematic.

Thing is, the matter of him being in the relationship IS just him being there first. His feelings are not the most important thing here. If he gets hurt, he rips off a band aide. He moves on, assuming he's well adjusted enough. Yuma discovering herself is by far more important, and if it takes Hotaru not being perfect, so be it. She is in high school isn't she? She can act selfishly and not be Satan for it.

This is actually something I hadn't previously considered, and it is interesting. I suppose that in the long run it is more important that Yuma figure out her identity than her boyfriend keeps his girlfriend . After all they can break up and he can get a new girlfriend and be happy, the same can't be said of Yuma if she doesn't figure out what she wants. It seems to be in the best long term interests of both to break up, because is she's unhappy then she'll make him unhappy, maybe he'll be hurt, and that'll suck, but I suppose it's also an unavoidable part of life that he'll get over. It terms of Hotaru's age affecting her selfishness, I don't personally believe that youth should be an excuse for hurtful behavior, though thinking about them as the actions of a hormonal teenage, does make them more understandable, after all what teenager hasn't made dumb mistakes.I don't believe her behavior to be inexcusable I just think it needs to be reflected upon so that she may improve, and think more about how her actions might affect others.

It's been interesting for me to see someone's else perspective on this, and has actually led to some changes in my own stance on the matter, so thank you for this.

last edited at Jul 29, 2015 2:04AM

joined Feb 22, 2015

I empathize with him as a human being. It doesn't matter that I don't really know anything about him, what matters is that I see him in an unfortunate situation and I feel bad for him, because I know that I would feel bad in the same situation ( heck maybe him being so bland makes it easier to self insert.)

Believe me, I've noticed being bland makes it easier to self insert. And so has every hack harem author ever. -_-

I will concede that Hotaru is, at this moment in time, a more interesting character, as we have a greater understanding of her background and have seen more of her behavior, but this doesn't mean that I am under any obligation to like her, because frankly so far she has been pretty awful, disregarding the feelings of both Yuma and her boyfriend. So just because we know less about him doesn't mean we should treat the guy as if he isn't real. In any story I'll root for the person who I can most empathize with, who I have a reason to support, and in this case my reason for supporting him is that, knowing little about him he is nicer, and a better friend to Yuma, than Hotaru, who thus far has acted rather callously.

The thing is, he isn't real. He's a means to a storytelling end. Most people will not care because simply, he is not a character yet. He is a blank slate piece of plot machinery in this chapter. There is nothing to empathize with. There is no one to support. There is only background decoration.

What even are you rooting for? Given Yumas reaction, she isn't all that into him, and it's twisted thinking where you believe she should be with someone she doesn't want to be based entirely on 'he's nice to her'.

Knowing little about him does not help me like him. He could have any background imaginable. What we have seen might seem nicer, but we do not know that about him. We've only caught a glimpse of him.

Quite simply, I think you're inflating the 'awful'-ness of Hotaru's actions. As we see from Yuma's monologue, her feelings certainly seem inclined towards Hotaru, so I don't see how she's disregarding them, and why should the guys feelings interfere just because he was there first?

You make some interesting points but I fear that you are missing the crux of my argument. It doesn't matter that I don't really know anything about him, or that he is a blank slate and unlikely to change. What matters is that he is a human being in a bad situation. In real life If I saw some one in a shitty situation I would feel bad for them regardless of whether I knew anything about them or not, because as a fellow human being I can image myself in the same scenario and empathize. Obviously this is not real life but I believe the same logic applies. He is a human in a terrible situation, because having your girlfriend cheat on you with someone that is actively trying to steal them is terrible, and as a human I can place my self in that position, see how awful it is and want it to get better for them not because I know them, but because they are human.

I do however agree that just because he is nice it does not mean that Yuma is under any obligation to date him, and as you say it doesn't seem that she wants to. However if the alternative is to have her dating Hotaru then I would rather her be single because I don't believe that nasty behavior as shown by Hotaru should be rewarded. What I was suggesting was, that out of the two potential couples we have been shown, I would prefer the one with guy in it, because thus far he has treated her better than Hotaru, and if Yuma does not want to date him then I believe it would be best for her to remain single as Hotaru has treated her rather nastily thus far.

Which leads on to my next point of disagreement, the nastiness of Hotaru's actions. I don't believe I exaggerated at all, because no matter how you look at forcing your self onto someone who is in a relationship is a shitty thing to do. It's not a matter of who got there first it's a matter of human decency. This man is in a relationship, with someone we can assume he cares about, and to try and steal his girlfriend, going so have as to force yourself on them, is dick move, regardless of the context. In terms of Yuma's feeling while you are right that they seem to be drifting towards Hotaru, that is for her to discover and work out. It is not Hotaru's place to push herself on Yuma in an attempt to coax these feelings out especially not when she has a boyfriend

The bottom line is that even if I don't know enough about him to 'like him per-say, I still know enough about his situation that I wish for it to improve, and so in that sense I am rooting for him and hoping that things will get better for him. On the other side of things it is my opinion that Hotaru has behaved unkindly and done nothing that deserves reward or the affections of Yuma, so I cannot possibly support a yuri ending.


last edited at Jul 28, 2015 11:55PM

joined Feb 22, 2015

This is alright thus far. It's unlikely to develop much beyond sex but at least there's is one couple who have declared their love for each other, so the sex isn't completely without feelings.

Also the weird, I want to bone my dad vibes, from the MC in the first chapter have mostly gone so that's nice

last edited at Jul 28, 2015 9:52PM

joined Feb 22, 2015

I feel for him, poor sap's about to get his girlfriend stolen. I'm honestly surprised about the lack of empathy for the guy, and support of Hotaru's actions, if their positions were reversed it's likely that exactly the opposite reaction would be produced. Just because it's yuri doesn't mean it should be supported regardless of context and character actions. Hotaru's the one in the wrong not him, but she's going to win anyway, just because, and through of fault of his own dude's gonna end up alone, so yeah I feel for him.

Your opinion baffles me. The guy is far less interesting being on the periphery of the story. Why would people focus on that? In defence of a relationship which seems superficial at best?

I empathize with him as a human being. It doesn't matter that I don't really know anything about him, what matters is that I see him in an unfortunate situation and I feel bad for him, because I know that I would feel bad in the same situation ( heck maybe him being so bland makes it easier to self insert.)
I will concede that Hotaru is, at this moment in time, a more interesting character, as we have a greater understanding of her background and have seen more of her behavior, but this doesn't mean that I am under any obligation to like her, because frankly so far she has been pretty awful, disregarding the feelings of both Yuma and her boyfriend. So just because we know less about him doesn't mean we should treat the guy as if he isn't real. In any story I'll root for the person who I can most empathize with, who I have a reason to support, and in this case my reason for supporting him is that, knowing little about him he is nicer, and a better friend to Yuma, than Hotaru, who thus far has acted rather callously. It isn't about who might make the more interesting story it's about who I prefer as a character and that is most definitely the guy.

last edited at Jul 28, 2015 9:41PM

joined Feb 22, 2015

I mean, in your classic nasty hentai ntr, the reader is meant to identify with the guy being cheated on and then feel jilted by proxy. This I wouldn't really consider ntr bc we're obviously not meant to feel for the boyfriend.

I feel for him, poor sap's about to get his girlfriend stolen. I'm honestly surprised about the lack of empathy for the guy, and support of Hotaru's actions, if their positions were reversed it's likely that exactly the opposite reaction would be produced. Just because it's yuri doesn't mean it should be supported regardless of context and character actions. Hotaru's the one in the wrong not him, but she's going to win anyway, just because, and through of fault of his own dude's gonna end up alone, so yeah I feel for him.

last edited at Jul 28, 2015 9:01PM

joined Feb 22, 2015

Very cute, but NozoEri when? xD

But there's more NozoEri than any other pairing, aside from NicoMaki, there is plenty of it already. I for one like seeing the more niche ships,though I'm not sure that this qualifies for the title of 'niche'. cute non the less.

joined Feb 22, 2015

Unless we see some positive changes in Hotaru then I'm pulling for Het. Regardless of how she feels about Yuma how she behaved was decidedly nasty. So as long as the guy remains nice I want a het end, because Hotaru is kind of a bitch and NTR sucks.

Image Comments 27 Jul 00:57
joined Feb 22, 2015

the face belongs to Yukari Yakumo, she's generally a foil for Reimu (the brunette), and her powers involve "gaps and boundaries". She can create wormholes in space/time, and they're recognizable by the red bows on the ends (as shown in the comic)

Thanks Jaggy, that makes more sense than anything I could come up with.

last edited at Jul 27, 2015 12:58AM

Image Comments 26 Jul 23:41
joined Feb 22, 2015

I know fuck all about Touhou and am greatly confused by this. there are just so many questions: who's face is that, why are they inside her vagina, is her vagina some kind of wormhole, is this a vore thing. I just don't know, and am in equal parts disturbed and intrigued.

joined Feb 22, 2015

You know what I've decided that until explicit confirmation is shown that everything before me is just het bait, and that the real end game is in fact yuri, Amane x Ikuno. Unlikely? maybe but I choose to believe.

Image Comments 26 Jul 12:56
joined Feb 22, 2015

The ones being carried look as if they weren't informed that this would be happening

Image Comments 26 Jul 09:53
joined Feb 22, 2015

Hanamonogatari was the chronologically last story, I think.

Alas, some dreams are meant to remain dreams I suppose.

last edited at Jul 26, 2015 9:55AM