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Sunny Rose discussion 13 Jun 13:45
joined Feb 18, 2015

Only one word: adorable.

I would use two: Freakin' adorable

joined Feb 18, 2015

Brutal... Hilarious, but brutal!

Nutmeg discussion 08 Jun 17:11
joined Feb 18, 2015

ieeheh posted:

I love all her frank/blunt characters lol

It was dangerous, any other person could freak out, spread bad rumors and ruin your life in school.

If I had to guess, Natsumi is a fairly good judge of character and had been observing Yuuri fairly closely despite appearing aloof all this time, so she probably figured out that Yuuri isn't actually close to any of the other girls and wasn't one to spread rumors... Just a guess...

Reejun posted:

The kanji for the protagonist's name is 遊里. Normal enough characters for a name, but as a noun it means a play-district in the sense of an area for brothels.

Oh dang, what a fail. I totally forgot they gave kanji for her name, because I was working mostly on english script for past 3 weeks and sentences I was rechecking didn't use her name.

And yes, the meaning of her name is "red light district​", forgot about that funny fact xD

Well... that is a very, very interesting... (It also, apparently, means "Irrigation", but that is a much less interesting translation...)

So, is this suggesting something about her character, in terms of her inability to say no to requests?

Othello discussion 08 Jun 15:33
joined Feb 18, 2015

With the new one (Nutmeg) by Otsu Hiyori out today, I'm rereading some of the older stuff... This one is one of the best! I really like the college age stories like this and "Maple Love", especially when they deal with one of the two who has to gradually come to realize how she feels. (Aqua Blue Cinema, though they are seniors in high school, is kind of the same, since one of them is already out in the working world really and the other is past the point of being a "school girl" and is preparing for entrance exams, and most of the story takes place over break when she is working as an assistant. Plus it is longer! Not quite the same, since I don't think she was ever clueless about her own feelings, just about the other girl's, and vice versa...)

Otsu Hiyori is one of the best around though!

Nutmeg discussion 08 Jun 12:43
joined Feb 18, 2015

Well, one chapter in and I really like this! I find it interesting that the two characters deal with their social issues in such different ways. One by being aloof, the other be being accommodating, yet distant. It seemed clear that Yuuri was interested in Natsume all along, if nothing else because she seemed similar in her desire to be alone. (I'm still not entirely clear on how becoming a "yes woman" fits with wanting to be by oneself... I guess it is not wanting to stand out as odd and standoffish, like Natsume does, and going to the other extreme? One wonders if the people around her perceive the lack of sincerity?)

I am really looking forward to reading more of this!

joined Feb 18, 2015


Well, she was never 12. Middle school in Japan starts in in the what would be 7th grade in the US. So at the beginning, she would have been at least 13, and by the time she time-skipped or whatever, she was 14, because it was right before graduation time and the beginning of the next school year.

The real question is what is wrong with the translation of the age gap between Rinko and A-Chan in the first place. It says they are three years apart, making them both 1st years in their respective grade ranges at the beginning. This is kind of confirmed when one of the teachers tells A-Chan "I'm expecting you to be at the top in senior high, as well." Then, somehow, at the end of Rinko's first year of middle school, A-Chan is GRADUATING? That shouldn't happen until Rinko's THIRD year of middle school! So, when she goes to visit her at college, she should be a first year high school girl, not a 2nd year middle school girl.

Looking at the way the artist draws Rinko at 14 and 29, it looks like they do a fairly decent job of not making her change height too much, which is good. Most 14 year-old girls are past puberty and have, at most, a few centimeters of growth left before they are done growing, if that. (Many are done developing in other ways as well, unless they gain or lose weight, have a child, etc... but it is almost unheard of for a mangaka to NOT have a girl in a story like this have larger breasts in her grown up form...)

In any event, at this point I have no clue where the story is headed. That is a good thing sometimes... I haven't decided if it is because this has well written plot twists or if it is just all over the place...

joined Feb 18, 2015

Cute, and just slightly savage.

joined Feb 18, 2015

The end of this chapter certainly leaves one with a feeling of trepidation...

joined Feb 18, 2015

Little did she know that all she had to do to get help with her homework was put out!

joined Feb 18, 2015

Can someone explain the last bit. From the speech, i get that Chitose wont ever state her feelings or ask for anything, but make Saa-chan say them for her and make her ask for the things they both want. But the small back text i just cant understand. That is NOT a proper sentence.

As I understood it, Chitose's basically manipulating Sayuri into making all the moves to initiate a relationship by holding back just enough that Sayuri will have to pursue her. She seems to be doing it so that she'll feel less predatory that way, although I wonder how well it'll work for her when she knows exactly what she's doing and why.

to add to this, Chitose is also doing it to give herself an out. because after all, she never actually said that she loves sayuri or agreed to going out with her.

But I never said we could go out or anything! She just sort of wound up in my bed by accident! Honest!

joined Feb 18, 2015

LOL! Oh... I don't have a bra on... Like that would matter that much anyway during a backrub? I gave a lot of backrubs to women back when I was in college and removing the bra only mattered when they turned over...

Cotton discussion 02 Jun 14:50
joined Feb 18, 2015

Faust posted:

free_crab posted:

the rare case where the extra just would have been better not existing....
but pretty good

There is "sequel" to it though.

Hmm how are they connected? As far as I know, it's just another one shot by the same author

Yes, but resemblance to main characters and setting is uncanny. You can easly head-cannon that it is after MC divorced the brother of the other girl and they ended up together after all. The fact it is by the same author doesn't hurt as well for that theory.

The main characters in that look kind of like the main character in this one's SISTER and the younger girl. Not the two main characters in this one. So it totally doesn't work as s pretend sequel.

I personally don't have too big of a problem with the ending as it is. When you consider the age gap, Natsuki would probably refuse to take Michiko seriously at this point in any case. She's still in high school. I also didn't see any indication in the story that she was at all serious about the guy from work, just that he was persistent. The person she pursued in order to make sure she stayed in her life was Michiko and the person she spends personal time with outside of work is Michiko. I'd say that, in the long run, she'll admit her feelings, because she clearly had them during the story.

joined Feb 18, 2015

This certainly seems like the end, and not a bad end at that. Kind of sweet.

joined Feb 18, 2015

Not a bad special chapter. A bit of the green eyed monster there, definitely... (I'm thinking that the teacher might have dated the guy in high school?)

Beloved L discussion 01 Jun 17:02
joined Feb 18, 2015

So... she's now scheduled to go overseas with her ex? I'm sure Ding Yi will be very happy about that!

joined Feb 18, 2015

bodevanlot posted:

the drawing reminds me of the old Morinaga somehow

I agree that the drawing style is reminiscent of old Morinaga.

Really? Looks more like Morishima to me.

I got their names mixed up ...!! In fact, maybe I thought they were the same person more than once.

I just looked at some of them to compare. (I was comparing from memory earlier) and, frankly, there are aspects of both. If you look at "The Secret Recipe" (Morinaga) and "The Conditions for Paradise" (Morishima), you can see similarities in the facial structures for this artist in both. (Especially the "surprised looks" and the black haired girl. She's the one that reminded me the most of Morinaga's work I think...) On average though, this artist may be better at portraying subtle facial expressions. Then again, this is a more serious manga and not a comedy like those two...

literally who gives a shit if a girl has a lot of boyfriends. it's 2017 she can do what she wants she's literally harming nobody.

i relate a lot to hoshigawa. ive had a couple of crushes in high school that other people would call sluts just because they dated around and i myself have been called a boy-crazy slut just for having a lot of male friends (im lesbian so that insult isnt even remotely applicable). like i said, it's 2017. the notion that having a lot of romantic partners is a bad quality in a woman stems from the regressive, outdated, misogynistic idea that non-virgin women are tainted, and yet slut-shaming is still really common. there's nothing wrong with sleeping around, even if a girl had a different boyfriend every fucking night there wouldn't be anything wrong with that. people need to stop caring so much about what goes on in other people's bedrooms and let a girl live her goddamn life.

Oh come on, if someone is sleeping with someone new every single night then that's just not healthy, mentally or physically and doesn't bode well for future relationships. I mean it's one thing to tell someone not to date around or have sex before marriage but going to the other extreme and saying that going orgy crazy every day is is perfectly healthy is not any better. Live your life the way you want to live it, no one should have the ability to force you to do otherwise, but don't act like it should be perfectly acceptable and free of judgement. A lot of people live unhealthy life styles and they are happy about it, doesn't mean that they can't be judged or told that their life style is unhealthy as long as it is done in a reasonable fashion. People can be slutty, fat, unhygienic, arrogant, ignorant, drug addicted, or just a slob in general if they want to but it's also fine for others to point that out.

In regards to this manga, if this girl is sleeping around it most likely means that there is something wrong with her or her home environment. She probably has some kind of trouble in her life that made her think that sex is all that is needed for love and doesn't understand why she keeps getting dumped. The guys are probably just dating her because she just gives it away and dumps her because they see no more use for her. If she stopped sleeping around and maybe stayed single for a while then she might be able to figure out what she is doing wrong.

There is also the possibility that she is getting dumped because she is NOT putting out and she has this bad reputation for sleeping around with a bunch of different guys and telling her boyfriends she wants to wait to have sex and having them dump her because they were only interested in her because they heard she was easy? You never know...

joined Feb 18, 2015

Bloodwork posted:

Ah, the company president trope. Not a fan of that one, I'd rather have the characters themselves move the plot forward. Suddenly introducing a 3rd wheel that ads friction for plot progression is just lazy writing in my opinion.

But maybe she's just a nice friend who wants her grumpy friend to be happy again...

So basically the friend from Now Loading, except she comes off as slightly sinister.

Exactly. That and saying that Makino "isn't the kind of girl who can have those feelings," is kind of dismissive. Sure, it says she's hung around with her since middle school and maybe that indicates that she knows a lot about her. Perhaps she thinks Makino is asexual or something. But something certainly caused her to get upset when she thought of getting broken up with when she was out drinking with Seo in the chapter 1.5. It seems like it isn't quite that she is not able to fall in love. (Or that she is only able to fall in love with guys, I'd guess.)

Well, I look forward to more of this. I find the characters interesting.

joined Feb 18, 2015

Oh, hello Kotooka... hahaha just kidding.
Looking forward for more! the drawing reminds me of the old Morinaga somehow

I was getting serious Kotooka vibes from Nikaidou as well. A serial monogamist who doesn't stay in relationships and, from the looks of things, gets broken up with by the guys who pursue her. Probably because they can tell she isn't really into them. I am seriously curious about whether that is her history and whether she has something else going on. I assume we'll find out some day what she was crying about on the day Hoshigawa fell for her...

I agree that the drawing style is reminiscent of old Morinaga.

I have two competing theories warring in my head about why Nikaidou actually asked her to date her.

  1. She IS basically a version of Kotooka and all of the guys she has been dating have been, essentially, beards. She found out about Hoshigawa's feelings because of the eraser and decided to stop lying to herself and the world.

  2. She hasn't ever really had feelings for anyone and has accepted guys who confessed to her in an attempt to fill a void in her life left by some trauma we have yet to find out about, but couldn't ever keep a boyfriend because she didn't really love any of them. She figured out how Hoshigawa felt about her from the eraser, knew that she, alone among all the people at school, understood her well enough to be able to tell that she was actually sad that day because of her recent break-up and figured that a girl who cared about her enough that she could see through her fake smile when the people who were supposedly closer friends had no clue might be the person she could actually fall in love with, even if she was another girl. Or, at least, she might not abandon her just because she is incapable of feeling love correctly herself.

I'm betting on 2.

joined Feb 18, 2015

Seems very fun. Just one question: Wasn't there supposed to be a "plain" manager in there somewhere?

Exactly! Plain gorgeous!

But, overall, this was extremely cute and I look forward to more, assuming there is more...

Liberty discussion 30 May 01:07
joined Feb 18, 2015

As soon as her ear was touched, she didn't want to do it anymore. Something tells me she has an ex that would do that to her.

That's my bet! Something like that. Either an ex or someone who was abusive.

joined Feb 18, 2015

Oh my....

Oh my....

Oh my.....

Oh my......

Why would George Takei have four different accounts?

We're all Takei now.

Oh my.....

George says it best! This is just great! (I hope there's more!)

joined Feb 18, 2015

Well, the vague ending in the actual panels is disappointing, but if you read the character background pages, it makes things perfectly clear. In particular, the last two bullet points on the page for Tsukasa:

"It must have been hard on her to be the center of two love triangles."


"Despite how it ended, Tsukasa will also end up happy eventually. I feel that she's a girl who doesn't think something along the lines of "unrequited love = unhappiness".

That says to me that the other four ended up as couples and Tsukasa is the hypotenuse in both love triangles. Or perhaps the center of the love hourglass? Given that she did seem to be actually impacted by Asakura's confession, having her end up as bisexual in the end isn't a stretch, either. I would have preferred if, when Kotooka asked about her boyfriend it turned out she had a new GIRLFRIEND instead, but hadn't told her two friends that the person she was dating was female yet. (On the flash forward thing where they're meeting in the diner.) But, then again, it would have been better, over all, if the series had gone longer and not ended so abruptly.

joined Feb 18, 2015

Let's see.. 4koma, het and love triangle. No thanks.

But also: Adult life, Bisexual, Drama, Yuri

So, do you not like the way "Legend of Korra" ends? Because, frankly, other than the 4koma part, since it is a TV series, it would have all of those tags except for Yuri. (Hopefully the comic version will have the Yuri part!)

I just re-read this one today because I stumbled across it. It is a pretty nice, short, sweet story.

joined Feb 18, 2015

She will very soon be busted!

joined Feb 18, 2015

Wow... that was gone for a long time.

So... They're going to college in different towns and the suggestion is to live half way in between? It really isn't very clear... Maybe I need to just re-read the earlier chapters...