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joined Apr 17, 2015

I recognized Michimoto with the Mizuki infatuation. Who else made an appearence? Help me out, please!

That Ruri girl from chapter 4. =3

she supposed to win with that skinny body?
oh well fiction....

Well, high school girls aren't usually very muscular…

If only it weren't so obvious where this subplot was going...

You mean "you should run for yourself"? Seems obvious, yeah, but it's Moe, so she could be talking about something else entirely. >.>

Maybe Moe read somewhere sex dampened athletic performance, but I think it's too soon for them and they are still more innocent.

I'd be surprised if they even had their first kiss, considering Mizuki's shiness… so she'd better ask for a big ol' smooch as a reward if she wins. è__é She'll have to compensate for the all those days of Moe-abstinence.

I hope Ayaka and Yurine will be involved in part 2. They're both close to the track team after all.

last edited at Aug 25, 2015 7:10AM

joined Apr 17, 2015

Chap 16 part 1 is in French on Batoto! It's a tiny lil' chapter (10 pages) because Canno didn't have enough time or something. The English version should be up this evening or tomorrow.

Two "Behind the Scenes" characters are briefly mentionned in this chap, will you recognize them? X)

last edited at Aug 24, 2015 8:09AM

joined Apr 17, 2015

When Canno is bored, they draw some interesting stuff.
("Sometimes I just feel like drawing this kind of clothes. I'm fine, thank you.")

Wonder if she's gonna appear in AnoKiss. X)

Am I insane or when Canno draws Chibis they look vaguely like Peanuts characters?

Huh… veeery vaguely, then. =O Though I don't know Peanuts very well…

last edited at Aug 17, 2015 5:53AM

joined Apr 17, 2015

Hey, Ai is not! …Maybe… ò.Ô

There are places where you can get those RAW manga? o: I want!

No idea. :x

joined Apr 17, 2015

I think we should also take into account that, well, this is Canno's first actual series (I think?). In other words, they are still learning. Comparing volume 2 and volume 3, I think they DID realize that the main characters were too absent in volume 2 and sort of rectified it. When you look at it, volume 2's arc is really the only part where Yurine doesn't have any involvement (except for a brief intervention in chapter 6).

Speaking of which, has anyone read or seen Canno's amateur works (like the ones compiled in Cider to Nakimushi)?

last edited at Aug 10, 2015 4:59AM

joined Apr 17, 2015

Shiromine is a one trick pony whom entire charactertization so far is being a tsundere

I disagree here. Ayaka is, first and foremost, a performance-obsessed workaholic who fell in love with the girl she wants to best: acknowledging that she loves Yurine would be like admitting defeat to her, hence her mental block. She forbids herself to love as long as she's "number 2", because of her obsession with being perfect. So either she will finally beat Yurine and "give in" to her feelings, or give in first and realize that not being perfect is not the end of the world. I'd personally prefer the latter, but we'll see how the author handles this… I do agree that a little more in-depth focus on her would be welcome though. Yurine has got plenty of that already.

@Phil: I… don't know if that was Canno's intention, but that does make a lot of sense. Especially that idea of "dependence" rather than "possessiveness". Though I don't think she destroyed the club to cut her ties with Yukina − she tried to "run away" from her after she was caught, but as she said she wanted to stay by her side, ideally.

In any case, we can all agree that Yukina is awesome. =]

last edited at Aug 9, 2015 4:00PM

joined Apr 17, 2015

Don't forget that this special happens before chapter 11 though, i.e. before the whole funk with the gardening club happened.

Personally, more than Ayaka's tsundereing, I don't get tired of Yurine's trolling in these special chapters. =3 She anticipates all her reactions and plays her like a harp, which is a bit of a change from the usual romcom dynamic of "why does she hate me I don't understand? ;__; "

On another note, it's kinda sweet to see Towako trying to keep Yukina for herself, but in a non-creepy way this time.

Chiharu-Izumi is still hilarious, and Mizuki is still adorable. Damn is she adorable.

last edited at Aug 8, 2015 8:00AM

joined Apr 17, 2015

^ Considering chap 16 goes back on Moe and Mizuki, I think we're done with the introduction of the main couples. We have AyaYuri, MoeMizu, IzuChiha and YukiTowa. I don't really see many others being introduced at this point (though I'm not in Canno's head…)

Au passage, pour les francophones, les chapitres 15 et 15,5 sont dispos en français sur le site de la MMT. =3 Faut juste les chercher parmi les cookies dans la news. X) Oui, on aime être chiants chez nous.

The English Chapter 15.5 should also be on Batoto before long.

joined Apr 17, 2015

I take the series is still going on Japan?

It is. We're only two chapters behind on the scans (a special chapter and the recently released chapter 16). It seems to be doing fairly well.

mmm. I noticed minor spelling errors ("wa" instead of "we"), couple of grammar problems. I noticed a sentenced that was left untranslated from the french translation from a background character "tu me sors une epine du pied", etc.

Yeah, that one is embarrassing as hell (it means "you're saving me", more or less)… --'.`-- I wanted to catch up quickly so I neglected proofreading a bit too much. I'm more careful now, though (and I got help from a native speaker for the last chapter, that too).

Oh, wouldn't you know it, they actually have released drama CD for this. I'm still trying to find further details on it, though.

The first one will be released in September I think. For more details, I'll quote myself two pages back >

For those curious, we have the voice actors for the first drama CD.

Ayaka > Terui Haruka
Yurine > Mizuhashi Kaori (
Mizuki > Uchiyama Yumi (
Moe > Numakura Manami (

Apparently Ayaka's VA has mostly voiced minor characters… the other three are pretty well known though.

And if you can read Japanese…

last edited at Aug 6, 2015 9:54AM

joined Apr 17, 2015

Thank you Frog Translators for your service.

Mais de rien. =3

Calling Towako a yandere is a bit much. ^^" Her reasoning is a bit twisted, but she wouldn't hurt a fly. Probably.

Chapter 5's "Behind the scenes" was my favorite too! If only because we don't see many adults in this series… I don't think these scenes are meant to be expanded though. :\ Well, some people already complain that there are too many couples anyway, haha.

I wonder which of the pairings is the most popular in Japan… or here…

last edited at Aug 5, 2015 5:38PM

joined Apr 17, 2015

Dahek, all these people posting suddenly. XD

It seems they got a mutual understanding on the matter and Miam-Miam got the OK to publish their english version.

My take is, it's not a French->English translation, but a double translation.

We didn't exactly get a "mutual understanding"… I asked them if they were okay with it on their site, but they never answered, so I just went ahead. It's the same reason Dynasty decided to upload our chapters in the end.

And yeah, I translate chapters from Japanese in both languages. But since it's not my mothertongue, my English translations are obviously not as good as my French ones. =[

Side couples kinda lose their charm when their parts are basically one-shots and never appear again. =/

Still, a few are there.

I think the first 3 volumes were to set up the 4 main couples (although Chiharu and Izumi are less a "couple" and more a boke and tsukkomi pair). Not sure what kind of part they will play in the future, but I don't think they will just disappear. =O Going by this…
…chapter 16 will be a Moe × Mizuki one.

Somebody please explain me where in the end did Ai's and Chiharu's senpai enter? If not her first wish, then to the university nearby, which Ai wanted? Or nor first wish, neither there?

According to the pre-chapter summaries, she went "to a faraway university", so I guess she did have her first wish. But yeah, it wasn't very clear…

I like the emphasis on Kurosawa's mindset but I wish we got to see a little more on Shiramine's side. I guess it just feels a bit unbalanced since Kurosawa is growing outwardly by doing all sorts of new things where Shiramine is growing inwardly and slowly accepts her feelings. I hope the opposite is next!

I know right… it's pretty ironic that Ayaka seems to become more of a loner than Yurine as it goes on. Buuut… that may be precisely a factor to make her accept Yurine, if that makes any sense?

I get it, but it took me awhile. She'd rather just end it now then watch the club die a slow death. I can actually sympathize with that. But the manga seemed to try and romanticize it a bit too much.

Every arc is like that honestly. They focus on things that are important to the characters but seem rather mundane from outside. At least the stakes here felt a bit higher than in volume 2 − it's something they spent 5 whole years bulding together after all. =O

last edited at Aug 5, 2015 10:31AM

joined Apr 17, 2015

Exceptionally, I released chapter 15 in English first, which concludes volume 3 and the rose garden arc. =O

Ayaka's tsun button is no longer responding. X3

joined Apr 17, 2015

I don't think there's a way to find the raws. :x We have our own provider, but I'm not sure where he gets them exactly.

For those curious, we have the voice actors for the first drama CD.

Ayaka > Terui Haruka
Yurine > Mizuhashi Kaori (
Mizuki > Uchiyama Yumi (
Moe > Numakura Manami (

Apparently Ayaka's VA has mostly voiced minor characters… the other three are pretty well known though.

V Tu les verras le 8 ou 9 août, pour l'anniversaire de la MMT. :þ Faut attendre un peu, désolé.

last edited at Jul 27, 2015 11:24AM

joined Apr 17, 2015

Chap 15 and 15.5 are translated and typesetted. The French version should be out soon.

joined Apr 17, 2015

To quote TV Tropes…

Yuri is the Japanese word for "lily", and also refers to a sapphic romance genre in Japanese media. It can focus either on the sexual or emotional aspects of the relationship. Occasionally, some fans will use the term shoujo-ai ("girl's love") to distinguish the less explicit works that focus on romance and/or emotions between the characters. Note however that in Japan, shoujo-ai refers to… liking little girls.

So yeah, technically "Yuri" covers all types of lesbian romance, regardless of the "degree".

On another note, we finally have the raws for chapter 15 and 15.5! I'll translate that when I have the time. And we finally have the first true kiss of the series. Following a rather bizarre scene…?

15.5 is pretty funny. These bonus chapters should be titled "how is Yurine gonna troll Ayaka today?"

last edited at Jul 13, 2015 10:51AM

joined Apr 17, 2015

its too bad it went shoujo-ai

Well… yeah, it's kind of the point of a shoujo-ai series. ò.Ô

I quite like the rose arc personally. I tend to like characters that… function on their own logic like Towako. But you could also say she's a bit crazy, yeah.

last edited at Jul 13, 2015 5:31AM

joined Apr 17, 2015

Going by Canno's twitter, this month is a special Valentine's Day chapter. I wanna see it. TT___TT

Seriously, their twitter is a goldmine. So many delicious illustrations. <3

last edited at Jun 28, 2015 7:49AM

joined Apr 17, 2015

Aaaand I did the whole volume 2 (it's probably better to do that one in one go, since it's probably the least interesting so far). Dunno when I'll do the rest.

joined Apr 17, 2015

Clearly, it's far from over − unless it gets cancelled but it seems popular enough to avoid that. From what I understand (but I may be wrong) the series is designed partly for audiences that aren't used to yuri (like me :þ) − the tsundere MC is more the kind you usually find in het romcoms after all.

Les chapitres 13-2 et 14 sont quasi-prêts, faut juste que notre correcteur sorte de sa léthargie (et de ses MMO aussi).

when will come out ch.4 ?? i need it TOT

When indeed… =[

last edited at Jun 8, 2015 7:10PM

joined Apr 17, 2015

^ Volume 3 comes out this month.

… So I was wondering if I could start doing English versions of our MMT chapters from chapter 4 on? Kawaii can always release their tank scans afterwards… I thought I would only do the first chapter but I'm considering doing more if I have the time… I don't really want to do it without their permission though…

joined Apr 17, 2015

Apparently, the series is going to get a Drama CD series.

That's a good sign I guess. :þ Though these things probably cost nothing to produce.

last edited at Jun 6, 2015 9:06AM

joined Apr 17, 2015

I've translated chapter 13-2 and 14, only thing to do is typeset now. \o\

"You were peeking yesterday too, right? You could have shown yourself, you know."
"I just came to see the roses! Not to see whether you were getting along with other people or anything!"
"Yes, yes. ^__^ ♡"

God these two are adorable. X3 Yurine totally seems to have fun with her girl's tsundereism, I love that.

I've noticed something very ironic in this series… Ayaka, who is supposed to be admired and relied upon, only interacts with Yurine, while Yurine, who is supposed to be the loner, always intervenes in other characters' arcs (Mizuki, Ai, now Yukina). It makes it look like Ayaka is actually more obsessed with Yurine than the other way round.

I'm really waiting for some development on Ayaka's side, because she's had very little focus, strangely…

last edited at May 23, 2015 9:09AM

joined Apr 17, 2015

Ayaka/Yurine and Moe/Mizuki remain the two most interesting couples to me. Chiharu/Izumi isn't too bad, but it's more a boke-tsukkomi duo than a couple per se. And Maya is just… kind of there.

But well… later chapters spend more time developing Yurine as an individual character than her dynamic with Ayaka. I don't really mind, I like these chapters. It's a bit strange that one of the MCs remains mostly in the background so far, but there's still plenty of time to develop her (let's not forget that we're only 15 chapters in!)

As for het girls, I don't know, Ai doesn't seem to be in love with anyone?

last edited at May 17, 2015 1:13PM

joined Apr 17, 2015

So, we got our hands on the latest chapters, which are chapter 13 and 14. Yes, there are two chapter 13s. Go figure. Maybe they treated it as a two-part chapter since the "first" chapter 13 was quite short (15 pages) and the second one is barely longer (20 pages). I don't know.

Apparently, the series is going on a pattern of one mini-arc per volume.

V Je vois pas du tout de quoi tu parles. :þ

last edited at May 10, 2015 8:06PM

joined Apr 17, 2015

\o\ Mon chapitre en anglais aura peut-être pas servi à rien finalement. XD Et donc, c'est quoi ton perso et chapitre préférés pour l'instant ?

Speaking of chapters, when will Kawaii's chapter 4 come out? =O