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Image Comments 01 May 04:23
joined Oct 4, 2018

I'm a little surprised that the gray-haired girl could still stand so well with lips and toes for support (setting aside the door that is...)

last edited at May 1, 2019 5:41AM

joined Oct 4, 2018

Please tell me I'm not the only one who saw the gushing about the undersides of bridges and was reminded of the puzzle piece bit from Yuyushiki.

When I first saw that, for some reason or another, it just struck me as extremely gay even though it has nothing to do with being gay. I still though the same when I saw it again just now.

Image Comments 28 Apr 10:42
joined Oct 4, 2018

Looking at this picture again, I'm oddly reminded of that... for a lack of a better word, adorable gasp Nako made when Bocchi poked her.

Image Comments 28 Apr 10:32
joined Oct 4, 2018

@juanelric NakoAru is a yes but I'm still torn between KaiBocchi Kai does mention at some point about wanting to live together with Bocchi and SotoBocchi.

Then again... Shipping Bocchi with anyone is hard enough as it is. She's just way too pure.

last edited at Apr 28, 2019 10:38AM

Image Comments 28 Apr 00:23
joined Oct 4, 2018

^^ true

I prefer NakoAru but this is cute too.

Image Comments 26 Apr 00:10
joined Oct 4, 2018

My heart... I feel like I might cry again.

Is geedsai the one who said they'd continue FF through their fanfic?

Image Comments 26 Apr 00:00
joined Oct 4, 2018

^Saki's finger will break off before that happens

Salad Bowl discussion 25 Apr 16:44
joined Oct 4, 2018

^ "a bit" is an understatement. Still good though..

joined Oct 4, 2018

I wonder if Koguma understand that Hino was essentially saying that she's into her...

I'm so glad that I managed to grab some insulin. I almost died reading this chapter.

UFO Catcher discussion 23 Apr 14:42
joined Oct 4, 2018

A Ticcy original series??? Really? Really really?? Idk man, you tell me! Tumblr tags included below:

"# myart # original # ORIGINAL??? wow it's happening # if you are wondering yes of course they are (going to be) a thing # no one is giving me the yuri story I need so I'm gonna draw it myself # goodbye"

I might need to wipe the dust from my old tumblr acct. It's been a while.

joined Oct 4, 2018

You can't aaah mmmm ~

Kana nom

Colorful butterfly lands nom

last edited at Apr 23, 2019 2:36PM

joined Oct 4, 2018


I get it now, she's basically an older Bocchi.
Having your childhood friend said "I don't want to be friends" turns you into a chick magnet, apparently.

I think Yurika and Bocchi had a love child. The result: Hikage

joined Oct 4, 2018

This is weird. I thought you couldn't get married that young but those two obviously are?

I'm guessing they're just putting off the ceremony to make their marriage "official" because they're still lolis. Aside from that they're basically like every other married couple.

OR they're hiding the fact that they secretly had a ceremony (can't exactly say that they've done a good job at hiding it) that goddess Madoka personally presided over. I'm more inclined to believe this one.

Image Comments 22 Apr 14:41
joined Oct 4, 2018


Image Comments 22 Apr 14:40
joined Oct 4, 2018

Am I the only one worried about Korra's foot? They both only have left feet (if that gap between the tank and the engine says anything). Even if they are two people, they can't tango with just left feet...

joined Oct 4, 2018

You just sound like you don't know what you're talking about. Especially with these kinds of analogies. I don't see why you can't just say you're tired of x trope and that's why you don't like x thing, instead of faulting the manga for it. You keep talking about the tropes it uses, but not about how it executes them, which is the important part. Every single work of fiction has tropes, you being sick of them isn't the fault of the author.

My sweet summer child.

When you've been into it as long as I've been you start looking for more than just the "yuri" tag.

Now, if you started with the genre just recently and your love for is still blooming I totally understand you.

I'm not sure what kind of a yuri veteran you are but, from what I understand, getting sick of reading stories with a somewhat similar background setting has almost nothing to do with being a veteran. I may not know how many years exactly you need to call yourself a veteran but I'm guessing my 8-9 years of digging through whatever whatever yuri could get my hands on should be enough to say what I just did. Heck, this doesn't even involve just yuri.

I have to agree with @Arujin (with minor differences in opinion). Faulting the manga and the author for using an overused trope instead of faulting the author for the method of execution is a lot like getting mad at an amateur artist for not being a world renowned artists. They are two completely different concepts.

As a former Literature major, I can say with complete certainty that there is no such thing as a unique and unused trope or plot device. Doesn't matter what genre it is, it simply doesn't exist -- at least not anymore. What does exist is a difference in method or "style". Style is what makes or breaks a story. You could put as many clichés as you want in a story and so long as the author has great skills and even greater style, those clichés would feel refreshing. Otherwise just look at Twilight and 50 Shades. Those two are the perfect example of poor writing skill and style.

Yes, it's partly the author's (include the whole market while we're at it) fault that we're sick of an overused trope. It's bad execution that leaves the sour taste in our mouths, not the fact that the author chose to pull in those clichés.

Hate an overused trope? That's fine, we all have that cliché that we don't like. But have you ever sat for a moment and wondered why and how they even turned into a cliché?

last edited at Apr 20, 2019 11:12AM

Image Comments 19 Apr 13:02
joined Oct 4, 2018

... they should be careful of their fingers...

Image Comments 19 Apr 12:59
joined Oct 4, 2018

^ They really shouldn't. They're in public. Clothes have to stay on when out in public lest the cops come in and spoil their fun.

Image Comments 19 Apr 12:51
joined Oct 4, 2018

@CupCakeHappy Madoka's expression oddly fits right in with your comment in the best possible ways.

Image Comments 19 Apr 12:39
joined Oct 4, 2018

Almost everytime I see a fan art of these two I remember that one where Sakura bro-- er... ripped off Saki's finger with pure grip strength.

I can't get enough of these two!

last edited at Apr 19, 2019 12:43PM

joined Oct 4, 2018

Everybody here arguing about tomboys and trans women and I'm just wondering why is it tagged Yuri again? Two girls being supportive friends=Yuri?? Did they show any remote attraction towards each other? No. Did they kiss? No. Did they even give any slightest hint that they like girls? No. Who even tagged this. Are people here that desperate for Yuri? I am so fucking done with this author. I am really starting to hate them. They did the same crap in their previous mangas. I don't pay my internet bills to read trolling Subtext bullshit marketed as Yuri, bitch. Fuck this author and all their works (including the future ones).

The rough definition of "Yuri" in a Japanese context includes EVERYTHING from "romantic friendships" (which, despite what it may seem or sound, has absolutely nothing to do with actual romance between two very close friends), to puppy love, to nightly affairs, and all the way to full-blown romance. All of them involving two or more females.

Subtext or not, this oneshot IS no doubt Yuri.

last edited at Apr 19, 2019 12:19PM

joined Oct 4, 2018

"I despise you!" Walks away with girlfriend in her arms

joined Oct 4, 2018

That blush (even if she was hiding it) was just too cute!

joined Oct 4, 2018

It's so rare to see a doujin of YoshiYou that I can't help but appreciate them whenever they pop up. I just love these two together.

Also: Happy Birthday, You-chan!

Image Comments 16 Apr 22:54
joined Oct 4, 2018

Adopted a cat together? This just means that they've been married for years.