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WDTFS fans - off topic 26 Apr 15:30
joined Apr 3, 2016

oh my gosh... what?! does the cat hate the dog?

Not at all, actually. Reeba raised Jacky. She's sort of like an adopted daughter to her. But somewhere along the lines, she just stopped respecting Jacky and Jacky just takes it like that's what she's supposed to do, since Reeba obviously has the higher rank out of the 2 of them. But barfing into her food bowl? That's just going too far. I need to teach her to drop that, or else Su will get pissed at me. >_<

Hey Martian. :-)

WDTFS fans - off topic 26 Apr 15:17
joined Apr 3, 2016

The difference between cats and dogs...

Jacky: begs to be let into bathroom if she feels like she's about to barf or really needs to go and can't hold it any longer, since she's been taught that the ground there is tiled, which can be easily cleaned. Comes out afterward, whining and begging for forgiveness.

Reeba: pukes into the dog's food bowl while said dog is eating, leaves like a motherfucker.

=__=... Know what? That's it. Old or not, but that furry, little monster is gonna learn to stop that.

WDTFS fans - off topic 26 Apr 14:14
joined Apr 3, 2016

I guess when you work you don't have a lot of time for holidays ;_;

I actually could take holidays and weekends off just like every other person, and at least in the book I'm not working on those days, but it's not like the teens I'm trying to help just go "Oh, it's a holiday today. Guess I'll stop feeling like crap for today and continue tomorrow." Some people might say I'm overdoing it, but I care for those kids and I want them to know I'm being sincere. /shrugs/ I guess that makes me a bit of a workaholic. xD

They were kind of rude and didn't seem to want to help me at all... -.- not that the Greek woman I called was much nicer.

Germany is almost the same. =_= Some people are just so stuck up. When somebody actually tries to speak German, but they have a heavy accent, the Germans usually will try to help you, but not without sounding condescending or making fun of you. Luckily there are exceptions, but I noticed a lot of people are just being assholes around people, who don't speak the same language.

WDTFS fans - off topic 26 Apr 13:54
joined Apr 3, 2016

do you go visit your parents in the summer? :)

They moved back to Alexandria when I was 20. I very rarely get the chance to visit them. The last 2 times I wanted to fly down there to see them, something always came in between. ^_^; I think I was 27 or 28 when I visited them the last time, so around 4 or 5 years ago. My brother and me usually videochat with them at the end of the month though to stay in touch.

WDTFS fans - off topic 26 Apr 12:17
joined Apr 3, 2016

whoa you´re worse than England!! I thought Germany was warmer!!

I've never been to England, so I can't really tell. But it usually is warmer around this time. It's just a phase for now. Some strong wind stream is blowing cold, humid air from Scandinavia and northern Russia over here, so it's getting pretty cool again for a while. We usually have around 15-20 by now.

Also, I hope you guys get better soon. :-/ I hate it when I have a cold. I get soooo whiny when I get sick. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 26 Apr 10:27
joined Apr 3, 2016

I actually like warm weather a lot more than cold weather. Dx It's what I miss the most about Sicily and Egypt. The summers there were beautiful!

WDTFS fans - off topic 26 Apr 10:10
joined Apr 3, 2016

I wish Berlin was that warm already. We have 8 degrees here. Dx I hope summer will be here soon.

WDTFS fans - off topic 26 Apr 09:23
joined Apr 3, 2016

Sounds pretty good! I hope you guys pick it up.

WDTFS fans - off topic 25 Apr 16:04
joined Apr 3, 2016

Did you guys forget already? She was only out this weekend for now, since her doctor said she seemed healthy enough to just spend a bit of time around her loved ones. She had to check back in today morning and needs to stay at least until Friday so they can monitor her while her body fights off the last bits of her cold. If she fully recovers this week and her heart keeps responding to her new medicine as well as it has until now, she will be allowed to leave for good until the day of the transplantation, but only if she agrees to go see her doctor for regular check-ups a few times a week.

WDTFS fans - off topic 25 Apr 14:47
joined Apr 3, 2016

You guys are worse than the L-Word with all your relationship drama. xD
Also, I'm Lin. xD Su is back in hospital. She won't be here this week. Can't believe you've already forgotten about me! D:

WDTFS fans - off topic 25 Apr 14:28
joined Apr 3, 2016

So Newp and Azai are a thing now? Damn. I feel bad for Kitkat now. xD
Hey everyone. :-)

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 04:37
joined Apr 3, 2016

I don't know how to handle people and i'm getting too old to be here

Come on now, that's an excuse and not even a good one. Nobody is going to think bad of you if you actually do decide to leave, although I do agree with Rainy that I wouldn't want to see that happen. But if you're going to go, at least don't leave us with BS like that. There's more behind this, isn't there? It's alright if you don't want to talk, but don't lie like that, please. It doesn't really make it better.

WDTFS fans - off topic 23 Apr 12:23
joined Apr 3, 2016

tackles you to the ground
covers your mouth

xD You are way too predictable. Don't worry, I won't. At least for now. But whatever happens, always remember: I got material on you. ;3

Well, a divorce isn't a nice thing to happen, so I understand him. I hope he'll be okay. sigh He's lucky to have you.

I just wished he'd realize I'm not the only one he has, but I guess it will still take a bit for that to happen.

Anyway, I'll leave again for now. I still wanna go check on Laura, see if she's doing okay so far. I'll see you in a bit! :-*

last edited at Apr 23, 2016 12:24PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 23 Apr 12:15
joined Apr 3, 2016

Gawddammit, Lin! You can't go and ruin my reputation like that! o(>.<)o

I'm just taking away some of your armor so you stop being overpowered. xD If I'd want to ruin your reputation, I'd reveal a whole lot of other, deep and dirrrrty secrets. ;D what happened that one time in the shower, remember?

Don't rush because of me, I just wanted to know so I knew when I could get started on dinner. XD Will your brother be fine? How's he feeling?

He's still a mess. He just can't get over it all. I've at least gotten him to talk to an actual person instead of seeking comfort from a bottle, so that's at least a bit of progress. /sighs/ That man is just too sensitive for his own good.

last edited at Apr 23, 2016 12:16PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 23 Apr 12:06
joined Apr 3, 2016

God, you're even more overprotective than my mom.

And that's saying something! Su's mother is a lioness. You mess with one of her cubs - you mess with the entire Pride. xD

I never knew you had a feeder fetish, lol! X'D

You also never knew I could top you if I wanted, but look what we found out yesterday. ;D xD

How long until you get home?

2 or 3 more hours, I can't really tell for sure. I'll give you a call when I'm on my way. I'll be home before you go to sleep though, promise. :-)

WDTFS fans - off topic 23 Apr 11:57
joined Apr 3, 2016

Also glomps the shit out of Lin
You spoil me too much, ya know that?

:-* There is no such thing as "too much" when it comes to spoiling one's girlfriend. I will admit I may have gone a teeny tiny little bit overboard when you weigh 200 kilos, but not before. xD How are you feeling?

WDTFS fans - off topic 23 Apr 11:48
joined Apr 3, 2016

Mixing up Boy George and Prince is like mixing up Queen and Kiss. Mandy's memory is worse than mine! xD

Hello folks! :-)

WDTFS fans - off topic 21 Apr 17:20
joined Apr 3, 2016

Geezus Newp, you're just...madly talented. O_O...And that picture is hilarious. xD

I'll leave for today, need to catch some sleep. See ya'll ladies! :-)

WDTFS fans - off topic 21 Apr 17:07
joined Apr 3, 2016


As long as her kids won't kill her for her name choices, I have no doubts about that. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 21 Apr 16:59
joined Apr 3, 2016

Dofu is kinda the one, who comes up with most names in this thread. xD TeamShameless, Pervy Understudy, Seju's Bottom Buddies...
I'm not sure if I should be worried or happy for the kids she may or may not decide to have one day. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 21 Apr 16:55
joined Apr 3, 2016

and my favorite, Seju's Bottom Buddies

/high fives Azai/

WDTFS fans - off topic 21 Apr 16:38
joined Apr 3, 2016

omg >//////< I hope you have lots of fun :D

Thanks! I hope we will as well. xD

XD good going Lin

Yeah, I already have a pretty good idea what I'll be doing this weekend. xD I really do plan on reminding her to take it easy and not do it too much, but considering we're talking about Su here, I don't think I'll have much of a say in the matter. xD Su would probably top Nami... I just hope she still hasn't become resistant to my silent stare in case she really does go a little overboard.

...Just realized I'm probably bordering on oversharing here. I'll shut up now. ^_^;

WDTFS fans - off topic 21 Apr 16:25
joined Apr 3, 2016

That's #TeamShameless for you. xD

Well, she'll still be a bit sick...and the doctor put a lot of emphasis on the word relax, so....I don't think I'll be joining Team Shameless this weekend. xD .... Pfft. who am I kidding.

I was the one to ask her out first. ^_^ But she was the one, who initiated the other firsts. xD

I plan on surprising her and picking her up with her car instead of mine and let her drive home if she feels like it. ^_^ Sometimes I think she loves her ride more than she loves me, lol. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 21 Apr 16:04
joined Apr 3, 2016

But people are trying, that's something. I understand progress on a scale like this can't happen quickly, but if people are trying to get there at least, things usually do get better after a while. That's a bit of a relief. /sighs/ But still, 24h shifts? I know I sound selfish right now, but I'm glad I'm not in your shoes. You're more of a badass than Faylicia and me combined. xD

On a lighter note: less than a day until I get to hold my love in my arms again, even if it's just for 2 days for now! =D I sound like a teenager, but whatever. YAY! coughsorrynotsorrycough

WDTFS fans - off topic 21 Apr 15:46
joined Apr 3, 2016

In Germany, it's legal to work for 10 hours, sometimes 12 hours in extremely exceptional cases (such as doctors and farmers). I sometimes do 10 hour days, but with long breaks in between and my work isn't usually as taxing, since I drive and sit a lot and earn my money with talking more than anything else. So even when I do overtime, I can still go to bed and get a good, calm sleep. But what Azai described...from a psychologist's point of view, that's suicide. And a slow and torturous one at that.

I see. Do you know if they're at least trying to change something or is it just like "That's how it is. Deal with it or don't" ?

last edited at Apr 21, 2016 3:48PM