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joined Mar 4, 2017

^ ch1 ch 83
She's more mature.
Sumin looks more childish: ch1 ch83
No wonder she told Sungji how old she is the first time they met, haha.

joined Mar 4, 2017

More like that the cheating broke their strained relationship is important, they talked too little about something so important, which in my opinion just shows that what matter is not so much the cheating, but that they broke up because of it, cheating was just the cause, the effect is what matter.

That too. But I don't think they'll go back to it. Too much to deal with in just 2 chapters...

joined Mar 4, 2017

sia ue, Nora, Thiaguinho-sama
With 2 chapters left I don't think we'll see anything more about the cheating. Even TG can't remember if Seju was drinking a drink, beer or wine which is a hint that only the fact of cheating is important.

joined Mar 4, 2017

Sorry to hear that. I agree someone who didn't have a depression will never understand it. I never did, but I was diagnosed with anxiety 11 years ago so I understand more than people who never faced any kind of those issues. It took me 2 years to stand up and socialize again. I had to work on myself alone for most of the time because no one understood what I was going through and even though I'm ok now, it doesn't mean everything is fine. I just learned how to live with it and disconnect from panic that is a part of my every day life and will be at least until menopause...

Mental disorder symptoms do overlap so you would definitely feel some similar issues. Glad to hear you are doing better than you were 2 years ago but yeah it never truly goes away. Management is the most important part, drugs are just there as a step ladder to reach that management level. Keep at it : )

9 years ago ;) Diagnosed 11 years ago, took 2 years of therapy to go back to "normal" life and for the rest it's been every day challenge. I must say I'm very good now, most of my days are great. I took meds only for the first 3 years and not all of described ones. I've never took xanax or antidepressant. Only the one that was supposed to calm my nerves. Qigong and exercises did the magic.

Keep it up too! I wish you all best!

joined Mar 4, 2017

That's the thing though, we don't know how it happened and how much control she had over it, since all we know is that she was drunk and didn't even remember the night, that's my only problem with the cheating, they left it too vague, could easily go either way, it's why I suspect sometimes that there was going to have some plot twist somewhere, we see how much Seju loves Sumin and is dedicated, so if there's no plot twist, I suspect they left so vague because it would either be a plot hole or bad writing on how so easily Seju cheated, since we saw she can stay years alone waiting for Sumin.

From what she told Sumin later on, it's clear to me she knew what she was doing. She said she did that out of insecurity because she felt like Sumin was ready to leave her any moment. She knows she made a mistake.

joined Mar 4, 2017

Sorry to hear that. I agree someone who didn't have a depression will never understand it. I never did, but I was diagnosed with anxiety 11 years ago so I understand more than people who never faced any kind of those issues. It took me 2 years to stand up and socialize again. I had to work on myself alone for most of the time because no one understood what I was going through and even though I'm ok now, it doesn't mean everything is fine. I just learned how to live with it and disconnect from panic that is a part of my every day life and will be at least until menopause...

joined Mar 4, 2017

Being in a depressed state is something else from having a depression. Sumin had a depression. Seju did not. She's on a very good way to end up having a depression now and I think Sungji is the only one who can see it.

Why are you so sure about that Seju wasn't having a depression back then? Wasn't her family issue alone quite enough to put her into depressions.

She had no symptoms. She was thinking clearly, thinking about the future. She's showing symptoms now.

joined Mar 4, 2017

Yup, Seju couldn't understand Sumin's state because she grew up in different kind of family, she never had a parental love. But she had a control over her own actions so nothing can justify the cheating. From that point everything that was happening between them was fault of both of them, not connected to the depression :)

last edited at Jun 12, 2017 4:34PM

joined Mar 4, 2017

Same for Seju. She cheated because she was depressed.

Um... No. That was anger. She's developing depression now.

She was angry when arguing with Sumin, but at the bar, she was being depressed. btw, Sumin blaming Seju for her parents death wasn't out of her depression imo, it was out of her unreasonable stupidity beyond reality.

No, it was depression. You either blame yourself, someone else or the entire world. Sumin blamed someone else - Seju.

Being in a depressed state is something else from having a depression. Sumin had a depression. Seju did not. She's on a very good way to end up having a depression now and I think Sungji is the only one who can see it.

joined Mar 4, 2017

That's why I said Sumin's depression evolved into something else during those 10 years. It wasn't clear depression. More like anger issues combined with tiny bit of depression and PTSD after the scaring. She accepted Seju's offer to take all the blame. But it all started with Sumin's depression over losing her parents and Seju's lack of understanding which caused her to make the worst mistake ever - cheat. After the scaring, Sumin started tormenting Seju, but Seju took it all and played her own game by destroying at least one serious relationship of Sumin's in a bad way. She said it herself, she wanted Sumin to hate her more each time she came back so she had to do something to achive this hate. She brought it on herself. Both ladies and their actions to blame, not depression of one of them.

last edited at Jun 12, 2017 4:19PM

joined Mar 4, 2017

^She's lost both of her parents at once. She had every right to be depressed.

She had no right to blame Seju for her parents death.

I'm not saying she had right to do it. But people with depression do a lot of stupid stuff.
Seju had no right to cheat on Sumin because of that.
As I said - both ladies are to blame.

Same for Seju. She cheated because she was depressed.

Um... No. That was anger. She's developing depression now.

joined Mar 4, 2017

Seju was still a part of the process, she wanted it, she acted to get her this way so both ladies are to blame, not only Sumin and her depression which evolved into something else during those 10 years.

more of shifting the blame !!
is it fun to shift the blame really?? modern age maturity ?

I don't see it this way. They both made mistakes, but a lot of people put all the blame only on one of them - Sumin or Seju depending which they like more. It's something I see as wrong because the blame isn't only on one side.

joined Mar 4, 2017

^She's lost both of her parents at once. She had every right to be depressed.

She had no right to blame Seju for her parents death.

I'm not saying she had right to do it. But people with depression do a lot of stupid stuff.
Seju had no right to cheat on Sumin because of that.
As I said - both ladies are to blame.

joined Mar 4, 2017

Seju was still a part of the process, she wanted it, she acted to get her this way so both ladies are to blame, not only Sumin and her depression which evolved into something else during those 10 years.

joined Mar 4, 2017

^She's lost both of her parents at once. She had every right to be depressed.

joined Mar 4, 2017

True Evil

I think only 2 chapters left since it ends in June. It was said one of the spin-offs is about Dawoon x lawyer. I wonder if Nami's fate will be left unknown...poor Nami...

Oh, right, spin offs. Do we know anything more about them?

Then Seju is an ass too because if depression is an excuse then so is PTSD. I think you don't know what can cause a depression. It's not really the way someone is living. Usually it's some kind of traumatic event. If it's severe, it'll end up as PTSD which is very often combined with depression. Seju is showing signs of both right now. She was ready to die last chapter. Sumin is too blind to see it, just like Seju was too blind to see Sumin's real state years ago. Sungji on the other hand... she's damn perceptive and it looks like she sees it.

last edited at Jun 11, 2017 6:46PM

joined Mar 4, 2017

I also want to know what's going on with the assassin. Is TG dealing with her behind the scenes?

Yeah dealing with her as well as with Dawoon and Nami. Since those two have been gone only Nora knows for how many chapters.

I don't think we'll see those 2. How many chapters left? 2 or 3? It'll be hard to deal with the assassin, no time for Nami and Dawoon.

joined Mar 4, 2017

I'm going back home, the connection is good so I'll share my thoughts now, before you produce another 100 pages. I've written them right after I've read both chapters and edited a bit after reading you girls here and checking some things up.

First things first, what surprised me:
1) Seju blew up and ran away.
2) Seju had really blew up. Or at least it really looks like it.
I was not expecting her yelling at Sumin at all and the first thing I thought when she walked out of that apartment was - ok, she's in her game again. But then it didn't look like she wanted to go back. If Sungji didn't walk into her, I don't know what could've happened. But... I think Seju overreacted a lot. It was a simple question to which she could've simply answer instead of making a scene...

Gotta say Sungji and her sister in-law can eat a lot. A whole cake? I'd like to see Sumin doing something similar (she's going to do all the eating, right? :P).

I'm more than ever convinced the end will be Sumin with Sungji. It's nearly impossible for Sumin to go back to Seju. I can't see her breaking up with Sungji and I can't see her moving on if Sungji breaks up with her again. Those little hearts when she saw Sungji left a perfect mark with a lipstick... Aww. Then we have what Sungji told Seju - "there's a family that believes in me. And friends. And Team Leader Nim. I'm not alone." She's not giving up. What she told Seju looks more like an advise IMO. That maybe she should consider leaving to end or at least ease the pain she's in. And the last one... Sumin forgot about Seju's birthday. If you love someone, really care for them, want them to be happy, you never forget things like birthdays. Especially in Asian culture and when you have literally nothing to do because you don't work. So there's no excuse for Sumin forgetting about it. She did because she's completely fallen for Sungji and Sungji is the only thing Sumin sees right now.

It was great to see Sungji knows everything about Seju's situation. It's clear she and Sumin talk about stuff rather than leave it in secrecy. Too bad we've never seen it though.

What I wish to see now is all 3 talk to each other, find a way to deal with this situation. For Seju to be happy whatever happens and I wish for her to decide it. If my feelings are right and the end isn't for her and Sumin then I want Seju to make this decision - let go, tell them she wish them happiness etc. I also want her to remain friends with the other two, but after what Sungji said, I think if she'll really chose to let go, she'll leave their lives. At least for some time, to deal with her own feelings.

I also want to know what's going on with the assassin. Is TG dealing with her behind the scenes?

Nora, I know what you're gonna say - it's not over until it's over. So I'll use my personal fav - Seju doesn't need Sumin to be happy :) And with this, I'll say that if Seju ends up with Sumin it'll mean TG lied.

I disagree about the "win" part of Sungji's talk to Seju. Someone on 4chan said that it's an idiom, has nothing to do with winning or losing and is used when someone doesn't want do to another person a favour, but does it anyway because that person begged for it. I'd copy it, but somehow I can't...

As for depression - it's not always a choice. Usually it's not and it's because of the hormonal changes in the brain. If your brain can't function properly, you won't be able to choose better.

Sorry if there are any mistakes, I'm using mobile and autocorrection can suck from time to time. Especially with swift keyboard using flow.

joined Mar 4, 2017

Whoa, how many pages did you write since I commented here last time?! Like a hundred?!

Jokes aside, I'm on a vacation in a place without the internet or even electricity... good thing my current phone can last like 2 weeks without being charged once it loses lte/2g/3g/wifi connection. I own only 1 powerbank that can charge my phone twice. But it's a great place otherwise and disconnecting can be really good once you get used to it or end up with 4% blood in the booze :D

We're visiting a town right now so I took the opportunity to download the last 2 chapters. I'll read them tonight and share my thoughts once I come back home next week. Hoping everyone is having fun and the chapters are good (did Seju finally strip in front of the assassin? :P).

Have a nice day /evening!

joined Mar 4, 2017

^About Nami - I don't mind her wanting to have sex with Seju because they're all adults and they know when to say "no". The question is - will the other part listen? Because Seju seems to be deaf.

Also, Nami pushing Sumin and Sungji together was for a good thing while Seju pushing them together was part of her game in which Sumin was supposed to end up hurt at her doorstep again because Sumin is responsive and shows emotion only when she's:
a) happy
b) in pain
c) angry
Since Seju can't make her happy, she's using b) and c) to get what she want.

Later in the story, when Nami told Sumin Seju is getting married, she did that to make Sumin question herself and see if she's finally able to let go. She wasn't. Not yet. And Seju used it. Sumin needed Sungji to dump her to finally let go and if Seju wasn't attacked and her bro didn't beg for Sumin to get Seju with her, she'd be living a happy life with Sungji already, away from Seju.

If Seju read Sumin so well then why did she cheat on her? Where was she when Sumin needed comfort? The only thing she gets with Sumin is sex. Even "healing her from flu" was all about sex. Sungji on the other hand, knows when Sumin needs simple comfort and when she can screw up with her. True, she needed some learning, but the instinct was there right from the beginning which chapter 13 is proving best.

last edited at May 22, 2017 6:12PM

joined Mar 4, 2017

since you brought this:

Even Nami pretty much told her so: I understand where you're coming from since you've been hurt once. Midget, you think too much.

remember that Nammi also told her: "you really live an exhausting life, it's not like you're gonna open up to her. "

I think this part was a lie because she told Seju she's hoping for her "abomination of relationship with Sumin" (or sth like that) to finally end. She was never a fan of Seju & Sumin so she gave Sumin a little push too, but had nothing bad in mind by doing it - unlike Seju.

but no, Nammi doesn't read Sumin better than Seju nor does Sumin confide to Nammi more than she does to Seju.. I could give examples of that.

Sungji reads Sumin better than Seju.

I brought up the Lawyer so you could see the similarities in Sumin behavior and that both girls were annoyed by it.

And I don't disagree, but we can't say Sungji is the same as the lawyer and will leave ;)

what truly matters at this point is Sungji's feeling about all this ⚇

"I love you" ^^

Btw, Sumin is probably going to have a bite mark. Can't wait to see Seju's reaction, haha!

joined Mar 4, 2017


it is rather a general behavior that frustrates her other partners, not only Sungji who suffered from that but also the lawyer pointed that out as well .. ch23 (Sangmi words to Sumin last few panels.. very accurate description to what Sumin does to even Sungji)
in no case did I say that Sumin didn't love Sungji, she did .. but she has this distance from her.. conflicting feelings.. feeling guilty at times and unsure.. you can see this very clearly in her bubble thoughts in ch51 + 52

That's why I said I believe it's because Sumin is insecure and she's like that bcause of everything she experienced in the past. Even Nami pretty much told her so: I understand where you're coming from since you've been hurt once. Midget, you think too much.

The lawyer is lawyer, Sungji is Sungji. If she's still with her, I believe she'll be with her. She may not know about Sumin's past yet, but I'm sure she knows something bad happened to her and it wasn't just her parents' death. She's quite good at reading people. And... she's reading Sumin better than anyone else, even Seju.

joined Mar 4, 2017

^To answer Sungjis question, I'd say: yes, love can exist if you don't expect something because you don't need to expect anything when you simply love someone. Sumin does love Sungji. And Sungji loves Sumin too. She wouldn't try so hard to get her if she didn't. That's a fact. But if I had to dig a bit, maybe even reach... I'd also say, Sumin didn't answer her because she didn't trust herself and now all she wants is the answer that Sungji is keeping for herself. Sumin is scared she may lose her. That's why she looked happy when Sungji said ILY. If she'd answer her back then, I think she'd say "love me in return" or something like that. Because if you love someone, you need that person to love you too if you want to be truly happy together.

last edited at May 22, 2017 3:21PM

joined Mar 4, 2017


if you mean that Sumin is very shy means that she is back to her old self, then let me break this down:

Sumin never ever changed from being shy about addressing her sexual needs, in a matter of fact, she sometimes keeps her pants on even during sex, you can see this in ch30, ch46, ch69 and this chapter. However, this does not mean that she is now more innocent compared to the times she was with Seju, remember, Seju and Sumin were doing it since they were in college years or something.. Sumin wouldn't need to say anything or address it to Seju after all this time.

shyness =/= innocence or childish.

No, I meant Sumin is different now than she used to be before, but she's getting back some of the characteristics she had years ago thanks to Sungji. What they have now is important, true. But who Sumin used to be is also very important because the way she lived for 10 years changed her into quite a cold fish, hard to reach. Sungji was able to break through this wall and thanks to that, Sumin had started changing again, going back to move forward. Getting back good things from the past so she can build a good future with it. She's a bit like a puppy right now, she kinda seems to be lost from time to time and that was a part of ch. 81, I think. She wanted to please Sungji all the way she needed and wanted it, Sumin's own needs were completely pushed aside. And it was a week without sexy times so... ;) And then, look at her face after Sungji says ILY. This is happiness, bliss. It looks like she was going to kiss Sungji, maybe even let her own needs to come out too, but that damn phone had to ring frustrating both of them ;)

joined Mar 4, 2017

It's more than shyness, she was drunk there too, if my memory is right. I can't really explain it and it's more than just this one scene. She acted similar when she was innocent and then when she was young and in love for the first time. She was a service top IMO and same goes with Sungji. The eyes she has in last chap? Those are her puppy eyes. She had them before with both of them. I believe Sumin really loves Sungji and Sungji loves her too. If Sungji didn't, she'd never stand up to Seju. She's fighting for the person who she worked hard to make her heart open.

you comparing to the open sesame scene really caught me off guard =)))))). Honestly though, I wont say about who loves who since it's clearly Sumin loves Sungji but what Sumin has with Sungji and what Sumin had with Seju is quite different. Sumin is too experienced and far from innocent when she's with Sungji. Tbh, there is nothing can compare to that first time, the mood, the moment. I dont say which is better, I'm just saying it's kinda weird to compare that :), Sumin is different, she's no longer innocent, shy or naive. Why compare two things when both are different from time, moment,.... Not the same doesnt make it bad or not better

Oh, of course it's different because Sumin is also different :) She was a very shy teen back then, she's not so shy now, but she's back to her old self quite a lot too so it's a combination of the adult Sumin and that woken childish side she's lost years back when her parents died and Seju cheated. We also need to add all those years of living in depression which she still most likely has. She's not an easy partner, that's for sure. She's not fully healed yet either.