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joined Jan 14, 2020

WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT SEMPAI X ASUMI ??????? THAT TOTALLY CAME OUT OF LEFT FIELD, I'm baffled, I didn't expect that , too bad we didn't get to see it

No, it's a fakeout.

joined Jan 14, 2020
joined Jan 14, 2020

Soooo....not Yuri?

Just one woman being unable to keep her eyes off the other, and committing murder for her on short notice.

joined Jan 14, 2020

Also wtf senpai's hair was mint blue???? I always assumed she was blonde

I would just call that green myself, but I'd assumed the same thing. Hair color jumpscare.

joined Jan 14, 2020

On discord someone suggested that the blacked out page is actually about them flying somewhere for more whirlwind brothel touring. Quite possibly "I've never done it before" is simply about them flying on a plane.

joined Jan 14, 2020

Sakura wishing to make Chinese food is a gesture to invite Rin to tutor her

Thanks for this, and all your other commentary!

Citrus + discussion 25 May 01:55
joined Jan 14, 2020

The new Citrus spinoff, Capitalism+

joined Jan 14, 2020

stab each other with their fingers

joined Jan 14, 2020

Japanese curry is stew

how can you mess it up if you remotely follow a recipe

joined Jan 14, 2020

Komaki doesn’t get to decide her feelings are of love

Actually, yes she does. Because they're her feelings.

Wakaba is equally free to decide that Komaki's behavior is unacceptable, though she has not in fact done so.

joined Jan 14, 2020

Decent year for me so far. Sorry to hear yours is bad.

If you want something like an online community, joining the Discord might be better.

joined Jan 14, 2020

I just noticed that both Nae and Ibu seem to be clutching Umi's arms, though in different ways.

joined Jan 14, 2020


joined Jan 14, 2020

Yeah, I dunno how reliable it is, but I saw some video of young women in Japan being asked if they'd be okay with their boyfriend using a sex worker, and several said yes. "Better than cheating on me."

last edited at May 18, 2024 5:38PM

joined Jan 14, 2020

Ah at last, now the rest of us get to suffer the angst hinted at in the censored blocks. \o/

(Seriously, thank you.)

last edited at May 17, 2024 7:52PM

joined Jan 14, 2020

I wonder if this is the first yuri manga ever with an autistic mc?

I'd be surprised, but I dunno. Credits page says it was published in 2012, so it thrashes Blue Star On That Day's Shou Segawa.

...assuming the character in this one is autistic, which I dunno.

joined Jan 14, 2020

I don't even recall who Ao's gusher is.

joined Jan 14, 2020

This is a pretty niche problem, I imagine, but it's hopefully worth reporting. I use a pretty old tablet (a 10-year-old third-gen iPad) to read on, most of the time, and yesterday morning, it worked fine. Yesterday evening, not so much. I can see the cover/preview image for a series, and the thumbnails for associated images, but if I open a chapter or click on a thumbnail, I just get a blank box with a page number like "1" or an image id like "namename1207-img." I know losing compatibility comes with using ancient tech, but I'm hoping this won't be a permanent sadness.

I've never used an iPad. What's the bottleneck? Can you install a new version of Firefox or Chrome?

joined Jan 14, 2020

Should work better now, after complaining on Discord.

joined Jan 14, 2020

I have to use the Resize button to get turning to work, even if the images are fine.

joined Jan 14, 2020

ch 12 was kind of the Zumi chapter. I'm not sure she'd been named before then, though she'd appeared and spoken (about Shou)

That's true! But, it's weird. He's definitely alleged, but even on rereading a few days ago I didn't see any evidence of his existence. In that first convo about Ma-kun, she barely participates. She's completely off-panel for Nae's next story, and then shares this odd shot with Ibu-chan to close the scene. Then, she has a really funny exchange with forehead on the trip:

Interesting spots! I'd noticed Zumi and Ibu before, though my notes had it "Zumi looking at Ibu", but now I can see it as both of them being quietly thoughtful after Nae's "engagement".

Though I'd taken "hottie / he is?" simply as Zumi not being into that guy at all.

It's way too suspicious. I'm running with some alternative conspiracy here.

But what? Completely made up, as cover? Actually a girlfriend?

Question, this page

is that Nae saying "Nae doesn't belong to you"? There's like maybe a tiny word balloon tail pointing to her, but it could be some stray window art line... Nae does have a speaking-mouth there, and there's no one else to pin the line on, but it seems odd.

joined Jan 14, 2020

disinterest in romance

Zumiko is the first of the group to (allegedly) have a boyfriend, since before the story started. (How this will be reconciled with Operation: Get The Hell Out Of Here has not come up.) (I'm not sure alleged boyfriend has been given a name; I forget if we ever saw her talking to him on the phone.)

I realised I knew absolutely nothing about her...sorry, Makki. I'm sure you'll get the spotlight someday.

Yeah, she's been the least focused on of Umi's Seven. Apart from various background presence, she was in the play that Umi was kidnapped to in 13.2 (I think she was the justification for Umi being dragged off). And then she was REALLY enthusiastic about the Eisa play they saw in 17.1

...that's it. Or the only notable things in my notes, anyway.

joined Jan 14, 2020

People update Dynasty uploads all the time.

joined Jan 14, 2020

Oh, whoops. That should've been past tense, and "dangling" isn't really the right word either - threads tend to be teased long before they come to a head. As for my examples.

Got it, thanks.

  1. There are 2 here. Zumiko recounts the fish eyes story, which is the catalyst for this really sweet scene between Shou and Umi 3 chapters later. The thread is picked up again 3 chapters later when the bullies show up and it's revealed that Zumi was one of them. I feel like it'll come back around eventually, but I'm not too confident.

Ooh! I recall speculation that Zumiko had been one of the bullies, but I don't recall anyone having spotted her before. Hard to be certain, since so many girls look similar especially in that hair color, but yeah "Here she comes" girl looks like a young Zumi. She doesn't directly taunt Shou, but is at least adjacent to the bullying.

(And the other bullies do keep similar hair styles across ages, though I think one grew a ponytail. So yeah, probably Zumi.)

Possible threads like Ibu or Nae's feelings for Umi.

I've been waiting on some concrete Ibu development for 4 years! I guess true to her desires, she's just been kind of...static? I've become so used to her, I guess I stopped expecting anything at one point.

Yeah, she doesn't do much that we see, just lurks, tending to make scenes a bit worse. :p But lurks so often, vs. it taking me forever to be sure that the 7th girl even had a name (Makki).

last edited at May 8, 2024 8:22PM

joined Jan 14, 2020

Hmm, your three "dangling threads" links don't seem like they're dangling to me? Shou accepted Umi (first one), I'm not sure what's dangling with Zumiko (third), and as for the aquarium club (second)... Well the senpais almost all bailed, it's Shou and the third year who has to repeat, I guess we could get into recruiting members and whether Umi would feel jealousy for Shou getting new people in her life.

Possible threads like Ibu or Nae's feelings for Umi.