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1 x ½ discussion 23 Apr 22:11
joined Apr 23, 2019

Your description was indeed alluring, but I can read "Keep in mind the story is really not sexual" about that title... Muh. I > saw at most a few kisses, nothing more. Sorry, useless, and infinitely boring.
Huge gap AND realistic sex-related issues = Koi Kaze, you won't beat that.
I hate purely romantic stuff because it's so unrealistic.
For heaven's sake, SYLKE, please tell me the name of this work.

read it, i bet u wont regret it.

last edited at Apr 23, 2019 10:12PM

1 x ½ discussion 23 Apr 08:36
joined Apr 23, 2019

"was about a 35 yo writer and a 11 year old girl falling in love"
For heaven's sake, SYLKE, please tell me the name of this work.

Kore wa Koi no Hanashi

its fully translated