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joined Nov 18, 2017

“Sister’s can’t do this.”

Mochi Âu Lait has entered the chat.

joined Nov 18, 2017


A lot actually. Some of it absolutely fantastic like Zephyrs or Albaz or Wolrd Legacy. Even weird minor cards like Skull Servant are connected to staples.

joined Nov 18, 2017

This ygo any good? Looks quite unique the premise.

Also, YGO lore has the tendency to corrupt, maim or kill love interests, sometimes even multiple times.

Nah not really. For things like Zephyrs and World Legacy sure, but Skull Servant lore is pretty wholesome, Skystrike lore is as cool as it is gay, and love is like the one thing that saves everyone in Albaz lore.

last edited at Sep 14, 2023 3:22AM

joined Nov 18, 2017

This ygo any good? Looks quite unique the premise.

It's pretty fun, but super hard to get into. Start with either the anime or GOAT format and learn from there.

joined Nov 18, 2017

We need a new tag. I propose "Useless Lesbians", it's like "Idiot Couple", but they aren't a couple yet.

joined Nov 18, 2017

Kaela joining Shiro and Shiki in the Harem Route bad ending.

Image Comments 07 Feb 19:39
joined Nov 18, 2017

Yeah, I'm sorry to tell you but um... Aya doesn't have wings. Neither does Hatate. They both canonically don't have wings, and you can see this in their character portraits.

joined Nov 18, 2017

Just got a pound of Darjeeling, thank you Maitake2 for the great advice!

Image Comments 12 May 09:56
joined Nov 18, 2017

I'm surprised I don't see more art of these two. Sure, the series isn't exactly yuri, but these two have been rivals and very viable shipping candidates for a long time, and Act Age is just great.

Image Comments 12 May 09:54
joined Nov 18, 2017

^I posted literally two minutes ago, and realized right as I posted, how the heck did you comment so fast?

Image Comments 12 May 09:49
joined Nov 18, 2017

^^To clear up some information, here's how it is. Spoilers BTW for Volume 4 of the LN.

In the novel, all the characters are confirmed into her, all the girls are lesbians. As of now, she has been kissed (as in they kissed her btw, as she expresses no interest in guys) by two people, the Third Prince and her adopted brother. This follows the simple idea that she is getting to learn they love her based on the order in which they met her. Now, V5 is out, and I haven't read it yet, so I might be very wrong proven very soon, but my guess is that if we follow order based on meeting, Mary will be next. Plus, the last few pages of V4 implied that she was gonna get her own arc next.

Realistically, it will end one of two ways. Harem ending, or an incomplete ending where she doesn't get together with anybody. As of now, the latter is more likely, but harem is what I expect. That said, Maria does have hope. She's the only character in the series that Katrina, as far as I know, that she really shows interest in. She does show interest in Nicol somewhat, but not quite to the extent. And the villainess getting together with the protagonist is the most interesting outcome, so I have my prayers.

V5 EDIT: Reading the table of contents, it seems to be a filler volume -_-

last edited at May 12, 2020 9:53AM

Image Comments 12 May 09:41
joined Nov 18, 2017

She is absolutely thinking about what AkinomaHNU said she is. Either that or food.

Image Comments 08 May 04:35
joined Nov 18, 2017

Here's what y'all need to know from me, a LN reader.

Katrina as far as we know doesn't really seem gay or straight. She hasn't really shown interest in anyone, except maybe Maria, who she said has made her heart skip a beat and that she would marry if she were a guy.

The girls around her aren't straight at all. None of them have any form of interest in the opposite sex and all the girls are canonically in love with Katrina.

She has kissed two guys, but she kissed them in order of meeting, so if we assume this pattern continues, she'll next be kissed and confessed to by Mary, then another guy Alan, then a girl, Sophie, then Nicol, then Maria, and so on. The series is going through a huge change rn. Before, it was all about building the harem, while now, the game has begun and we're gonna get confession after confession. And I wouldn't be surprised if the new evil girl joins the harem too. Actually, I wouldn't call the series repetitive at all. All the characters have different back stories and character moments that really drive home their personalities. All have a specific reason to love Katrina and it's really touching sometimes. It would be kinda unfair for really any of them to lose. Sure, same general idea, they fall in love with Katrina and she doesn't realize, but that's being pretty broad, there's a lot of interest in how they meet and why they fall in love.

Most likely, it's gonna be a bi harem ending. The series heavily hints at a harem ending multiple times and it makes the most sense with both the direction of the story and the concept. As of now, she is romantically attracted to everyone equally (which is to say not at all) and relies on all of them equally. Guys and girls are treated pretty equally as rivals with no one gender being more obvious, Katrina relies on all of them to an extent, and it makes the most sense given the context of an Otome harem game.

Maria is best girl.

last edited at May 8, 2020 4:40AM

joined Nov 18, 2017

When she said her father died, I instantly scrolled up to check if the incest tag was there, was relieved it wasn't, then cursed myself when the wrist came.

joined Nov 18, 2017

I know it's the same Scanlator and all but I feel like we're getting a lot of useless lesbians tonight.

Image Comments 26 Apr 06:43
joined Nov 18, 2017

So, I gotta ask. Why does Juuna have her feet drawn in both panels but Nana doesn't in either of them?

Image Comments 26 Apr 06:41
joined Nov 18, 2017

For Maya and Claudine. I've never seen somebody with such a top personality get so heavily out topped before.

joined Nov 18, 2017

I know the ships are in Alphabetical Order and the ships themselves have no control over it, but come on. Claudine x Maya? Claudine would never be the top.

Yuru Oyako discussion 22 Apr 03:58
joined Nov 18, 2017

Stay home and stay safe everyone!

Honestly, for the last panel, I imagine she just takes a large sniff.

Image Comments 20 Apr 02:59
joined Nov 18, 2017

It looks like an oversized exercise tank top. I have a couple myself that I sometimes wear at home.

joined Nov 18, 2017

God, NicoMaki Is a gift. Also, love that Gurasu no Hanazono was playing during Eli and Nozomi's thing.

Image Comments 03 Apr 04:27
joined Nov 18, 2017

It's my 3rd favorite anime of all time. Beautiful art, likable complex characters, very emotional, and great, very human stories. It's pretty slow burn, so if you don't like slower paced shows, it might not be your style but is otherwise fantastic.

Image Comments 03 Apr 04:23
joined Nov 18, 2017

The series is fantastic. It's really sad, but also extremely hopeful and has a lot of happy moments, while the emotional moments hit different. Everyone knows episode 10 is a masterpiece, but 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 11 are all fantastic in their own right. Certainly not gratuitous tragedy either. There's a lot of tragedy, but all of it pushes a narrative and is mixed with a lot of lighter episodes.

last edited at Apr 3, 2020 4:24AM

joined Nov 18, 2017

This needs a “What the fuck am I reading“ tag

You're reading just... Girls being friends... Gals being Pals. Honestly. I realized it was a joke pretty quickly, I just wasn't sure where they were going until they mentioned undressing. I was certain after the not-friends called them gay.

last edited at Apr 2, 2020 4:30AM

joined Nov 18, 2017

Woww is this the same author who made that awful netorare? Ppl sure grow up :0

Naoko does most likely still like a bit of drama in a relationship, as she said in her other one page shorts, but might just not be in the mood for it or not wanna do it in one page.