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joined Dec 7, 2017

Aaahh I got it!! Lol the Ai and Chie one got me, I was like...okay? And then I saw the note on the next page and was like, OMG!

So essentially, for those of you unfamiliar with stereoscopic images, they're those 'magic eye' things you probably saw when you were a kid! But most of the time they're blocks of color/tiny images that only look like something AFTER you unfocus/cross your eyes, however you do it. This one was really cool- it looked like a pop-up book!

Also, in case anyone needs a different kind of tip (different things work for different people, so in case anyone is having trouble seeing it), what I do is just stare at one point on the image (images in this case) until my eyes unfocus. Then I slowly adjust my gaze (as in, how much I'm focusing, and on what parts of the image) until the image kind of...melts together. It's hard to describe, but the most important thing is to unfocus first so that you're not looking at the images separately.

I'm bad at describing these things- usually I go about things in my mind differently from others because of my Aspergers. For example, I heard of all of the methods people use to view these and none worked because it simply didn't translate well to my wavelength. I just kind of experimented and finally got it to work, haha. If this made no sense, check out some of the other answers, there are at least a few different methods listed here that you could try :)

last edited at Feb 22, 2022 11:29PM

joined Dec 7, 2017

Help I'm going blind in the latest chapter

Not sure if you're actually having trouble seeing it or just commenting on the optical illusion, lol, but just in case you do want tips, try looking at the images as a whole (without focusing on any details). Then let your eyes unfocus so that the images blur (I usually see double when this happens), and then SLOWLY adjust your line of sight until the image kind of...melts together.

I'm sorry, I'm really bad at explaining it- my brain often works a little differently than others' because of my Aspergers, so sometimes I have a hard time expressing my thought process in an understandable way. Check out some of the other posts on this page if this was just, totally confusing/unhelpful, haha. Different ways work best for everyone, and at least a couple other people have given different methods you could try :)

last edited at Feb 22, 2022 11:24PM

joined Feb 1, 2021

Wait, so this serie is more than a decade, is it worth getting invested in this? How's the yuri? I need to know, man what a undertaking, I'm scared. Anyone read it all? What's like your recommendation?

I started by reading a few chapters off the New Releases page, then kinda working backwards through the other chapters tagged with the couples I liked.

joined Jan 6, 2015

I've loved those kinds of 3D illusions since I was a kid, so much that uncrossing my eyes for them is incredibly easy for me now. I'd even daydream in class and find words and numbers that could match up in my textbooks.
For anyone trying to get it to work on their phone, try focusing past the phone at something else in the room until the images mesh.

Tsuki-chan Uploader
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

I think it's much harder to look at stereoscopic images like these for the first time. My suggestion is to look for real images on the net and print one on paper. It is much easier to learn the technique that works for you in that way. Then get used to do it on the phone.

joined May 23, 2013

Wait, so this serie is more than a decade, is it worth getting invested in this? How's the yuri? I need to know, man what a undertaking, I'm scared. Anyone read it all? What's like your recommendation?

It's definitely worth reading if you like comedic slice-of-life manga about gay high school girls. Some of them are dating, others are in a pre-relationship stage with their girl. It's a light, breezy read, aside from one couple, whose story deals with heavier themes.

Also, it takes the manga a few volumes to find its style. The early chapters have worse art, lewder content and meaner characters than its current form. Chie in particular ends up with a completely different personality from her original appearance in the first chapter.

joined Oct 2, 2021

Kcuk Sa yag

joined Feb 21, 2019

Ai x Chie chapters are always great :D best couple for a reason

joined Jul 31, 2013

More chie boobs and butt please

joined May 20, 2013

243.04 - But ALL chests are naked under something, if you think about it...

joined May 12, 2020

Chie looked so fucking cozy, it made me wanna sleep.

joined Jan 28, 2019

Ai just had the revelation that everyone is naked under their clothes

joined Dec 11, 2017

Wait, so this serie is more than a decade, is it worth getting invested in this? How's the yuri? I need to know, man what a undertaking, I'm scared. Anyone read it all? What's like your recommendation?

It's fluffy slice of life. The art is pretty cute and sexy, the relationship dynamics are cute and they do develop over time, but don't really expect a plot.

joined Dec 11, 2017

243.04 - But ALL chests are naked under something, if you think about it...

Yeah, but what she's noticing, after the fact, is that her pyjamas were bunched up above her breasts So only the sheets were preserving her modesty, and she wasn't really being careful. Ai is realizing she was really close to getting a show.

joined Sep 2, 2021

The shirt somehow always rolling up the chest while sleeping is so accurate. I cannot count how many times during the night I spend pulling my shirt down.

joined Feb 18, 2015

Did anyone get the 3D thing to work? And if you did do you have a raging headache afterward? And, DAYAM! Ai certainly knows when to call! That's your future girl! Enjoy it!

joined Feb 25, 2022

Wasn't there a disclaimer note a few chapters back that the author planned to make this into a weekly/bi-weekly release or am I misremembering?

The english translations are behind the official releases by 9 releases now, 5 minis and 4 episodes. Most of them are available for free on Shonen Jump’s site if you want to take a look.

joined Nov 6, 2021

You guys weren't joking, thanks, love it. Especially everything with Kaoru, Shizuka and Mio that makes you want to tear your heart out, 10/10 drama, would cry again.
Also Yuu and Mari, love fucked up relationships like that, so much fun. ofc all of the relationships are great, amazing serie.

And damn these translators at the end page keep making my day, hilarious, great work.

joined Dec 9, 2021

Wasn't there a disclaimer note a few chapters back that the author planned to make this into a weekly/bi-weekly release or am I misremembering?

The english translations are behind the official releases by 9 releases now, 5 minis and 4 episodes. Most of them are available for free on Shonen Jump’s site if you want to take a look.

I hope,that the chads crew are translating again. I could use my Otome no teikoku fix right now....

joined Sep 1, 2021

Seriously, am I the only one wondering what Ai's problem is lately? This is supposed to be the developed relationship ... the one that began so looong ago with all that boob-fondling and nipple-flashing. Why does she seem to be getting more bashful about everything lately?

joined Jan 4, 2018

I always appreciate the credit page creativity. Love it

Tsuki-chan Uploader
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

Buhawi posted:

Wasn't there a disclaimer note a few chapters back that the author planned to make this into a weekly/bi-weekly release or am I misremembering?

The english translations are behind the official releases by 9 releases now, 5 minis and 4 episodes. Most of them are available for free on Shonen Jump’s site if you want to take a look.

I hope,that the chads crew are translating again. I could use my Otome no teikoku fix right now....

We had a problem because our main translator that is missing for some time now... She was our main translator for more than 200 chapters and I didn't want anyone to tae up her role, but now it has become more serious. So we have our secondary translator doing that but they are more busy. We might be looking for a new translator soon if they can't maki it. But rest assured we're still here!

joined Oct 2, 2021

Mental telepathic projection to Kishi -san.


joined Sep 23, 2021

Seriously, am I the only one wondering what Ai's problem is lately? This is supposed to be the developed relationship ... the one that began so looong ago with all that boob-fondling and nipple-flashing. Why does she seem to be getting more bashful about everything lately?

to be fair to her the tone of the series has changed somewhat in that time. which is kind of a meta point i guess but hey.

anyway, always nice to see a bit of mariri and mayuyu!

joined May 23, 2013

So we have our secondary translator doing that but they are more busy. We might be looking for a new translator soon if they can't maki it. But rest assured we're still here!

Someone on /u/ translated several of the main chapters recently. Did you guys notice that?

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