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joined Aug 19, 2015

I was just here to chill but then Nanao came into the picture and now she's all I see.

joined Aug 19, 2015

I see this as an absolute win. XD

joined Aug 19, 2015

Y'know I was wondering if Youzi was maybe adopted?
She's naturally blonde but her mom has black hair and her dad in the flashbacks had dark hair as well.

Of course hair dye could be a thing and maybe standard genetics rules don't matter but I was just curious.

All the same, she's our adorkable babyyyyyy

joined Aug 19, 2015

Oh no he is hot

If evil, why hot huhu

Kidding aside, I thought it was already mentioned or hinted in earlier chaps that Hinata would be the head. Maybe I'm remembering that wrong or my memory got mixed with meta manga logic

joined Aug 19, 2015

Imagine if Lena just said, "Please Bully Me, Miss Villainess" and gave into the yuri potential of apprenticeship with Olivia, we coulda avoided all this darkness. Yuri is always the answer. Psshhh

But then no Eevie so eh

last edited at Nov 12, 2023 4:39AM

joined Aug 19, 2015

You know what. I'm actually rooting for the Aunt now. Might've been a bit scummy of her to use MC against Kazuha but then it wasn't that extreme. If it turns out she's just using Kazuha for something, then I'm out.

What's the point of a step dad who actually loves his daughter but won't even get involved? Literally 0 value as a parent.

And looks like real dad chose money so bye, he doesn't need to come back. I can empathize with his choice to an extent but he also has no parental value.

Aunt at least wants to get involved. Even if she's carrying a bit of her sister's memory in the process, she also seems to be giving Kazuha space. So it's not like she's a suffocating relative.

So I'm confused what the conflict here is. I mean at best, it's that Kazuha actually loves her step dad regardless of the truth and wants to stay with him. But if he's acting like this, girl move on.

Weird going into this from following Still Sick. But let's see how it goes.

last edited at Oct 31, 2023 9:04PM

joined Aug 19, 2015

Okay I originally thought Erika was the one who made the Tanabata wish but considering chapter 4, I'm now leaning towards the supernatural occurrence being centered around Koto's script. Might also be more figurative to express Koto's return to writing though.

See it seems like Aya had left Koto's confession hanging for a while so while writing the script for the play, Koto might have channeled her longing and some of the negative feelings that come with it into a story where the heroine disappears or something close enough to it. But then Aya accepts her confession and she's finally happy but most of the script is already written and Aya disappears.

It makes sense for her to be distraught and never touch drama/writing again if she realized that maybe her script was involved. But when she got over the guilt later, after 7 years, she thought of maybe finishing the script which leads to Aya coming back. And with that, Aya even mirrors the lines she wrote. So Koto might have avoided Aya initially because of how she acts according to script but then now she might want to enjoy whatever is there.

But the question now is: Is this even Aya? Or a spectre from Koto's fantasy of Aya.

Erika might still have made that wish though coz she said something about being fair this way. But also this is a triangle, they were probably all involved in what initiated this occurrence somehow.

last edited at Oct 24, 2023 10:38PM

joined Aug 19, 2015

Sixi being so dedicated to Xiaoen that she left Peachtown for college and then returned to it after following her lead, coupled with her grumpy protest now, makes me suspect her not getting that Xiaoen was in love so far for the story was wishful thinking or willful ignorance on her part. Sixi likes Xiaoen, but Xiaoen in the past telling her dating is pointless would have discouraged her from acting on it. And now Xiaoen is in love with someone else. Poor Sixi. :(

I can see this being the case but defo too early to say. Xiaoen is considered by her town as pretty charismatic when it comes to the Peach business. It's entirely possible Sixi was just enamored with her drive/ideas with nothing romantic going on.

I would definitely move towns if a friend had a good idea I also believed in.

joined Aug 19, 2015

Y'all were worried bout a harem (which I personally don't mind) but obviously Aju is Hinata and Naori's rebellious emo/punk daughter who's paving her own path to fight society because she's not satisfied with the ways of the previous generation.

last edited at Oct 18, 2023 9:17AM

joined Aug 19, 2015

If bad, why hot?

Can't wait for the next chap. I do hope Yuni comes to realize her own selfishness or at least faces some consequence of it. Then, she can come back to Fuuko please.

joined Aug 19, 2015

Hngggg. I'm so weak towards aggressively flirty women, I'd fold in a millisecond. Good luck, MC!

joined Aug 19, 2015

Haruka's form of down bad is my fave form of down bad so I love seeing their chapters.

joined Aug 19, 2015

Ad Campaign manager is BASED.

joined Aug 19, 2015

Shen Aoqing slowly but surely rising through the ranks gives me butterflies thinking about the steady effort she put in.

joined Aug 19, 2015

I'm actually the type who values friendship over romantic relationships so I kinda understand Eri. That doesn't mean neglecting a relationship you've decided to get into though.

I don't really like the idea of separating the two. The person you get into a romantic relationship with should be someone you'd be able to see as a friend as well. Both types of relationships are equally important to me. I think separating the two and the inability to see someone being able to be both a friend and a romantic partner is the whole reason why there's this issue in this story in the first place lol.

Ohhh I agree. I should've clarified. I don't mean to separate the two completely as it's important to see your partner as your friend for sure. I just meant that in Eri's case she's valuing her existing friendships a bit more as it's something with a stronger foundation for her, at least emotionally. She doesn't really seem to have strong feelings about being in a relationship either which is why it makes sense to me that she prefers her existing friendships. And that's okay at the start of relationships, because you are still in the process of setting things up. So it's good to acknowledge that at this stage but she's decided to pursue the relationship, so I said it's important not to neglect it since they need to kindle that connection/friendship into something stronger.

Where I, personally, might draw a separation is because I lean towards the aromantic side so it's easier for me to form a stronger bond with friends rather than someone I'm dating, even if I do consider them a friend. It's being in that space of a relationship that restricts it for me. Of course, I'm not saying Eri is aromantic. But, she does remind me of the wishy-washy behavior I tend towards when I'm not sure I even want to be in a certain relationship. We can say that's maybe because she doesn't have any strong feelings towards anyone except Fuyuki(for now at least). Whether that's romantic or platonic remains to be seen but I'm gonna wear my yuri goggles until proven otherwise.

joined Aug 19, 2015

Ahhh I have feelings. Send help.
I quite like Senpai. She's very chill~

I'm actually the type who values friendship over romantic relationships so I kinda understand Eri. That doesn't mean neglecting a relationship you've decided to get into though. To be fair to Eri, she's still figuring things out and really there's no need to rush her. There's a bit of fallout because of the people around her but in large part, their feelings are their responsibility and Eri's just tangential to it. She is involved but it's not like any of the MCs have opened themselves up to vulnerability quite yet.

last edited at Sep 13, 2023 6:12PM

joined Aug 19, 2015

Damn. Team Ren Wei got fed tonight.

I'm actually fond of the fragmented chapters as it fits Youzi's perspective so there's little snaps of everyday life through her mom's busy schedule. I like the slice of life feel but I expect the narrative to kinda snap into place and get focused every now and again like this latest chapter.

Ohhhh I guess in a way, it reminded me of Their Story so this style felt alright.

last edited at Sep 10, 2023 3:49AM

joined Aug 19, 2015

Same but she had a dream about kissing her now. Idk if it can just be friendship anymore after that.

Good thing she didn't have a dream about confessing and being rejected, hm?

I mean, let's not be too hasty now, that could be the next dream.

Our Yuri already started but it accelerated after I got rejected in a dream.

last edited at Sep 7, 2023 2:50PM

joined Aug 19, 2015

I actually really like Hirose. She's so grounded. We can't really blame her for not realizing her feelings until now since she seems to be focused on volleyball. That's also a pretty good reason to be in a bit of denial since complicated feelings can get in the way of your goals. And even when she was detecting some of her feelings coming through, she still gave the best advice to give the MCs space. Her immediate awareness that Takamine and Sakura are in the stage where they want to get to know each other better is pretty impressive. Like hellooooo, this girl is an absolute green flag.

Unfortunately, I'm not rooting for her to end up with MC but I'd love to see more of her.

last edited at Sep 7, 2023 2:45PM

joined Aug 19, 2015

At this point they might as well make it a How to Keep a Triangle but a few years down the line to keep it legal

You know what. I'm on board. Polyamory for the win~

last edited at Sep 7, 2023 9:19AM

joined Aug 19, 2015

don't you think that in these supernatural type stories, the most realistic thing would be the police and government getting involved? people always seem to accept the supernatural, instead of doing science. some sort of paranormal stuff is going on. imagine if that happened in your town right now. that person would be experimented on by the military within a week of the local authorities finding out about it.

I think it would depend on the area. In my region, the authorities are apathetic and incompetent af. Not to mention corrupt. If something supernatural like this happened to someone I cared about, I wouldn't turn them over to the police unless some freaky violence was involved.

joined Aug 19, 2015

I, too, was hoping for something a bit lewder. wink

Kidding aside, that was pretty cute though Yuri Moyou is more my Hachiko speed.

joined Aug 19, 2015

Yeah. I liked Ren Xing's first appearance but she's so cringe it's turning me off of reading the new chapters. Thank goodness there was at least some Liao Liao and Pei Yu content.

I thought it was pretty cool to showcase someone in your past who can be a good friend even though you rejected their advances like with Liao Liao and Ren. Too bad that was thrown away with this plot line that's the opposite of that.

joined Aug 19, 2015


joined Aug 19, 2015

Ahhhhh finally the couple I've been wanting to see more of and it's glorious. MOAR please.

Also, Sensei knows what's up. Hnggg