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Nezchan Moderator
Image Comments 10 Apr 11:42
joined Jun 28, 2012

There's disagreement on the quality of the third season (StrikerS), but pretty much everyone agrees the first two are amazing. And yeah, even the voice actresses believe Fate and Nanoha are a couple.

Nezchan Moderator
Stretch discussion 10 Apr 10:52
joined Jun 28, 2012

My personal hope is that the series doesn't end with the two of them getting together, although at this point that seems likely. The two of them are interesting enough that I'd like to see them navigate an entirely new sort of relationship. I mean it's not like their personal issues (especially Keiko's) will be suddenly solved by making it official.

Nezchan Moderator
Their Story discussion 10 Apr 10:20
joined Jun 28, 2012

The advantage is there's nowhere near as big a gap between available/translated and being posted on Dynasty. FF is a special case.

Nezchan Moderator
Their Story discussion 10 Apr 10:19
joined Jun 28, 2012

Maybe we could just go with a rule that if you've read stuff that's translated but not up here yet, use spoilers. If you've read stuff that even the yaoi site hasn't translated, just shut your face.

And DEFINITELY don't discuss important stuff like their first kiss without at minimum spoiler tags.

Nezchan Moderator
Their Story discussion 10 Apr 09:48
joined Jun 28, 2012

It's a wild guess at best. Truna is just saying that she read the latest update before it was translated (I think)

oh probably just a guess cuz yaoi-blcd is up to date with translate. i saw the untranslated version too at and its the same with yaoi site XD

PLEASE don't tell me this is going to turn into another Fluttering Feelings type thread.

Seriously, I'll die.

Nezchan Moderator
gravity discussion 10 Apr 09:23
joined Jun 28, 2012

Aoi Hana starts at the same point. Chizu dumping Fumi-chan to get married.

At least Fumi-chan didn't threaten to commit suicide.

Ootomo Megane has a few stories like that, too. Seems to be a favourite story element of theirs.

Nezchan Moderator
Nukoduke! discussion 10 Apr 00:01
joined Jun 28, 2012

What's with the random use of newspaper clippings on the apron in chapter 2?,100809&hl=en

It's not uncommon in manga to use blocks of English text as a texture. I remember way back, there was a character in the series Marionette Generation that had a whole suit like that. Every now and then I stumble upon another example.

Nezchan Moderator
Lily Love discussion 09 Apr 11:58
joined Jun 28, 2012

Re: Special 2

You ain't gettin' out of this one, Donut!

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I like to think that these two get a happy ending, even if it isn't shown in this manga.

I'd like to see them have happy endings, although it doesn't have to be with each other. So long as Masaki-chan finds a nice girl who'll love her properly.

Nezchan Moderator
gravity discussion 09 Apr 10:00
joined Jun 28, 2012

I think she wasn't serious about killing herself neither was she trying to actually threaten to her "friend". It was more like she was really unstable and emotional at the time so she was saying anything that came to her mind at that moment.


Like I said, it's a reflection of her desperation.

One if them is trying to "grow" out of a Class S relationship, because you know, in Japanese society, it's the right thing to do. The other doesn't see a need to grow up out of it and wants things to stay that way forever.

I think both of them are trying to break out of the Class S mold in different ways. One by living up to what society demands (dating boys), and one by sticking to her guns and trying to move forward against the tide. She can't really understand why her girlfriend is betraying that (and her) and it tears her up, so she blurts out whatever without thinking.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Hmmm that "I want to always stay with everyone" always triggers bad things, like the "When this battle is over, I ...."

;_; stooooop

She only had three days until retirement, and had bought a nice boat too!

Nezchan Moderator
Manga General Thread 08 Apr 12:53
joined Jun 28, 2012

Is xxxHolic tied into another series?

xxxHolic and Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicle are linked series, although the former doesn't rely very much on the latter. You can certainly read xxxHolic without reading TRC and only have a couple of minor bits that aren't explained in depth. So you don't have to read it if you don't want but it does fill a couple of pieces in which aren't really vital to enjoying the story (like why Yuuko has the shop in the first place, who the visitors are from the stuff like that).

Personally I read Tsubasa a couple of times and liked it even if it does get a bit over-complicated in spots. It's CLAMP, that's the risk you take when you walk in the door.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I understand what you're saying and I'll stop requesting it, but it seems a little sad that anyone looking for yuri marriages will never find this title. It seems to defeat the point of the marriage tag.

i totally agree, but I haven't made any progress in convincing anybody to let me change it. You're not the only one who thinks not tagging stuff containing marriage with marriage is kind of ridiculous.

Nezchan Moderator
Manga General Thread 08 Apr 12:08
joined Jun 28, 2012

Ghost Hunt Story about a girl who becomes a part-time worker with a psychic investigation team, and eventually finds herself developing abilities of her own. Good character interaction and lots of spooky stuff.

I watched the anime and the Bloodstained Labyrinth arc scared the crap outta me. (I went to bed with the lights on for a whole week after watching that arc, no joke.) How is the manga in comparison?

The Bloodstained Labyrinth arc was creepy as shit in the manga. Not sure if they toned down Mai's dream or not, but it was chilling in the manga. Urado was about as nasty a piece of work as you might imagine, too.

Mushishi Do I really need to describe this?

Adore the anime and I just started reading this recently, I'm really looking forward to it.

If you've seen the anime, you'll find the manga familiar since the anime was VERY faithful to the source. There really are very few things that were changed, in terms of both dialogue and even camera angles.

XXXholic I love this one, a take on the "sorcerer's apprentice" concept that makes Harry Potter look shallow. Plus, Watanuki is both funnier and more appealing than Harry.

Saw the anime and enjoyed it. Does the manga go further?

I haven't seen the anime so I'm not sure, but there's stuff I'm certain would not be conveyed well in anime form (and vice versa). It's a fair length, so it seems likely there are events not covered in the anime, plus the occasional mention of events in Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicles which largely don't impact the story much. A few background elements, and the reason why Yuuko and Watanuki are the way they are, but that's really about it.

Looking at the episode list on Wikipedia, it looks like there are some stories that don't appear in the manga, or are changed quite a bit at least. Of course my preference is almost always manga over anime with very few exceptions, so it's pretty clear what I'd go with.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

....Fun fact time! When going down on a girl, never use food as a lubricant. It has gluten in it, and can very well cause genital yeast infection. This is exactly what I thought when she used the lolipop

Gluten only exists in animal products silly. Anythong that doesn't contain animal products or byproducts (such as lollipops) should by fine in those regards.

"Gluten only exists in animal products" what? Where does that come from? Here's what The Source Of All Knowledge has to say:

"Gluten (from Latin gluten, "glue") is a protein composite found in wheat and related grains, including barley and rye. Gluten gives elasticity to dough, helping it rise and keep its shape and often gives the final product a chewy texture."

Can't find anything reputable about gluten causing yeast infections either. A lot of anecdotes on message boards, and the sort of sites that also push nonsense like what Food Babe and the like pull out of their butts.

That said, it's not that hard to throw the ecology of the vagina out of whack so it's best not to mess with it with stuff like food for the most part since it's hard to know what'll cause a reaction and what won't. Stick with fingers, tongues, clean toys, and whatnot.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

you don't know that you don't know what we do on skype YOU DON'T KNOW!

That lonely, neglected look in Pekoe's eyes tells me all I need.

Admit it, she's too much woman for you to handle.

are you sure that's not the look for you only? i mean she does appear differently when she's with me

Are you suggesting Pekoe wants girlfriends in shifts?

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

you don't know that you don't know what we do on skype YOU DON'T KNOW!

That lonely, neglected look in Pekoe's eyes tells me all I need.

Admit it, she's too much woman for you to handle.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012



Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Is everyone receiving exactly equal attention at all times in a three-way relationship? Of course not. That doesn't happen in two-way ones either.

Ah, right. Not that I disapprove that kind of relationship, I just can't imagine how does it work...

I'm a bit curious, but asking about it maybe rude..

Part of it, as I mentioned above, is recognizing that no relationship will be completely even. There's give and take, and honestly it's just adding a little more of that into the mix. Yes, it can be a little tough setting aside the whole "I should be the only one in my partner's eyes" when that's what you've been taught literally your whole life, and giving that much trust to your partners is similarly difficult. But there are definite rewards and some people make it work very nicely.

That's a very general look at it in any case.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I'm sorry to hear that Kouhai isn't paying sufficient attention to you. Perhaps a spare could help fill in those little gaps?

But of course! That's where you come in, isn't it? :o

Like a wrecking ball, bebbeh!

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Is everyone receiving exactly equal attention at all times in a three-way relationship? Of course not. That doesn't happen in two-way ones either.

Nezchan gets it.

I'm sorry to hear that Kouhai isn't paying sufficient attention to you. Perhaps a spare could help fill in those little gaps?


Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I wonder why keine doesn't remember mokou.

I think this event happend before Keine and Mokou even meet each other. Plus after Mokou drank the Hourai Elixir she ran away, came back after very long time (short hair to long hair etc) and that is when Kamishirasawa serves Fujiwara like the doujins said.

Btw i hope this doujin will bring Yuyuko or Tojiko in some how, they both connected to Mokou as well. Yuyuko can be Mokou's relative if she is the daughter of the poet Saigyou and Tojiko's clan is enemy to the Fujiwara.

Can't wait

From the timeline I was reading, Mokou hunting Yokai took place several hundred years before Gensokyo was even created. So what's shown here would probably be their very first meeting when Keine was pretty young.

Nezchan Moderator
LOVE/DEATH discussion 07 Apr 10:21
joined Jun 28, 2012

I wanna buy this. Does anyone know where I can?

Unfortunately, aside from buying up a bunch of Yuri Hime back issues it is not yet possible. It looks like the series is finishing with Ch. 7, but I don't yet know what that means for a tank release—seven chapters of this seems too short to fill of volume on its own. My hope is that it might get bundled with NicoChuu and released like that, but either way we should find out soon.

There are three more chapters!? How much further could they possibly escalate this?

I'm envisioning a wedding that destroys the venue, and possibly several other buildings in the area.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

My logic can't accept HonoKotoUmi no matter how sweet it might sounds like. It fit them, and "everyone can be happy" that way, but there's now way I can imagine a three way relationship like that without leaving each of them favoring one over the other. Well... let's just use "love can't be explained with logic" and "this is an anime, so let it happen" to keep enjoying the sweetness of this ship can offer.

As someone who's been in three (and more) way relationships that have been plenty fulfilling, I'd suggest that what you said is correct and the issue is your not being able to imagine it rather than anything about the relationship structure itself. To be sure, a relationship like that carries a lot of social disapproval, but then so do lesbian relationships at all in Japanese culture. Plus of course it's fiction so whether it works out or not is up to the author saying it works out, and writing it so it's internally consistent. In this particular story, perhaps not. In other stories, definitely so.

Is everyone receiving exactly equal attention at all times in a three-way relationship? Of course not. That doesn't happen in two-way ones either.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

How did she became eternal though? Can someone explain it to me?

She took the Hourai Elixer that Kaguya had left behind for the Emperor. She killed the guard responsible in order to get it, which you can see on pages 31 and 32.