It's different for me lmao I don't mind the short hair one being the dominant either way but I go for the type of characters that surprise you xD whether they are the most feminine or not I like seeng different dominance in relationships. Kind of like when ever we get a Madoka x Homura dounjin and we have Madoka being the dominant one (you know cause everyone expects Homura to be the one in control. Similar to everyone expecting to have a short hair character in control) Anyways, I love that type of stuff, though I also don't mind having Humora being dominant either, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that I love surprises in relationships as well as I don't mind seeing both couple taking turns being dominant I think it makes things more exiting!! Plus short hair girls being submissive at times is cute and out of character which in my book is a plus!! Just cause you have short hair doesn't make you the one who wears the pants ;)
But regardless I love all sorts ships so this one is one of them! The pics is adorable!!
last edited at Jun 16, 2015 4:34PM