Forum › The Blue Star on That Day (Ano Koro no Aoi Hoshi) discussion

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

rainbow8 posted:

Ooh! I recall speculation that Zumiko had been one of the bullies, but I don't recall anyone having spotted her before. Hard to be certain, since so many girls look similar especially in that hair color, but yeah "Here she comes" girl looks like a young Zumi. She doesn't directly taunt Shou, but is at least adjacent to the bullying.

(And the other bullies do keep similar hair styles across ages, though I think one grew a ponytail. So yeah, probably Zumi.)

I'm super confident it's her! There's some other hints she was less involved in the bullying, too. Umi reacts positively to the fish eyes story, so she probably wasn't badmouthing Shou. In Shou's flashback on that incident, the ch13 bullies are carrying out the act, with presumed-Zumiko standing back. In both sequences, the other girls all get dialogue and joyous expressions, while she's noticeably obscured aside from that initial line. She feels intentionally mysterious in a way the others don't. I'm really hopeful some of the disparate bits of her personality - wanting to leave, disinterest in romance, interest in Shou/Umi, former friend group - will come together at some point.

I've been waiting on some concrete Ibu development for 4 years! I guess true to her desires, she's just been kind of...static? I've become so used to her, I guess I stopped expecting anything at one point.

Yeah, she doesn't do much that we see, just lurks, tending to make scenes a bit worse. :p But lurks so often, vs. it taking me forever to be sure that the 7th girl even had a name (Makki).

I was so offended for Makki when your character summaries didn't have her named...and then I realised I knew absolutely nothing about her...sorry, Makki. I'm sure you'll get the spotlight someday.

joined Jan 14, 2020

disinterest in romance

Zumiko is the first of the group to (allegedly) have a boyfriend, since before the story started. (How this will be reconciled with Operation: Get The Hell Out Of Here has not come up.) (I'm not sure alleged boyfriend has been given a name; I forget if we ever saw her talking to him on the phone.)

I realised I knew absolutely nothing about her...sorry, Makki. I'm sure you'll get the spotlight someday.

Yeah, she's been the least focused on of Umi's Seven. Apart from various background presence, she was in the play that Umi was kidnapped to in 13.2 (I think she was the justification for Umi being dragged off). And then she was REALLY enthusiastic about the Eisa play they saw in 17.1

...that's it. Or the only notable things in my notes, anyway.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

rainbow8 posted:

disinterest in romance

Zumiko is the first of the group to (allegedly) have a boyfriend, since before the story started. (How this will be reconciled with Operation: Get The Hell Out Of Here has not come up.) (I'm not sure alleged boyfriend has been given a name; I forget if we ever saw her talking to him on the phone.)

That's true! But, it's weird. He's definitely alleged, but even on rereading a few days ago I didn't see any evidence of his existence. In that first convo about Ma-kun, she barely participates. She's completely off-panel for Nae's next story, and then shares this odd shot with Ibu-chan to close the scene. Then, she has a really funny exchange with forehead on the trip:

"Whoa, our tour guide's a total hottie!"
"He is?"

Then in the bath, she's the one who expresses doubt about love at first sight, and then totally disappears from the conversation! It's way too suspicious. I'm running with some alternative conspiracy here.

I realised I knew absolutely nothing about her...sorry, Makki. I'm sure you'll get the spotlight someday.

Yeah, she's been the least focused on of Umi's Seven. Apart from various background presence, she was in the play that Umi was kidnapped to in 13.2 (I think she was the justification for Umi being dragged off). And then she was REALLY enthusiastic about the Eisa play they saw in 17.1

...that's it. Or the only notable things in my notes, anyway.

She's really jealous of Nae's relationship...that's all I got!

joined Jan 14, 2020

ch 12 was kind of the Zumi chapter. I'm not sure she'd been named before then, though she'd appeared and spoken (about Shou)

That's true! But, it's weird. He's definitely alleged, but even on rereading a few days ago I didn't see any evidence of his existence. In that first convo about Ma-kun, she barely participates. She's completely off-panel for Nae's next story, and then shares this odd shot with Ibu-chan to close the scene. Then, she has a really funny exchange with forehead on the trip:

Interesting spots! I'd noticed Zumi and Ibu before, though my notes had it "Zumi looking at Ibu", but now I can see it as both of them being quietly thoughtful after Nae's "engagement".

Though I'd taken "hottie / he is?" simply as Zumi not being into that guy at all.

It's way too suspicious. I'm running with some alternative conspiracy here.

But what? Completely made up, as cover? Actually a girlfriend?

Question, this page

is that Nae saying "Nae doesn't belong to you"? There's like maybe a tiny word balloon tail pointing to her, but it could be some stray window art line... Nae does have a speaking-mouth there, and there's no one else to pin the line on, but it seems odd.

joined Jan 14, 2020

I just noticed that both Nae and Ibu seem to be clutching Umi's arms, though in different ways.

joined Apr 5, 2023

I just noticed that both Nae and Ibu seem to be clutching Umi's arms, though in different ways.

You're right, that's really cute. I love the attention to detail in this work so much

joined Oct 25, 2023

I just noticed that both Nae and Ibu seem to be clutching Umi's arms, though in different ways.

Nae: I want to be really good friends.

Ibu: I want you to be my mama.

joined Jan 14, 2020

I just discovered

It feels similar in some ways to Blue Star. Though probably not as well done; not as tightly detailed, and the whole school situation is confusing to me. (Maybe I just don't know Chinese schools.)

joined Nov 9, 2019

I never post a comment in this kind of forum since I don't exactly have something particularly relevant to write. However, since this manga is rather niche, there's not a lot of place to discuss about it.

I originally wanted to share how much I was loving this manga; I definitely agree with everyone on every Blue Stars' strong points; however, it would be a bit pointless since it will not bring anything new on the table.

Instead, I will try to point some aspects of the manga that I think some people "missed". It might be me tripping after my n+1 re-reading of it, but I still would like to put my impressions in words and see if other readers agree or not with me.

One of the main anchor of the relationship between Umi and Shou is the fundamental question of Shou's mother. The manga still didn't give any answer about it and, in my opinion, the author play around it. My interpretation of that element is mostly symbolic since, when it comes to those moments when Shou shared her knowledge to Umi (especially at the beginning of the manga), the "atmosphere" surrounding Umi and Shou shift a lot (becoming very ethereal, oniric; out of this world). However, it's essential to notice that Umi is still a foreign presence in this little world of Shou and, therefore, Shou is still somewhat isolated and alone.

This is how I'm explaining the meaning of that supposed mermaid: this is basically a desillusion of Shou, a way to cope with her current self and how she retract herself towards everybody. It’s not a lot, but I have one “element” to support this statement.

That element is located at Chap 2 ( and Chap 14.2 ( The parallel with that “water drop” encapsulate the progression of the relation between Umi and Shou: not only the love between them, Shou, at the contact of Umi, change a lot; she’s aware about her flaws, her loneliness, her incapacity at understanding social interaction and bounding with other people. The thing is that the first “water drop” shows that her “obsession” with the mermaid (and, by extension, her own center of interest) completely outweigh any social awareness and, this is my interpretation, the author, in that specific way, convey how Shou’s flaws would, later, lead to something noxious. Furthermore, after this chapter, there’s no mention of that mermaid; in fact, the aura surrounding Shou and Umi is completely different: the light is bright and the sand is warm.

I will add more later when I will have time.

last edited at Jul 29, 2024 6:49PM

joined Jan 14, 2020

Welcome to our very small club, MechaShade!

That's an interesting contrast to highlight, yeah. Ch 2, Shou runs to investigate the splash, whether to find "the mermaid" or investigate fishy stuff, I'm not sure. Ch 14, ignores it entirely in favor of Umi. Sort of a transition or closure point.

after this chapter,

Did you mean after 2 or after 14.2?

last edited at Jul 30, 2024 11:45AM

joined Nov 9, 2019

Did you mean after 2 or after 14.2?

After 14.2 (and also during this one as well).

joined Jan 31, 2018

This is one of those unfortunately rare stories here that doesn't rely on drama or any weird gimmick to keep it interesting, just the dynamic of two people who love one another, rare but at least they do exist!

last edited at Jul 30, 2024 11:19AM

joined Dec 7, 2022

So how are we interpreting Shou's reaction at the end of 17.2?

Shou is turned on by Umi for the first time, too embarrassed to share a futon with her, and too hot and bothered to sleep that night? Or perhaps Shou realizes that Umi is physically attracted to her and is too freaked out/disgusted to share a futon with Umi...?

It's definitely gotta be the first one or something close to that. I can't see Shou being disgusted by Umi's feelings. But with lack of dialogue after the kiss, one can never be too sure lol

joined Jan 14, 2020

I'm leaning toward "sudden sexual awakening" myself, but yeah it's hard to be sure. Shou just mumbles and blushes a bunch.

joined Jan 14, 2020

Re-read. New visual detail: Fuki sweat-dropping when Umi runs out to find Shou.

joined Jan 14, 2020

Heh, this early, most of the characters haven't even been named, but we can still see a grouping that stays consistent (and is consistent with the sports groupings earlier):

(first panel) Yumi, Nae, Zumi in the back (closest to us). Ibu and Yosshi side by side. Ken and Maki furthest up. (Plus some other girl beyond.)
Oh, Yosshi gets named next page.

Just realized that Ibu is so non-participating that she's not even wearing an apron like (almost) everyone else.

Just realized that Ibu and Yosshi are among rare anime/manga girls who don't have bangs. (Also Fuki, and I guess Zumiko.)

Huh, lower right panel implies Umi has an older brother, as well as younger. I don't recall that
Detail of Umi blushing from practical handholding.

joined Jan 14, 2020

Names and honorifics

I'm a sucker for how people get called different things (like Fate's 6 names in Nanoha A's, none of which are "Testrossa-san".) I realized there's stuff to mine here, too.

Umi: something about her makes almost everyone jump from 'Koumoto-san' (or '-senpai') straight to 'Umi'; I don't think Shou has ever used 'Umi-chan'. Ibu says 'Koumoto', and a couple of old middle school friends said 'Koumoto-chan' and 'Umi-chan', also Fuki 'Umi-chan' on the very first page, but mostly people are either fully formal or totally informal.

Umi herself is a heavy -chan user, using Nacchan for Nae and Zumi-chan for Zumiko. Switches between 'Shou' and 'Shou-chan', though 'Shou' in her thoughts and their private moments.

Much of the friend group is on a personal name or nickname non-honorific basis. Yosshi (Yoshida) is always just that, Maki is usually Makki (even to Umi). Zumi is usually Zumiko (except for Umi). Nae is often Nae, sometimes Nae-chan or Nacchan. Ibu is Ibu-san or -chan usually, but Yuuki to Yosshi.

Or grouping things by what people use for others:

Umi: mostly -chan, except for 'Shou' and 'Makki', also 'Kosugi' (the first camera girl)

Yosshi: uses 'Umi', 'Yuuki', 'Zumiko', 'Nae', 'Makki' -- I didn't notice a single -chan out of her

Maki: 'Yosshi', 'Zumiko', 'Nae'

Nae: 'Umi', 'Ken-chan', 'Ibu-chan'

Ken: 'Nae', 'Yosshi', 'Makki'

Ibu: 'Koumoto', 'Makki' (once); I didn't note her talking to or about anyone else. Well, 'Hey, glasses' to talk to Baba.

Some interactions just have no evidence, either I missed them or they don't happen. Like, even in the friend group, seems like most girls don't bother talking to Ibu. (Even Nae's 'Ibu-chan' was more "is she okay?") I don't think Maki has been showing talking to Umi.

I'm leaving out the default 'lastname-san', and the teachers, who seem to use 'lastname' or 'lastname-san' at random.

joined Oct 25, 2023

Names and honorifics

I'm a sucker for how people get called different things (like Fate's 6 names in Nanoha A's, none of which are "Testrossa-san".) I realized there's stuff to mine here, too.

Umi: something about her makes almost everyone jump from 'Koumoto-san' (or '-senpai') straight to 'Umi'; I don't think Shou has ever used 'Umi-chan'. Ibu says 'Koumoto', and a couple of old middle school friends said 'Koumoto-chan' and 'Umi-chan', also Fuki 'Umi-chan' on the very first page, but mostly people are either fully formal or totally informal.

Umi herself is a heavy -chan user, using Nacchan for Nae and Zumi-chan for Zumiko. Switches between 'Shou' and 'Shou-chan', though 'Shou' in her thoughts and their private moments.

Much of the friend group is on a personal name or nickname non-honorific basis. Yosshi (Yoshida) is always just that, Maki is usually Makki (even to Umi). Zumi is usually Zumiko (except for Umi). Nae is often Nae, sometimes Nae-chan or Nacchan. Ibu is Ibu-san or -chan usually, but Yuuki to Yosshi.

Or grouping things by what people use for others:

Umi: mostly -chan, except for 'Shou' and 'Makki', also 'Kosugi' (the first camera girl)

Yosshi: uses 'Umi', 'Yuuki', 'Zumiko', 'Nae', 'Makki' -- I didn't notice a single -chan out of her

Maki: 'Yosshi', 'Zumiko', 'Nae'

Nae: 'Umi', 'Ken-chan', 'Ibu-chan'

Ken: 'Nae', 'Yosshi', 'Makki'

Ibu: 'Koumoto', 'Makki' (once); I didn't note her talking to or about anyone else. Well, 'Hey, glasses' to talk to Baba.

Some interactions just have no evidence, either I missed them or they don't happen. Like, even in the friend group, seems like most girls don't bother talking to Ibu. (Even Nae's 'Ibu-chan' was more "is she okay?") I don't think Maki has been showing talking to Umi.

I'm leaving out the default 'lastname-san', and the teachers, who seem to use 'lastname' or 'lastname-san' at random.

All this would go well on a spreadsheet. Might as well make it as this point since you've already gathered all the data for it. :D

joined Jan 14, 2020

Now I wonder about Nae's family:

family's orchard, "that means your parents approve of him"

"no one lives here but grandpa and grandma"

Does she have living parents? Did she grow up on the orchard, or did the parents go a bit more urban, but she plans to inherit the orchard from the gramps?

joined Dec 2, 2022

binged the series till vol 6 while having a big smile on face the whole time :) this was sooo good , love the fact that author didn't see the need to introduce drama and stuff with those bullies like any other yuri author would've done ( in a webtoon yuri that kinda thing becomes a given . . . i wonder why :| ) and i love kuudere yuri the best , this is seriously a chef kiss for me , waiting for more chapters

joined Jan 14, 2020

Amazon Japan still only has 6 volumes. :bocchicry:

joined Aug 7, 2019

new volume is out!!!

augh i cant access it rn though cause i lost the number to activate my jp acc and i forgot how i was able to make it accessible to my country

joined Aug 7, 2019

new volume is out!!!

augh i cant access it rn though cause i lost the number to activate my jp acc and i forgot how i was able to make it accessible to my country

update i have read it >:3 without going too much into spoiler territory i feel the same sentiments as before that umi and shou's story is giving me doomed yuri vibes because of the bittersweet moments, i looked at what the jp folks had to say on twitter too and i'm glad (and scared) they feel the same

joined Oct 19, 2023

We're back!

joined Jun 11, 2021

we're so back! i'm so glad to see my favorite series continuing. i love how dense all the chapters are too, it feels like a full meal whenever one comes out.
thanks for the translation!

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