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DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Let's face it, we've seen worse on this site

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

I want more online then offline yuri

Same. I wish there were more yuri manga that are game based, and I mean ones with chapters, not just one shots like this one

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Nice, I never thought this would get updated again

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

What's the point of her saying "I don't care if she's a robot, I still love her" if they are both robots though

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Hey, I'm looking for the manga where two girls sit next to each other at school, one is the delinquent type and the other is a cute girl. So they both wanna become friends but both also struggle to even greet each other in the morning. I remember there was one moment where the cute girl said something and the delinquent jumped out the window because of it. It's also colored at some parts

This manga's character's looks reminded me of it:

Was kinda hard till you mention jumping out of the windows, which narrow it down to that. Unfortunaly it's on hiatus for who know long.

Yes, I only suddenly remembered it and realized right away I haven't seen an update on it for a while, thank you though

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Hey, I'm looking for the manga where two girls sit next to each other at school, one is the delinquent type and the other is a cute girl. So they both wanna become friends but both also struggle to even greet each other in the morning. I remember there was one moment where the cute girl said something and the delinquent jumped out the window because of it. It's also colored at some parts

This manga's character's looks reminded me of it:

last edited at Jun 24, 2020 7:10AM

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

I hope she broke up with her afterwards :)

DR2 Hajime Hinata
Camouflage discussion 19 Jun 07:46
joined Jul 20, 2016

Why is it always the cute ones

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

do all steps in the same day
works for me

You done just exposed yourself

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

I'm loving this more the more I read it

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Bruh she should've given that girl a chance, the thing I want the most after a broken heart is love

Part of me wishes Reina is just in denial and truly likes Rui too, which is why she went for a younger boy who looked like a girl to me at first

last edited at Jun 19, 2020 6:51AM

DR2 Hajime Hinata
Pink Rush discussion 19 Jun 06:39
joined Jul 20, 2016

Hmm I really shouldn't have been expecting a solid ending for this kind of story but I still did anyway which was my mistake

joined Jul 20, 2016

Awwww that was sweet

DR2 Hajime Hinata
Past+ discussion 19 Jun 06:13
joined Jul 20, 2016

That was meh, I could've done way better without knowing this stuff even if the prequel left me with tears in my eyes

DR2 Hajime Hinata
Past discussion 19 Jun 06:07
joined Jul 20, 2016

My heart

DR2 Hajime Hinata
The Bridge discussion 16 Jun 07:46
joined Jul 20, 2016

Ah yes, the wonderful feeling of being a simp

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

I'm with some others on this, I don't think the new girl has malicious intent, I think she's going to be acting cupid in future chapters

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Awww that was sweet, I can't believe the original came out on this site 2 years ago already

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Aiko's blatant reverence is admittedly creepy, but I'm sure most people have had at least one person they've secretly idolized in a slightly more subtle version of what's shown here. It's not really clear yet where the story is heading. Of course with Aiko eventually finding out her beloved sensei is Mao, but how that'll be done and what the take home lesson will be I don't know. Is Aiko going to become disillusioned to some extent? Or will it be a case of transferred affection? Will Mao grow from this? All things I'm interested in finding out.

Same, I'm hoping Aiko eventually falls in love with Mao for who she is before she even finds out she's Shion and when she does find out they are the same person that she realizes she was idolizing her too much and learns to love normally

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

So was that it

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

I hope Rachel finds love, I feel for her since I'm lonely too

joined Jul 20, 2016

why can't this happen to me in real life

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

What in the world are people cheering for someone who just show domestical abuse ?

There are plenty of men on this forum

And to think somebody tried to get me banned just for saying people are too soft on the female characters.

You agreed with Tazune in saying Midori is 'just an idiot with a cute face' and said Midori deserves what's happening to her, then acted smug when you were given exactly what you wanted and shown from Tazune's perspective that he's an abusive shitheel and people expected a bit of humility after being so obstinate. Maybe it's not that people are 'too soft on the female characters'. :V

That said, I mean are they wrong? Men might find themselves sympathizing with Tazune for whatever reason, and I dunno, just see him as a rude But Not Abusive guy.

Beyond that, god I can't believe this thread for this series. After pages of victim blaming, saying Midori deserves what is happening to her, and arguing over whether or not a dude who's raising red flag after red flag is an abuser (I still don't even see why people would even care to defend him. He's not real, y'all.) And once we got a 100% clear From The Guy Himself perspective chapter that shows he's not just a mundane asshole, he's a misogynistic dipshit with some heavy chips on his shoulder, people act like it's some act of horrible story telling or whatever. Go find a different manga y'all, because this one clearly isn't

Not saying that you're wrong but I think this chapter was focusing on why we should feel bad for him in a way, somehow this manga makes us feel bad for the people that we really shouldn't be feeling bad for as much as Maki. I guess instead of focusing on the character who's heart is broken, this manga is just to focus on the other characters instead.

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

For some reason, I really love how Eli just straight barged her way into Hanoka's life, made herself comfortable, and just waited for her to be ok with the situation. It's friggin adorable. Lol...

yeah, Honoka is way less antisocial than she used to be

the same thing is also happening with the class prez and that other girl

DR2 Hajime Hinata
VAMPEERZ discussion 23 Feb 18:10
joined Jul 20, 2016

So... Sakuya's phone totally recorded their conversation right ?

yeah, I was thinking that, but she revealed what she was doing there right after they went back right?