Also did i remember wrong but wasn't ex singer ship with the Cooking club Senpai ?
Hehehe, you've been reading the "Manga in Spanish" thread, I see. 
Yeah, you're right. This chapter has been up in Spanish for a long while, and we Spanish-speakers have been discussing it in our forums for weeks. At first, we too thought that this girl, the ex-vocalist, was a new love interest for Aki... but then we remembered that Ex-Vocalist-chan has already been paired with Cooking-Club-sempai... which means that she's taken and that, whatever her problem with Aki is, it's not gonna end up in romance.
Aki needs someone who will really love and treasure her. Right now, most people agree that the best choice is Miki, who is very obviously head over heels for her oneechan. You can't do wrong with sisterly wincest!