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joined Jan 1, 2022

a uke/seme-like dynamic.

Yes, you get it! That's a great way to describe it. Exactly what I mean.

I love Nagori Yu's stuff, I just wish I hadn't already read it all. Weird Voices was also excellent.

I have an insatiable appetite for strong ladies and weak girls.

Thank you for the suggestions. I'll be sure to read them.

joined Jan 1, 2022

Can anyone recommend some good stuff with dominant, aggressive girls?

joined Jan 1, 2022

This is some serious gourmet shit.

joined Jan 1, 2022

I'm a huge Hanei supporter, have been since day 1. I think the fact that they're dating either means that this arc (plus epilogue) is going to be the last one, or Toudou is going to cheat on her girlfriend. If it's the latter, I'd feel bad for Rin, but I do want to see more of Yuina and Kamisada. If it's the former I don't know what I'll do with myself, Mocchi has me addicted to this shit.

joined Jan 1, 2022

It's NTR

joined Jan 1, 2022

Maybe it's copium, but this classic dumb plot point caused by a misunderstanding thing somehow feels a lot better when it's a character like Makino getting misunderstood.

joined Jan 1, 2022

Fuckin piss?? lmao

joined Jan 1, 2022

Oh no... He's perfect for her...

joined Jan 1, 2022

Incredible restraint from Mochi to not have the incest happen. I know that must have taken a lot.

Rin enjoyers stay winning as usual. Feels good.

joined Jan 1, 2022

I think Fuuko is a hero because she's hot and manipulating people is badass. She's the Odysseus of this story.

Yuni's actions make perfect sense here and she's 100% making the right play. She wants to have her cake and eat it too, so why wouldn't she rush into Nanase's arms? It's not like Fuuko will give up on her. Yuni wants to have BOTH Nanase and Fuuko obsessed with her, and this is a step in the right direction.

Nanase is the only one acting irrationally here. She should dump the cheating bitch and get with her volleyball friend. She's blaming herself because she didn't pay Yuni enough attention, but that's stupid. God damn, have some self-respect.

joined Jan 1, 2022

I love how casually she whipped out the lockpicks lol. You think "oh this is gonna be one of those normal girl x freak kinda stories" NOPE, she's sniffing bras in the first chapter.

I'm expecting some high quality deranged nonsense.

joined Jan 1, 2022

People on here always hate this kind of interloper character, but I like this girl so far. She's confident and her logic makes more sense than Minami's. She'll act cute and obnoxious for a few chapters before getting soundly rejected in a way that builds progress for the main couple.

It's a played-out trope sure, but so's the rest of this manga.

joined Jan 1, 2022

Well, frankly, that was pretty incoherent. The art was cute though.

joined Jan 1, 2022

First few pages of this chapter made me laugh bc of just how absurd Yuni is acting. Telling your gf it's all her fault while half undressed and then sobbing when she leaves.

Fuuko stays winning!! I love a girlboss

You get it. You gotta be stanced up in the saloon shooting your pistols into the air to read this manga properly. Very much a "fuck it we ball" kinda manga.

joined Jan 1, 2022

It's getting spicy. Now I'm interested.

joined Jan 1, 2022

Could anyone tell me where the credits image is from?

Hiroko's in the manager class, and welcome to salary in the corporate world

The professional-managerial class is better compensated, and therefore is more likely to side with the capitalist class than other workers, but they are still working class. They don't own means of production.

joined Jan 1, 2022

Easily the most erotic chapter so far. Good stuff. Really painted the scene well. If the manga maintains this level of quality for the rest of it it'll be pretty great.

joined Jan 1, 2022

How can something so cute be so painful. If this doesn't get a proper ending I'm going to throw rocks at cars.

joined Jan 1, 2022

I like the brisk pace and frankness that this manga has. It does feel like it got axed, but it also feels like it would have only needed 2 volumes max to begin with. Is there another chapter that isn't translated? I'm sad that the foreshadowing about a "change in Rei" never got a real payoff (unless it was just referring to the fact that she's okay with kissing and such now).

Pink Rush discussion 11 Apr 19:42
joined Jan 1, 2022

This was great! Where can I find more from this author?

Reliance discussion 09 Apr 20:47
joined Jan 1, 2022

I thought I kind of understood what was going on in this one, and then I read the comments and realized I'm missing 100% of the relevant information. According to other people in this thread, Shiki and the nurse are not in any kind of romantic relationship, and are instead people who commiserate over their respective unrequited lesbian crushes. Then what the hell is going on in chapter 10? When I read it, I was like, "Oh, this is revealing the fact that their implied romantic relationship is something which Shiki is pushing for and not the other way around. Maybe she is blackmailing the nurse?" Except they don't have a romantic relationship at all and they're actually friends. So why does Haijima-sensei want to keep Shiki away from herself? And why is Shiki making that face on the second to the last page? Maybe this would all make way more sense if I just read the original work.

In fact, if there's no romantic relationship between the nurse and Shiki, then what's the point of half of these chapters? I was assuming that the second half of this story would be a big conflict centering on Tachibana realizing that Shiki was dating the nurse, and that the relationship is messy (something like Shiki is blackmailing the nurse, or the nurse is emotionally manipulating Shiki, or their relationship is inherently toxic because of the age gap but Shiki begs Tachibana to keep it a secret). And then Tachibana has to grapple with whether she should "save" Shiki from that relationship, and with whether she could actually do so if she tried, which causes her own feelings to come to the front. But if that's not the case, and we're meant to know that their relationship is entirely benign and platonic from the beginning, then where on Earth is this story going?

What was the point of building up all this tension around the relationship between Shiki and the nurse? Is it all just dramatic irony? Are we meant to go, "Oh that silly Tachibana, she's getting all worked up over this relationship she's imagining between Shiki and Haijima-sensei when there's really nothing going on. Ha ha ha! As soon as they talk about it, she'll feel like such a fool! Maybe that will make her reveal her crush?" Except, that isn't at all the direction chapter 10 seems to be leading, so what's up with that?? Shiki is acting like there IS something suspicious and concerning about their relationship. I'm so confused.

last edited at Apr 10, 2023 1:14PM

joined Jan 1, 2022

Yuni could have broken things off at any time, if she really felt so mistreated by Nanase. And if she did want to continue the relationship, she could have treated it seriously by actually communicating and not cheating. Instead she wanted to have it both ways, to the point that even Fuuko felt hurt by it, and then when Fuuko confronts her about it she's like, "No, I prefer this stupid farce of a relationship where I cheat on my girlfriend and everyone involved feels hurt." Now the whole thing is collapsing on her head and there's no one to blame but Yuni herself.

last edited at Apr 9, 2023 8:59PM

joined Jan 1, 2022

This is probably the stupidest series I read regularly. It's like junk food. It can't be healthy, but I can't stop consuming it.

joined Jan 1, 2022

She doesn't even think about getting a girlfriend. It is possible though! If she likes her own boobs, surely someone else might too. She just needs to realize her own worth, and put herself out there.

joined Jan 1, 2022

I like the concept here, and the character designs are cute, but it just isn't coming together into anything all that interesting. The characters feel pretty generic so far, though they might develop in a good direction. The action is bland and poorly choreographed. To begin with, I think it's hard to stay engaged with fights against mindless monsters. If the fight choreography were better it could maybe work, but the fights so far feel like they mean nothing and have no stakes. The only manga I've read that made this sort of thing work is Attack on Titan, where they used the story's willingness to regularly kill off characters or have the protagonists actually lose battles make the titan fights entertaining (plus the 3d maneuver gear was visually interesting in use and had interesting limitations, which so far this power system does not). Even then AoT got way more interesting once they introduced human foes, which this story will hopefully do too.

The yuri romance aspect is done better. There's some actual tension in Riri's relationship with Yuyu, and I liked their dynamic with the training thing. It still feels painfully generic. There are a lot of characters being introduced, but they're all characterized so shallowly. They need room to develop.

Overall, the pacing feels slow, and they're dumping a lot of exposition without giving us much reason to care about any of it.

Does the anime do any of this better? I want to like this story, but I don't know if I can.