Forum › Hime-chan Is a Needy Woman discussion

joined Nov 13, 2022

Needy lesbian and needy gay man solidarity!!

last edited at Feb 19, 2024 10:35AM

joined Jul 31, 2019

I thought this was a little bit deranged but then I read the translator's note and it only makes me more worried to be quite honest lmao

... but I'll try to keep my mind as open as I am able to

last edited at Feb 19, 2024 7:39AM

joined May 20, 2013

I'm not big on some of the designs but this first chapter made me laugh a couple times so i'll stick with it and see where it goes. It has potential!

joined Oct 25, 2022

Oh, this seems fun!

Nosebleed Uploader
Helvetica Scans
joined Sep 11, 2014

I thought this was a little bit deranged but then I read the translator's note and it only makes me more worried to be quite honest lmao

My conundrum was that I really wanted people to give it a chance and not be creeped out by Himeno, but I also realized no matter how I worded it it would always have some underlying meaning to some lol. Still, I really do love all these dorks so I hope you'll give them a chance. I know it won't be everyone's cup of tea (what is anyway), but if my message persuaded at least one extra person I'm happy.

last edited at Feb 19, 2024 8:04AM

joined Oct 29, 2023

knew this was gonna be good from the moment I saw that busted ass phone screen

joined Aug 4, 2020


joined Sep 10, 2023

OK but the cracked phone screen is too real for me

joined May 25, 2023

i can very much relate to himeno. seems like a cute story^^

joined Oct 19, 2020

I don't think that being anxious after more than 24 hours of no contact is being needy. It felt like a fairly normal reaction to me. I'm actually surprised that she wasn't banging at her g/f doors after about 12 hours of no contact. No normal person just goes off the grid for that long with no prior notice of some kind. If anyone's weird here, it's Yoru.

last edited at Feb 19, 2024 11:15AM

joined Sep 14, 2022

The little details in this are really nice so far, I really like the stylized contents page and her phone being broken as a detail. Also Yoru's excuse for not responding is immediately sus, my headcanon right now is she's the type who gets off on worrying her partner and so she will actively neglect her to get a rise.

joined Jan 15, 2021

I don't think that being anxious after more than 24 hours of no contact is being needy. It felt like a fairly normal reaction to me. I'm actually surprised that she wasn't banging at her g/f doors after about 12 hours of no contact. No normal person just goes off the grid for that long with no prior notice of some kind. If anyone's weird here, it's Yoru.

Well, I guess this is one of those stories you can't treat too seriously.

I don't find someone dropping off the grid for a day or two all that unusual. There have been instances where I've gone weeks or a couple of months without calling or texting people. Not that there was anything wrong, just that I had nothing to say. I'll admit I'm not normal and I can't recall anyone ever accusing me of being normal either, so take it as you will.

joined May 12, 2020

I love her already. My girl is EXRTREME but she is so lovable. A little self reflection goes a long way in a character.

joined Aug 2, 2023

The little details in this are really nice so far, I really like the stylized contents page and her phone being broken as a detail. Also Yoru's excuse for not responding is immediately sus, my headcanon right now is she's the type who gets off on worrying her partner and so she will actively neglect her to get a rise.

I agree with the conclusion but not the antecedent.

As they aren't living together or anything, a mere 28 hours of silence is perfectly acceptable and must not mean you're avoiding your partner. But really, a cold? From my experience, bed-ridden people use their phone more, not less.

joined Mar 19, 2022

I can imagine the topics might be a bit heavy in the future, but I'm enjoying the light nature of the work. I suppose the comedy relies on the anxiety of everything going to worst, but that everything just works out in the end, however that is kind of reassuring in a way. Like a un-decatastrophization, you imagine the worst case scenario but just as you do you find out it didn't happen, but you're still catastrophe mode lol.

Thanks for sharing this!

last edited at Feb 19, 2024 12:12PM

joined Aug 14, 2020

I'm just gonna say it, I think Hime might, in fact, be a needy woman.

joined Oct 16, 2018

Thanks for translating this.

And what was that Phone screen LOL

I feel you, Yoru.
When I was in college, I would rather lie in bed, feeling rotten and sleep instead of staring at the screen of my phone while my eyes and throat burned. It's a pain to be sick and worry your girlfriend too, I think.

joined Jul 24, 2020

her? not him?

joined Feb 20, 2023

After reading the TN I'm more interested. I like genuinely flawed and complex characters.

Also lmao at "Let's get life insurance"

joined Feb 28, 2015

Such an adorable Translator Note at the end, manga too. We like disaster lesbians here

joined Oct 19, 2020

I don't find someone dropping off the grid for a day or two all that unusual. There have been instances where I've gone weeks or a couple of months without calling or texting people. Not that there was anything wrong, just that I had nothing to say. I'll admit I'm not normal and I can't recall anyone ever accusing me of being normal either, so take it as you will.

There is nothing wrong with just not contacting friends all that much, or not starting at the screen all day when you're sick. There is nothing wrong with any of that if there isn't someone expecting you.

But you should at least message your s/o "hey, I'm sick" at some point during the day. I don't say they should have a conversation, but a status heads-up is something you would expect in a relationship. If it's a one-time thing because you were so dead that you somehow did not wake up for 28 hours straight, then sure. But the nonchalance with which she came back in, after seeing the whole day of one-sided messages on her phone, feels a little disturbing to me.

That's why I think that there is something wrong - in a completely opposite direction to Hime, with Yoru. I'm getting flashbacks to "Koi no Zetsubou Koushin Kyoku", with how dissociated she seems.

joined Aug 21, 2017

neuroticism pog

joined Sep 27, 2017

I don't find someone dropping off the grid for a day or two all that unusual. There have been instances where I've gone weeks or a couple of months without calling or texting people. Not that there was anything wrong, just that I had nothing to say. I'll admit I'm not normal and I can't recall anyone ever accusing me of being normal either, so take it as you will.

There is nothing wrong with just not contacting friends all that much, or not starting at the screen all day when you're sick. There is nothing wrong with any of that if there isn't someone expecting you.

But you should at least message your s/o "hey, I'm sick" at some point during the day. I don't say they should have a conversation, but a status heads-up is something you would expect in a relationship. If it's a one-time thing because you were so dead that you somehow did not wake up for 28 hours straight, then sure. But the nonchalance with which she came back in, after seeing the whole day of one-sided messages on her phone, feels a little disturbing to me.

That's why I think that there is something wrong - in a completely opposite direction to Hime, with Yoru. I'm getting flashbacks to "Koi no Zetsubou Koushin Kyoku", with how dissociated she seems.

Yeah I feel like if she was awake at some point during those 28 hours of recovery a little heads up would have been good, especially knowing that her girlfriend worries a lot.

joined Jun 12, 2023

I came for the Tomboy tag... And then I became quite interested in this one, especially because of the translation note

joined Jun 21, 2021

a series like this (and the comments it gets from ppl) nicely demonstrates how vast the difference in needs can be for people and why it is crucial to talk about these things with your partners and never assume what is and isn't "normal" in a relationship~

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