Estamos falando de genshin, um mundo com magia onde com certeza é possível fazer algo pra keqing viver por mais tempo
finally the second part
Muito fofo, sim, eu tenho fetiche por pelos pubianos ;-;
Too late Fate-chan.
Where the 3some at???
They gonna be spending a longer time than normal in the bath when u know whats about to go down in there.
Shes like "where tf do I fit in this shit?!"
That's adorable
I second that this art style is lovely
The art style here reminds me very vaguely of Maiqo
Nina gets Momoka...Tomo gets Rupa...but what does Subaru get? PAID.
^^ Oh my. Her horn is indeed blushing.
Nah this is a normal day in Vivi's life.
Girls when they're bored
She put all(3) her braincells to focus for that one
Subaru gets all the braincells
"Don't goat me wrong"
Ah.. Was such a good ship while it lasted.. Damn you Wise. ;.;
play the game, ship is fine
^ not really. Hoyo really hurt it with that Wise trailer
Crushed to death by her crush, and she's loving every moment of it
Literally play the most recent patch. It’s all about Evelyn and Astra. The agents are always gonna flirt with the proxies that’s just the game. Also play as Belle. The game becomes extremely yuri and Wise is just a goofball.
Very nice! :D
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