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akoshizu discussion 09 Nov 08:31
joined Jul 4, 2012

Lol Kuro :D .. Legal way to look at boobs XD

joined Jul 4, 2012

I'm kinda glad that it's finally completed, it started to get kinda ridiculous..
Asagi Ryuu's works are weird, he's adding to much "juices" and even water is more slippery than it should be. It's just messed up.

joined Jul 4, 2012

I still have an unsettling feeling when reading this. Can't enjoy it for some reason... hate that feeling.

Right? Like something big is about to happen.. and it won't be good. But it's really adorable so i'll try to enjoy myself as much as i can :)

joined Jul 4, 2012

Ah, fixed. Thank Arwynl for the awesome work ;)

Definitely not one of my favorites that Tokumi has done, but still good. And really, "70th" Saki doujin?! Really?! That is utter madness, maybe one day we'll find a way to get most of those translated.

I'm always confused to whom i should say thanks but i'm starting to understand so it's cool. But if i want to thank the uploader? And the uploader is part of Arwynl or what? Still confused T-T

About the 70th saki doujin, i was surprised too. It would be awesome to read those ^^

joined Jul 4, 2012

I just read 1 chapter and.. This got to be yuri! It has to be yuri! D: pleasee T-T :D
1 Edit - Just read the 4th chapter and my reaction was like: Aww ^^

last edited at Nov 7, 2013 3:36PM

joined Jul 4, 2012

Aw, this is so cute :3

Honey Glaze discussion 07 Nov 14:38
joined Jul 4, 2012

"And she's mine! She's mine, you know?" hahaha! totally lost it there xD

Image Comments 07 Nov 14:34
joined Jul 4, 2012

Hisa really looks better with longer hair :3

joined Jul 4, 2012

You know, I can honestly see Hisa and Makos pairing happen a lot more than Hisa and Mihokos.

Right? I thought so too when i was watching anime. Mihoko is more like.. adoring Hisa or something but Mako and Hisa are always together and stuff..

Two Moons discussion 07 Nov 14:26
joined Jul 4, 2012

Aww :3

joined Jul 4, 2012

Nodoka x Saki, Nodoka x Saki.. AWESOME! :3

joined Jul 4, 2012

the page 16 is in the behind D:
Awawa. I've read the manga and then i watched anime Saki and now i'm watching Saki: Achiga-hen aaaaand i can't get enough of these Saki doujinshi, hooray for yuri, hooray for Saki! :3 Thanks for uploading this ^^

Kanamemo discussion 03 Nov 17:37
joined Jul 4, 2012

33 chapter was just hilarious :D Freakin' love Kana's fantasies :D

joined Jul 4, 2012

I like when cold-looking characters aren't actually cold and have really cute moments, Toono was blushing all over the place towards the end there. (Is it only me? I believe not...)

I like them too >-<

joined Jul 4, 2012

the uniform didn't cute at all

I thought it IS cute o.O .. But i srsly don't get how Eri took her off her bra so fast! :O

joined Jul 4, 2012

Did anyone else notice that at the end, they switched ribbons/bows?

Ah lol, i really didn't notice. Thanks.. It's really cute :3

joined Jul 4, 2012

for some reason while I was reading this story, i was thinking Im happy i dont have a sister, cause i would feel weird that I enjoy yuri incest stories & my sister found out. So much awkwardness would have between us for life lol anyways Love the story <3

I'm wondering about my situation. I have a brother, he's two years younger than me and somehow i got to know that he's watching lesbian porn so.. Is it weird for me that i'm readin' yuri and i really like it (even thought i'm girl myself?). Should i feel awkward or glad that i can talk to him about it or what? :D

Awkwardly glad.

Hahaha, okay, wtf.. :D

Locker Room discussion 02 Nov 21:34
joined Jul 4, 2012

Loli really isn't for me..

joined Jul 4, 2012


Ahahaha- falls.. o.o

joined Jul 4, 2012

for some reason while I was reading this story, i was thinking Im happy i dont have a sister, cause i would feel weird that I enjoy yuri incest stories & my sister found out. So much awkwardness would have between us for life lol anyways Love the story <3

I'm wondering about my situation. I have a brother, he's two years younger than me and somehow i got to know that he's watching lesbian porn so.. Is it weird for me that i'm readin' yuri and i really like it (even thought i'm girl myself?). Should i feel awkward or glad that i can talk to him about it or what? :D

Rooftop discussion 02 Nov 21:04
joined Jul 4, 2012

It might just be due to The not real aspect of it, but I think her hurt eye looks cool, pretty even.

About her hurt eye - Yup, i think it's really cool, i love it :3

joined Jul 4, 2012

Aw.. myy.. gooosh.. :33

joined Jul 4, 2012

Maybe she indeed is 10. Refer to p31.

It says goldfish reach maturity at age ten, i.e they stop growing. For all we know, she could be a lot older.

The story seems to suggest she's actually 10 or just a bit older, but from a goldfish perspective she's the equivalent of 18 or 20 in terms of maturity. I think the suggestion is in most ways the two characters are equals, save for physical appearance.

Using this as my excuse for liking it so I don't feel too disgusted with myself.

I'm disgusted with everyone who can't express his / her liking towards something directly, but tries to find excuses for that instead.

I am disgusted with everyone who is disgusted with others... wait...

Wut? :D

X-Chen discussion 02 Nov 20:18
joined Jul 4, 2012

Manly as fuck, with elastic dresses and shit :D

joined Jul 4, 2012

Why is Kuroko writing "Misaka Kuroko"? o.O I thought she's joining Misaka's surname to her name, but instead of that she added Misaka's given name?.. I'm confused D:

Hahah, I can understand your confusion. Both Railgun's manga and anime usually use "Misaka" so often that you pretty much forget that her first name is actually Mikoto. Just like Uiharu uses "Shirai-san" for Kuroko--though Mikoto generally calls her Kuroko so much that it's ingrained into your mind!

Oh now i get it. Thanks :) I'm really happy that you bothered with answering me ^^