Forum › Sorry but I'm Not Into Yuri discussion

joined Sep 30, 2017

Didn we miss the "Summer Festival (1)"?

joined Jun 21, 2021

Didn we miss the "Summer Festival (1)"?

Summer Festival (1) was Chapter 30, before the Dodgeball Arc.

joined Oct 14, 2014

I was hoping she'd bring back the love potion in the worst way possible on those third years LMAO

joined Jun 8, 2022

Honestly, I was thinking to myself: 'If Toudou hadn't had character development, she would have gone in there half-cocked trying to bluff them that she had some kind of authority only to end up in a gofer position and come up with the brilliant idea of dosing them.' Which, y'know, would be a terrible position to be in for someone who isn't into yuri.

joined Apr 10, 2023

Genuinely laughed out loud at Mitsuya-sensei's introduction. And at the phrase "We've got sweet fuck all for members," lmao. What an inspired translation choice.

joined Jul 31, 2019

I fully expected Banryuu's Yakuza connections to come in handy, but Mochi apparently thought (probably correctly) a teacher with big tits is better for the job

joined Mar 31, 2023

Genuinely laughed out loud at Mitsuya-sensei's introduction.


joined Aug 18, 2015

I like how we don't get any information on Mitsuya other than "former delinquent" and "she's a top".

Only the most important things. What does she teach? Doesn't matter, she's a top.

last edited at Jan 6, 2025 12:53PM

joined Aug 12, 2019

Some of these teachers are just entirely shameless aren't they lmao

"hottest teacher at this school", "they need to breathe", "did nothing wrong", and "who?". yeah, the school is lucky to have these teachers.

joined Aug 12, 2019

I was hoping she'd bring back the love potion in the worst way possible on those third years LMAO

I would love to see that happening. the third years joining in to TD's unintentional yuri harem.

joined Oct 29, 2024

She did nothing wrong, indeed

joined Aug 19, 2018

I stopped reading in mid 2023 to give the story more time to keep going and man has alot happened in the story since then. Heck, TD's character changed dramatically since then, and I'm happy to see her grow into a better person. Her glasses bf has not changed at all, which is both funny and sad at the same time

joined Jan 1, 2024

i adore this series for a lot of reasons but the biggest one is that toudou is such a unique and great protagonist for a yuri series. Don’t get me wrong, i love an introspective lesbian yearning type heroine too, but i have a lot of those already. Toudou is great and her slow development into a better(?) more mature person is really engaging because she starts out as this selfish, perverted little gremlin, and honestly that spirit doesn’t leave her even if she starts to be a little nicer to people around her. so many yuri stories just like to paint women as these perfect innocent creatures and don’t get me wrong, i love women, but i love real women, women who act stupid and get horny and make friends and fall in love and fall out of love and make big mistakes and get too bigheaded etc…. Toudou is extremely likeable because she isn’t likeable, and that’s why she’s peak. Anyway, i feel like she’s going to end up either with Hanei or alone or in some kind of harem lmfao

joined Jun 21, 2021

I love how TD just inexplicably developed massive amounts of rizz and utilizes it unknowingly but with reckless abandon xD

joined Jun 8, 2022

I feel it's a situation where she always had the potential, but desperation and lack of confidence were holding her down. Remember that chapter with the ghosts?

She's clearly got some kind of innate magnetism to her, given that that scene is before she doses the ghosts accidentally. Once she got actual non-awful friends and some genuine love she was able to get out of her own way.

joined Jan 12, 2018

English wasn't my native language so I was forced to search for some idioms explanation. You can probably figure it out from the context, but I was curious about idioms source.

Ch.40 page 6:

She wears her heart on her sleeve.

We use the phrase "wear your heart on your sleeve" in a casual way to say that we are showing our intimate emotions in an honest and open manner. ... In the Middle Ages, sleeve not only referred to a part of a garment covering the arm but to a piece of armor for covering and protecting the arm. When participating in a joust, knights would often dedicate their performance to a lady of the court and wear something of hers, such as a scarf or ribbon, around their sleeve of armor, which indicated to the tournament's spectators which lady the knight favored. This chivalrous and affectionate gesture may be the source of the saying "wear your heart on your sleeve."

The Origins of "Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve"

Ch.40 page 7:

... this time for all the marbles!

"For all the marbles" means for complete victory or to earn or win all the prizes. ... The idiom for all the marbles came into use in the latter-1800s and is derived from the childhood game of marbles. Children often played marble games that involved the victor keeping and owning captured marbles. In this type of marble game, a shot may be said to be for all the marbles.

For all the marbles Idiom Definition

History and idiom lessons with yuri manga. Thanks for the educational translation!

joined Sep 28, 2011

Todou is the perfect mix between an asshole and a saint. I love that dumbass so much, she's hilarious

joined Jan 30, 2013

this girl is wayyy too lucky

joined Feb 27, 2022

dubious consent but boy howdy the grinding was hot

joined Jan 30, 2017

The love potion finally comes back, and it was even used consensually? How things change.

joined Aug 17, 2024

If Rin hears of it, she's in for a paddlin'.

joined Jun 22, 2018

Can't help but shed a proud tear for our homegirl TD who's gone from "I'm not into yuri, I'm just drugging these girls for research purposes" to proudly proclaiming she has a girlfriend (after actually consentually giving out a love potion knowing full well what would happen)
The future is looking bright for our goofball MC

joined May 22, 2024

1000th comment!

Can't help but shed a proud tear for our homegirl TD who's gone from "I'm not into yuri, I'm just drugging these girls for research purposes" to proudly proclaiming she has a girlfriend (after actually consentually giving out a love potion knowing full well what would happen)
The future is looking bright for our goofball MC

I wonder if she will replace her old catchphrase with "Sorry but I already have a girlfriend" every time someone tries to fuck her in the future...

last edited at Feb 2, 2025 6:13AM

joined Jan 3, 2022

If Rin hears of it, she's in for a paddlin'.

Deadass, they’re both getting murdered

I wonder if this counts as cheating?? Toudou is soooo goddamn dumb for falling to that bluff/lie lmaoo

joined Jan 3, 2022

Toudou is extremely likeable because she isn’t likeable, and that’s why she’s peak. Anyway, i feel like she’s going to end up either with Hanei or alone or in some kind of harem lmfao

She isn’t a complete asshole anymore tho— she’s actually graduated from being an ass to being a regular girl with douche bag tendencies— a lot of people like bein relied on cuz it makes them feel good (in the way that Toudou explained) she’s likeable cuz she’s flawed, shamelessly selfish, and also bold enough to defend what she wants

I think it’s gonna go the harem route at this rate

last edited at Feb 2, 2025 7:19AM

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