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joined Mar 26, 2014

XDD "Definitely not." Well I mean if you have to say/think that.

joined Mar 26, 2014

It's all coming together. Now I get why one of the first chapters was so heavy/sad. I knew it was gonna be a tragedy just didn't know how or when it would matter. This is actually pretty awesome.

joined Mar 26, 2014

You can see the cuts are still fresh (#4), which I didn't like to see, personally. I totally dig the art though. Kiri is very cute.

Same. Kiri is adorable. (^ω^) (By same I mean I didn't like the fresh cuts either.) Also what's up with these stupid trends? I don't get people. The other day I read an article about people scarring themselves with erasers. Wtf! At school no less. Like bruh you're there to learn.

last edited at Oct 25, 2017 12:11AM

joined Mar 26, 2014

What the fuck!!?! Dude, I'm Freakin out. Howcouldtheydothistous?!?! (How could they do this to us the way I said it was really fast and so ya know.) Omg, you can't just be gone or untranslated for like ever and then to this shit. Okay?! You just can't. Wtf

Image Comments 24 Oct 21:04
joined Mar 26, 2014

I actually love this ship. It's up their with the main ones in my opinion. Still love the main ones too.

Image Comments 22 Oct 23:57
joined Mar 26, 2014

Her name isn't Olivia... Not to me at least not yet.

Image Comments 22 Oct 23:55
joined Mar 26, 2014

The English is a bit off, but it can still be understood so no problems here.
XD Oh Akko Hehehhehe

joined Mar 26, 2014

Bloody hell, those cut marks... just... o_O

I'm glad to know I wasn't the only degenerate unnerved by them.

Bruh, I was down right scared.
I'm hoping it's just an extreme sport or hobby (cutting is not cool).

joined Mar 26, 2014

It’s just BDSM i rlly don’t get the whole “secret” thing, “true self” as if its something horrible.

Yep, it's just a hardcore sexual practice, nothing to see here, I'm sure she always talk about how she made that man squeal and lick her a boot while whipping that girl over there at family meals or during coffee break!

I think the problem is that, despite the fact that it's not something you enter right away when you were a virgin two minutes earlier, the mistress has feelings for the puppy girl. I think that in her mistress role, she just enjoys herself and doesn't care much about the receiving end. But deep down, she knows that what she does is frowned upon and can very much be scary.

It's like, you know you do something bad but you don't care much about people knowing, except for that one person which view you value a lot and that you don't want to disappoint, a part of shadow you don't want to reveal. Also, it's not only BDSM, she abused the puppy girl to the point of not remembering it and hurting her badly. I think one big point of BDSM is to have consent on both parties, right? Otherwise, it's an aggression.

I roll my eyes when people claim rape or rape attempt each time a character is a bit forceful, but there well.. I can't deny there was something wrong. Hard for the mistress to not feel guilty after doing that to the person she loves.

On the money Klice! Soooooo right. Preach yo. I mean shit if it's that bad for her to have a regular check up with a personal therapist then she's really trying to change but at the same time it's an issue that requires outside help. Which means it's more than she can handle alone. Shit blacking out like that must've been awful.

joined Mar 26, 2014

Damn you, cliffhangers! Ahhhhhh! It'll take forever to know what happens next. Ugh! mock crying and wailing Why?! I more please.

joined Mar 26, 2014

XD That was pretty hilarious. That's what you get Nanoha-san. XDD

joined Mar 26, 2014

Wow, what a treat! I haven't seen anything from this author/artist in a while. Good to see they're still at it. Also lol Nanoha and Fate Chan are uselessly gay Hahahaha!

joined Mar 26, 2014

Table flip. Soooo fast. Also what le fuck ... Science babies in this lol XD
Good to see the ship is still alive.

Image Comments 10 Oct 00:14
joined Mar 26, 2014

^ I second that. :D I always spoon my cats, but don't appreciate it. .... So I give them hugs anyway.

Image Comments 06 Oct 17:18
joined Mar 26, 2014

:D Yeah soccer Yuri yo.
Also when I was the spray for Pharah kicking the soccer ball I about lost my shit. So Freakin gay XDD

joined Mar 26, 2014

Good to see them again. :D

joined Mar 26, 2014

Well, that was really awful. It's not even worth discussing.

Let's forget about this "thing".

I'm with Nya-chan on this one - let's pretend that it didn't exist.

I'm down. However I find it highly amusing to read all the replies.

joined Mar 26, 2014

We could make a better Yuri Killing Game (That would cool let's do that).

Bro you've been commenting the most. We get it. It sucked. But yeah I bet we could. Though I don't know why we'd want that (shrug) maybe it should be different like a military experiment with a whole city involved to make it more interesting also have more of a story (more details instead of vague afterthoughts). The reason the military would do that is to see what people would do in such a state to see if maybe they'd keep at least some of their humanity.

joined Mar 26, 2014

God that was awful. Especially the ending. Not only is the "Sisters" plot point come out of nowhere, but it turns it into a bizarre soap opera where I guess we're supposed to care about the actions of an absolutely terrible human being and completely change what we thought about literally all the major characters for no reason. They don't even explain the killing game, just this vague handwave of it being a government thing, as if A YEARLY KILLING GAME WITH MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRLS is supposed to be just ignored. By the end, it seems like no one even cared about the deaths, which makes the killing game itself utterly pointless.

^ E-fucking-xactly. It's rubbish, dross, trash, flith, and I regret reading this. Waste of time. No care was put into this at all. With the shit they tried to pull.

joined Mar 26, 2014

This isn't even good at yuri, unless you like a lack of emotional depth, stupid love triangles and sudden incest.

Thank you! I'm not the only one. This manga sucked! Nothing about it was good. From the sudden reveal to the basically taking someone prisoner/hostage by blackmailing them with their relative that's just low (character wise and plot wise). Stupid. Complete trash.

joined Mar 26, 2014

Well at least she's upfront about the blackmail.

Hahahaha! Well they are sisters so why lie? XD

joined Mar 26, 2014
Could we just talk about this page for two seconds...
"Take this!! Taro-attack!! Woof." XD That was soooooo cute. That made the whole chapter for me. (^ω^)
I'm a sucker for dorks and cute animals.

last edited at Sep 28, 2017 6:53PM

joined Mar 26, 2014

XD At least the tread is entertaining, dude. Hahahaha!

Image Comments 24 Sep 00:29
joined Mar 26, 2014

XD It was at that moment that she realized she made a terrible mistake. Hahahaha!
She didn't get the reaction she wanted lol

joined Mar 26, 2014

Hahahaha "From start to to finish" Maybe she she be more self aware XD Not even noticing that she was being watched lol