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WDTFS fans - off topic 04 Apr 05:02
joined Apr 3, 2016

hmm... okaaay? ^-^ buuuuut can you explain how repeating the same song means I'm sensitive?? like, how could you tell? is there something about sensitive people that makes them repeat the same song over and over again?

The repeating of songs wasn't what told me you're sensitive. The part when you said you specifically look for songs that reflect your mood and put you in a special mood was what gave you away. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 04 Apr 04:45
joined Apr 3, 2016

how did you find a relation between those things?? O_O

Like I said: I quite literally learned to do that at uni. In some of my soci classes, I learned about typical human behavioral patterns and psych classes taught me how to interpret those. It's pretty important to be able to notice and interpret things for my job too, so I guess a few years of experience are showing their effect already. xD

Yeah I know you said that but how exactly does that work? I mean if it's not complicated to explain, I'm really curious ^-^
I never thought you could actually get this much information from a simple thing like that.

It wouldn't be too complicated to explain, but the thing is that there isn't really anything I could explain in the first place, because there isn't a set methodology behind it. You listen to what a person has to say and you make a mental note about what exactly that could mean aka what this tells you about their inner world. /scratches head/ I think you just have to be the right type of person to be able to do that. A human is not a machine. There's no manual. It takes a lot of empathy, focus and understanding to work with each one individually.

last edited at Apr 4, 2016 4:47AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 04 Apr 04:22
joined Apr 3, 2016

how did you find a relation between those things?? O_O

Like I said: I quite literally learned to do that at uni. In some of my soci classes, I learned about typical human behavioral patterns and psych classes taught me how to interpret those. It's pretty important to be able to notice and interpret things for my job too, so I guess a few years of experience are showing their effect already. xD

last edited at Apr 4, 2016 4:23AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 04 Apr 03:56
joined Apr 3, 2016

what if the person who likes to do romantic things doesn't like to receive romantic things that often though??

This could mean, that the person has selfless and humble traits and likes to put another person's happiness above their own. It could also hint at a low self esteem. ("I'm not worth their love/attention." "I need to do things for them so they won't leave me.") Or it's something else entirely. xD

also please tell me what you meant when you said that I said a lot about myself when I said I get addicted to songs and put them on repeat!! O_O

xD I have a degree in psychology and sociology, so putting the pieces of a human together like a puzzle is literally something I learned in school. Music is a way of communication, that a lot of people subconsciously use to express themselves. The way people listen to music usually says a lot more about them than the kind of music they listen to. When you said you look for songs, that either reflect your mood or put you into a specific mood and then binge-listen to them like it's an addiction, you basically just told me three things about yourself:
1. You are emotionally very sensitive and you wear your feelings on your sleeve, even if you aren't fully aware of it.
2. You tend to have trouble expressing yourself and understanding yourself. You spend a lot of time thinking and trying to figure things out, but you end up in dead ends a lot, which frustrates you.
3. You're good at feeling your own emotions and distinguishing them. You're very in touch with yourself - you just don't know what to make of it most of the time.

WDTFS fans - off topic 04 Apr 02:51
joined Apr 3, 2016

but who do you think is the most romantic?

I'd say the person, who likes to do romantic things. The other one maybe just likes to receive gifts or attention.

Just dropping by for a few minutes.
Su says good morning. :=)

WDTFS fans - off topic 03 Apr 19:20
joined Apr 3, 2016

hmm... okay, thank you :)

Just doing my job. :-) That'll be 50 bucks, please. Jk. xD

I have a weird thing with songs. I just repeat them for like 3 days and after that I listen to them occasionally but at the beginning it's like an addiction and they get me into the mood for working really easily...

You have no idea just how many things you just said about yourself with that statement. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 03 Apr 19:08
joined Apr 3, 2016

I can't find good music to inspire me either! I'm literally gonna go crazy! I only have 2 weeks until my deadline! >.<

What kind of deadline? What do you do?

I'm in college and I have to hand in my projects this month. I study animation :)
Btw, do you also read what does the fox say?

Ah, College. The best years. /sighs at the nostalgia/ What branch of animation do you want to work in later? Gaming? TV? Other?

Yes, I also read WDTFS. Su got me into it. She got me into manga in general. I never knew what I had missed all these years until she showed me Octave. xD Ever since then, I've been hanging around here & reading a lot.

oh cool :D I'm not sure to be honest ^-^''' the gaming department seems less repetitive but I'm not sure if that's true or not. I really creating stories though but sometimes I get this block and I can't do a thing and I just go crazy and I'm having that phase right now and I need to snap out of it if I want to get good grades T_T
I also really like Octave buuut the protagonist kind of gets on my nerves sometimes

Just try to go with the flow for now. Mental blocks of any kind usually don't resolve themselves when you focus on them. If you stress about it, it'll just get worse. I suggest you try to just relax for now. Do what you feel like doing. Inspiration can't be forced. :-)

Yukino also got on my nerves a lot at the beginning, but I like how realistic her development was in the end. Baby steos. Just like in real life. That was really well done.

WDTFS fans - off topic 03 Apr 18:47
joined Apr 3, 2016

I can't find good music to inspire me either! I'm literally gonna go crazy! I only have 2 weeks until my deadline! >.<

What kind of deadline? What do you do?

I'm in college and I have to hand in my projects this month. I study animation :)
Btw, do you also read what does the fox say?

Ah, College. The best years. /sighs at the nostalgia/ What branch of animation do you want to work in later? Gaming? TV? Other?

Yes, I also read WDTFS. Su got me into it. She got me into manga in general. I never knew what I had missed all these years until she showed me Octave. xD Ever since then, I've been hanging around here & reading a lot.

WDTFS fans - off topic 03 Apr 18:36
joined Apr 3, 2016

I can't find good music to inspire me either! I'm literally gonna go crazy! I only have 2 weeks until my deadline! >.<

What kind of deadline? What do you do?

WDTFS fans - off topic 03 Apr 18:26
joined Apr 3, 2016

That was a good one. xD

That's what your mom said last night as well. ;D

What, she said your sex is a good joke? Oh, I'll believe that right away. >:D

Duuuude. XD I dunno how to counter that, lol.

And that's 1-0 for yours truly. Ha! xD
I don't know what's more annoying right now. The fact that there is no good music in the radio or that my car smells like Thai chicken.

WDTFS fans - off topic 03 Apr 18:21
joined Apr 3, 2016

That was a good one. xD

That's what your mom said last night as well. ;D

What, she said your sex is a good joke? Oh, I'll believe that right away. >:D

WDTFS fans - off topic 03 Apr 18:17
joined Apr 3, 2016

Lin welcome! (You're a giant asshole! o.O)

Welcome back, Azai. I took the liberty to correct your statement. XD

Pffft. Alright, I'll admit it. That was a good one. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 03 Apr 17:57
joined Apr 3, 2016

You mean in general? Anything Lin makes.


Are you gonna call in tomorrow?
Obviously. I don't know when I'm getting out of here. Chances are I won't be home until 2. I won't get up after 4 hours of sleep just to make sure I'm not behind on my hours.

WDTFS fans - off topic 03 Apr 17:48
joined Apr 3, 2016

I'm holding up. I'm just really stressed out. The day was long enough as is. I'm tired as hell.

WDTFS fans - off topic 03 Apr 17:40
joined Apr 3, 2016

Lol, ok. See ya, dofu. XD

Wanna hijack the thread? ;D

Think we can go up to 20 pages just to troll Newp? XD Also, how's it looking so far?

Would be worth a shot at least. xD
The police officers said it'll take at least another hour before any of the cars could start moving. I've been out to catch a look and I counted 3 of those blankets they use to cover bodies on the floor. A van and a SUV. Looked like they crashed right into each other, front to front.

WDTFS fans - off topic 03 Apr 17:34
joined Apr 3, 2016

Wanna hijack the thread? ;D

WDTFS fans - off topic 03 Apr 17:09
joined Apr 3, 2016

heeeey~~~ dofudofu are you certain you avatar is not actually a sugar cube???

It's anything you want it to be <3

SOAP! ^-^

So you can use me in the shower?

why do you have to so leeeeeewwwwd?! >///<

Don't question. Just say yes.

Su, I'm gonna be late. There was an accident on central and I'm stuck right in the middle of the traffic jam. Until they've cleared at least one side of the road, there's no way I'm getting out of here anytime soon.

WDTFS fans - off topic 03 Apr 16:37
joined Apr 3, 2016

That thing is trolling me again. I gotta have my brother take a look at it. :/

I'm surprised you haven't already smashed it into a wall or thrown it out the window by now.

Anyway, yeah sure. ^^

Alright, I'll bring some chicken stuff from that Thai guy.

Gonna go now. See you again soon, folks. :-)

WDTFS fans - off topic 03 Apr 16:27
joined Apr 3, 2016

Oh, it's someone's birthday? Happy Birthday, birthday person. :-)

WDTFS fans - off topic 03 Apr 16:24
joined Apr 3, 2016

And also: I'M THE FUCKING CUTEST. There.

WDTFS fans - off topic 03 Apr 16:23
joined Apr 3, 2016

xD I have no idea why I never considered signing up earlier. You guys seem like a fun bunch. Anyway, to answer a few questions...

Yes, I'm Su's GF: Feel free to call me Lin if you like, it's my most common nickname.
I can make Bolognese Lasagna as well, but I don't like it as much as Tuna.
I won't tell you that Su actually does watch a lot of porn, but mostly just to laugh at how unrealistic it is. Aw, now I said it out loud. Whoopsie.
Su, you are anything but pure and innocent and you have no soul I could feast on. xD
Also, your phone is off and I'm about to leave. Feel like having some takeout?

WDTFS fans - off topic 03 Apr 16:08
joined Apr 3, 2016

Oh no, women can be predators just like men. Ask me, I'm living with one. xD

THAT is your first post in here? For real now? You come here and the first thing you do is mock me? (OAO)

Yes. :D

WDTFS fans - off topic 03 Apr 16:05
joined Apr 3, 2016

but isn't there any other food she likes more than that one? honestly??
Oh, I like a lot of food. Tuna Lasagna is just the one dish I never screw up when making it, which is what I'm really damn proud of. :-)

WDTFS fans - off topic 03 Apr 16:03
joined Apr 3, 2016

I always thought only men are wolves that can't take their hands off you.

Oh no, women can be predators just like men. Ask me, I'm living with one. xD