The attitude of the handsome girl in page 4 makes one wonder if she's hetero... 
Isn't obvious since she is joining a mixer? I wonder if anyone left the mixer straight aside from the guys there.
The girl on the far right might be a lesbian to begin with. You can see her with her hand on the girl on the center's shoulder on the first page, and she seems a bit jealous that the center girl is trying to feed Kazeno on the last page.
Also something like this is probably only a social obligation. I'm pretty sure that's why the other women are there, as they're all bored until the handsome woman shows up. That and Muromaki makes lesbian centered content, I don't think she's intending for any of the women to be straight to begin with. Some of the characters in her works might be bi, but the stories and character interactions have always centered around same-sex relationships.
last edited at Jan 25, 2024 8:25PM