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joined Jan 15, 2020

Nevri absolutely laying it down with the family dynamics, hm? I honestly had not gone as far as think of Tsuruno as Yachiyo's little sister, though it does make sense, and I had reached the conclusion of thinking of Tsuruno as the "cool aunt" to Felicia... so it is a pretty similar conclusion, I suppose.

As for MadoHomu... oh come on, it is completely and utterly blatant that Homura is madly in love with Madoka even in the original series, and every piece of media after the original series just builds up more and more on it, Wraith Arc makes it very clear said feelings are mutual(specifically Homura's and Madoka's feelings for each other resonating to the point of crystalizing into a new Soul Gem, which granted Homura her new wish and the potential to become the Devil in first place), and then Homura very explicitly spells it out in Rebellion, the biggest thing you can say against MadoHomu is that they are not a couple, which is... technically true, due to circumstance there has never been a point where they were allowed to simply have a normal relationship, but that's not due to lack of love, but rather that their universe really sucks for everyone involved.


While it is true that "never hate each other" doesn't translate to "always love each other", it is important to remember that one's personal interpretation of their wish is just as important as wording, see Felicia's wish for an example where her mental state warped her wish in a negative way, and I feel that in context, what they truly meant was "We want our relationship to always be perfect", as they viewed their resentment, thus "hate", for each other as the one thing keeping them from said perfection.

last edited at Apr 19, 2020 8:14AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

I find it kinda funny how every YachiIro image that gets uploaded ends up having discussions like this.

And I'm thankful for that, because, due to such discussions, people who don't play the game, like myself, get a more expansive view of the story through the info provided by those who do, without themselves having to bother playing, lol.

joined Feb 17, 2013

^No its seriously NOT- we ARE our personality- however it was formed. Identical twins are genetically identical you know.. they are NOT the same person. Kuro did not live the same life as Illiya even if she shares her memories - and we dont even know she DOES. Plus she has her own extra memories. And watching from within - if thats what was happening - maybe she was 'asleep' for most of it? - watching through illyas eyes is not the same as being the one doing those things.. IF she was identical in mind she would act and behave exactly like Illiya in all things- yet she is completely different mentally. To be selfcest it literally has to be another YOU - who thinks and acts the same and knows everything you do. imo.

Kuro is no more Illiya than identical twins who grow up together and share many of the same memmories are the same person.

@Sakura Cartelet Nobody said they are and are NOT sisters. They literally are NOT. They can be considered similar to sisters.

Anyways thats enough of going into that, so I'll leave it there since its in the image thread.

last edited at Apr 19, 2020 8:33AM

joined Nov 24, 2017

^ Apparently, because I see nothing wrong with them.

joined Sep 10, 2014


Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Shirou and Archer are selfcest, because Shirou is literally Archer's younger self. They're from different eras. If events of grail war didn't happen, Shirou was going to eventually become Archer. Meanwhile you can't say the same about Illya and Kuro. They have 2 different personalities and depending who would be the one to live the life, they'd grow up to be different people. They might share the same genetics, but are not the same person. Just like normal real life twins. Unless you're implying our personalities don't matter and twins are the same person.

Honestly the whole my different version/timeline etc. is ultra confusing and not something we really have to deal with irl, but I feel like Kuro and Illya are a pretty clear cut example of twins.

joined Aug 26, 2018

I fear this won't end well if we continue... but I'll give one final statement as well. If for some unknown reason someone wants to continue, you can go to the Dynasty Cafe. I check it out regularly.
@Nevri See, this is where you tripped up. If Illya remembers the bad memories of the Einzbern legacy and lives through them, she becomes like Kuro. Kuro's base is Illya. The additional information is what altered her. In the same way Archer's base is Shirou, but the additional life experience made him different. These two cases are the exact same thing.

The very definition of twins denies your assertion, so I can't really agree. That's all.

last edited at Apr 19, 2020 9:40AM

joined Sep 18, 2014
Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

For some reason I can't see Tsuruno as being Yachiyo's little sister. If anyone would be Yachiyo's little sister I would imagine it would more likely be Momoko given her "rebellious phase" she went through early in the game. Also Nevri what's your thoughts on Mifuyu and Yachiyo's relationship?

joined May 15, 2017

Goddamn look at those hungalungas.

joined Jan 15, 2020

I don't know Nevri, but personally? I view Mifuyu as Yachiyo's ex, they were together for a long time and went through a lot together, but as they grew older and into maturity, they became too different to stay together, Yachiyo is fine with being a meguca for the rest of her life, even with the risks and complications, she knows it is the life she choose and it is the fate she has accepted, Mifuyu has for a long time now yearned for a way out, a way that she could just lead a normal life without having to risk herself fighting Witches just to stay alive.

Mifuyu as Yachiyo's ex also fits too well with that one sequence in early chapter 6(later half of episode 11 to anime-onlys, keeping in mind that in the game, Mifuyu went there unprompted) where Mifuyu goes to the villa primarily to taunt Iroha and to mess with Yachiyo, that was completely Mifuyu acting as a bitchy ex, and going out of her way to rub on Iroha's face that what she has with Yachiyo at that moment doesn't compare to what she had with Yachiyo in the past... no wonder that Iroha is driven to make that major declaration to Yachiyo later in the chapter, Mifuyu made her want to go a step further.

Also can I just say, that one scene drove me very close to hating Mifuyu, she redeemed herself more than enough in the following chapters, and the story makes it clear that that scene, bitchy and venomous as it was, was ultimately just an act and that she really isn't like that, but it shows Iroha has the patience of a saint that she didn't force Mifuyu out of the house at crossbowpoint, I know I would've.

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Yea, I can see Momoko like that, especially since Yachiyo used to take care of her and Momoko looked up to her. Then again, it feels like rebellious phase to us, but she did have good reason to be angry at Yachiyo, so I'd feel like she's more of a old friend Yachiyo had falling off with, but later reconciled?

With Tsuruno it's entirely based on just how game presents it. She's constantly dropping by, keeps in touch with family and acts kinda like aunt to Felicia and Sana, but isn't too far apart in age. So Yachiyo's little sister who constantly clings to her. Like with Momoko you could also go with old friend, but in her case they had falling off, but she never kept grudge against Yachiyo, so when they meet again, she went back to behaving like always.

For Yachiyo and Mifuyu, they're exes, but they drifted too far apart to ever get back together. Yachiyo of course still cares about Mifuyu, but now she has new gf to focus on.

last edited at Apr 23, 2020 1:03PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

I don't know, each time i read the headcanons on Magia Record, I feel like peoples view too far in of what it's suposs to be. It's at least the second time i heard about 2 peoples being treated as exs when there is nothing to back it up. I know there is a lot of lesbians vibes but I don't know. I like Yuri but it feel a bit too much.

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Oh no, I think Mifuyu 100% meant it. After Yachiyo decided to break up team because she was afraid her wish was killing everyone and she distanced herself from everyone, including Mifuyu, Mifuyu was devastated. That's why she says that it was Yachiyo who abandoned her, not the other way around. She went to invite everyone to the lecture, but when she saw that Yachiyo pretty much went back to living and behaving the way she used to before, she got pissed, because it meant Yachiyo disbanding their team and cutting ties with her was completely pointless. She was 100% jelly of Iroha in that scene and wanted to gloat how close she is with Yachiyo.

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015


It's not headcanon. It's canon. If you didn't play game, you have no idea. That's how game portray their relationship. And Madoka frenchiase was always gay with MadoHomu, but Magia Record has a canon lesbian character who wished for her crush to love her back, so it's not like they'd never go there. As I said, IroYachi is pretty much canon, without ever confirming it, but you'd need to be blind to deny it.

last edited at Apr 19, 2020 2:14PM

joined Sep 9, 2013

I see they are looking to have their own baseball team! respect

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

They made them as a duo unit in the game with art like this. Try telling me it's just people taking it too far.

last edited at Apr 19, 2020 2:22PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

That's not the part i consider as head canon, it's the " I view Mifuyu as Yachiyo's ex".I know that much there is a canon lesbian character and yada yada, there is enough talk about the gacha on the Dynasty Discord but when someone said "I view x as y''s ex" then it mean it's not canon because it's a personal intepretation of the relation, not how the actual relation is.

Edit : It's not that part i consider headcanon Nevri. I fully know the relation between this two.

last edited at Apr 19, 2020 2:24PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

Please keep the paragraphs coming, I'm enjoying every moment of it (even if it comes at the cost of my younger brother being frustrated with me occupying the computer for longer than 30 seconds)

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Fine, Mifuyu and Yachiyo could be just friends, but since game already pretty much turned Mikazuki Villa into whole happy family with parents, children and aunty, we're just having fun with it. Sure Yachiyo and Mifuyu are only a childhood friends, who spend 7 years together fighting witches, then separate because of different opinions and later when Mifuyu disappeared, Yachiyo dropped everything and spend rest of time looking for her and when she thought she finally found he, but she turned out to be fake, she almost turned into witch from shock. I guess instead of girlfriends that broke up, they are only very close friends.

joined Jan 15, 2020

See, to me personally, the "Mifuyu is Yachiyo's ex" thing comes in huge part from the "bitchy ex" scene in chapter 6, before that point I was unsure what exactly the nature of Mifuyu and Yachiyo's relationship, but that scene just hits like a truck with that sense of "Oh, oh, oooh, so this is how it is, hm?" and everything just starts to slot into place really well... and it is one of the things that the anime keeps and does it really well, while the circumstances of the scene are changed with Mifuyu being indirectly invited there, but otherwise the context of the scene is the same and it is such a tense scene, cutting off the background music just to build up the tension, and even using Yachiyo's Doppel to show how much the situation affected her... they wanted to make sure to deliver the same context even in the different adaptation.

joined Jun 25, 2019

You want to make me feel bad to be the one who is saying is just friendship and not love. Fine, i know Madoka has a big lesbian vibe going for it but that doesn't mean friendship can't exist, especially when you're only two persons alone. I know it's a yuri site but come on, just because two girls stay a long time together, more so when they are fighting, doesn't .mean they're automatically gay for each other. Your last sentence sound like it's not possible that they're just close friends.

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

@Nevri By canon lesbian I assume you mean Rika right? I ship her and Ren (whose feeling are more ambiguous). Although even in the case of Rika she ends up regretting her wish because she feels the wish effectively brainwashed the other girl into loving her. She later confesses this to Hinano who doesn't think of her as being disgusting for the wish.

On an unrelated note, I'm still looking for a good partner for Ashley Taylor (NA exclusive magical girl) besides Riko Chiaki (11), Rika (already taken), and Emiri/Emily...

last edited at Apr 19, 2020 2:46PM

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

@Lilliwyt I'm messing with you. I agree it can still be friendship, but it also is very easily shipable and the experience they had could easily lead to romantic feelings. If they were boy and girl instead of 2 girls, I bet everyone would say they dated and nobody would ever question it (man, I really hate that double standard). Especially considering the kind of live megucas live leads to them bonding more strong with other megucas over their shared experience/fate, Yachiyo and Mifuyu could easily develop feelings for each other, even if they'd never acknowledge them and just treat them as a matter of fact/thought it was still just friendship, but as you said, technically, nothing is confirmed.

@Sakura Cartelet Yes Rika and yes I know her whole deal. Ren was my favorite girl when I first started playing and I rolled her banner and I ship her hard with Rika and lucky for me game pretty much made her and Ren canon so. Also I'm not sure what you tried to imply with spoiler portion.

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

@Nevri The spoilered part was from Rika's side story which details her wish and how she reacted after finding out what it really did to her beloved (who was not Ren at the time). She also talks with Hinano about this and Hinano consoles her (like a good big or in her case "little sister" would). I don't have Ren in my party so I have no opinion on Ren's side story which according to the wiki is a continuation of Rika's.

@EvelineClariss I don't think the mods will get too mad since we're discussing Magia Record ships, characters relationships (whether they are romantic, sexual, or otherwise) and how they relate to this image. Maybe anyway?

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