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joined Jul 20, 2016

what a waste on good art

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

it's always sad when you chase after someone you can never catch

DR2 Hajime Hinata
Liberty discussion 09 Dec 02:27
joined Jul 20, 2016

Uh is she wearing a wig or did they really cut her hair and she was okay with it? At least let her keep her black hair wtf is this ugly ass haircut. shit story

this made me laugh harder than it should've, but I agree

joined Jul 20, 2016

Am I the only one who thinks that the twins' ideal opposite gender personas look suspiciously like each other?

well, they are twins

jokes aside, isn't there a phenomenon where people like people who remind them of their siblings/parents?

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

riri a jerk
that guy a jerk
poor fuuka

I'd be lying if I said I said I wasn't thinking the same thing. I'll be blunt and say the whole manga pissed me off except for the last two chapters. Both Riri and Itta were jerks but I disliked Riri the most. The first few chapters really showed how inconsiderate some people can be no matter what, even if you like the person (Ex. Riri pretending to wanting to do it with Itta and Itta just kissing Fuuko out of nowhere). Riri also caused Fuuka to blame herself and apologize for something that wasn't her fault at all. All I'm saying is I didn't really like Riri's character and Itta's at first.

Sorry for my rant, it's 3 am and I'm probably just tired, bored, and pissed off

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

I like the homeroom teacher lol

DR2 Hajime Hinata
Pink Rush discussion 05 Dec 00:18
joined Jul 20, 2016

Yay, new chapter. This isn't actually the last chapter, is it? It REALLY doesn't feel like it, but the ending narration kinda makes me suspicious, and Baka Updates says it's just one volume anways.

If MAL is to be believed there should be one more chapter.

well I don't know how this would wrap up in one chapter

DR2 Hajime Hinata
Liberty discussion 03 Dec 00:36
joined Jul 20, 2016

I think I'm just reading this for the art at this point

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

BugDevil posted:

That demonic stretchy mouth terrifies me.

I saw the raws with the ending the demonic features take central focus to some unnatural levels... Makes you feel like "wait, is this really happening?!" it really makes you question the nature of this manga

how many chapters are left?

DR2 Hajime Hinata
Dear NOMAN discussion 29 Nov 17:16
joined Jul 20, 2016

I guess I'm like Mashiro because I got attached to Chitose too, I hope she is able to become like Bazu

Actually Mashiro could build up a pretty nice harem if it keeps up like this

DR2 Hajime Hinata
Teardrops discussion 28 Nov 02:06
joined Jul 20, 2016

aww the last page was so sweet

joined Jul 20, 2016

On the verge of tears. And then it ended before I could let a tear drop.


DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

I want more

DR2 Hajime Hinata
Image Comments 26 Nov 18:54
joined Jul 20, 2016

age gap

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Who ever is who and who, I mix up Yuu and Mari with the other similar couple.

Seriously they don't even look similar.

Maybe they mean Ayano, Yumimi, or Airi since they all have black hair and a similar hairstyle. Though they have noticeable differences, I used to get them mixed up when I just started reading this series too

Judging from the comment though, they probably just mixed up names, even after years of reading manga, for some reason I still can't associate Japanese names with what the character looks like and always forget their names.

last edited at Nov 26, 2019 11:11PM

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

toxic relationships 101, then again what was I expecting from Kodama

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

I appreciate the translation

if only the ending had had them end up together

oops, I read that accidentally, oh well I'm used to it by now

joined Jul 20, 2016

so is this gonna be a new series?

DR2 Hajime Hinata
I'm Here discussion 20 Nov 01:08
joined Jul 20, 2016

so did they ever talk again or not?

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

is there seriously only gonna be a chapter a year

DR2 Hajime Hinata
Love Aroma discussion 16 Nov 04:43
joined Jul 20, 2016

well that was pretty tame

joined Jul 20, 2016

Yuri Harem
Why's it always these have the slowest uploads/gets dropped. Q_Q


DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Oh man, those my-first-love-is-about-to-get-married feels... I'm guessing MC is gonna eventually either intentionally meet or bump into twitter-friend as well. Not sure if this is gonna go down the love triangle route though.

Anyhoo first chapter caught my attention, so I'm keen on seeing where the next chapter takes us!

I'm hoping this does something fresh, like MC moves on, gets with twitter friend, ex comes crawling back after failed marriage due to realizing her mistakes, MC rejects ex.

One can dream.

Yeah, yeah, I would love that story, someone should make that if this one won't be like it

DR2 Hajime Hinata
Akuryou discussion 15 Nov 00:47
joined Jul 20, 2016

My reading of the last few pages is that Nami is an actual ghost herself, one that apparently hasn't realized she's dead for some reason (which is ironic, considering what she said about the nature of ghosts).

We're not gonna tag it, please don't ask.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.

That's not going to stop the flow of tag suggestions.

Thank You.

I want to kick the responsible party in the shins every time I have one of these dramatic twist stories ruined by blatant spoiling tags.

And I would bodily block you and throw you to the ground / against the nearest wall if you try to do that on my watch. Tags exist for a reason, and nobody forces you to look at them.

the ghost tag isn't needed though since it literally spoils the whole story, if the fact that she was a ghost was outright given to us in the first place, it wouldn't be a spoiler, thus needing a tag

Yes, no one forces anyone to look at tags, but they are almost impossible to miss in the first place

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

ugh, she's a total bitch. Maki, just get with your internet friend.