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WDTFS fans - off topic 06 Apr 18:23
joined Apr 3, 2016


oh wow, you story with Suzuma sounds really romantic, you're such a cute couple! yayy ^-^

Which story? I haven't even told the story. I just literally gave you a single sentence and you talk about a story. xD

Mind sharing the story then ?? :>

/exaggerated sigh/ Fiiiine. I'm totally playing that I'm annoyed, cause I actually do like to remember this. But ssshhhh. xD

Okay. Like I said, I first met her when she was 18, so 4 (or actually almost 5) years ago. I had just finished my internship a few months ago and was already working with 2 kids and trying to help them figure out some problems they had with their parents. One day, Su came into my office with a request: to take care of one of her friends, but his family can't know about it at all and I wasn't allowed to tell the police anything either.

It seemed fishy at first, to say the very least. I still agreed at first, because I figured I just check out what this is all about before deciding what I'm gonna do. The next day, she returned with a kid, who looked like he should be in hospital instead of in a social worker's office. Black eye, bruises on his neck, cut scars on his arms. Su explained that he's a sensitive, shy and kind of feminine kid and that his dad apparently disagreed with everything he was, so he decided to teach his son to "man up." She also told me that she's already been to the police and asked them, hypothetically, how they'd deal with such a situation. They'd told her the father would get arrested for the kid's safety, then a trial would be held and if he's found guilty, he goes to jail and the custody for the boy goes to the closest relatives. Since his mom was dead, the closest relatives would've either been his aunt and uncle or his grandparents, who all lived in Russia and he didn't want to go there, since he suspected they'd be worse than his dad. So with literally nowhere to go and pushing charges against the father not being an option until the boy reached legal age and could thus go wherever he wanted to, Su basically asked me to help her hide him until he was 18. In other words: she was pretty much asking me to cover up a kidnapping. Since social workers are the first address police try when teenagers run away from home, I was on the front line of knowing what was going on out there. Sure enough, a week after I had told Su and her friend that I'd see what I can do, two officers came into my office and asked me if I could help find the boy. Obviously I told them I would so I would be the first one to know about the steps they take. So while I pretended to search the whole city for the kid, I kept Su updated about what the cops were doing and she kept me updated on the boy's well-being. We...sort of bonded over it all. Whenever I felt like I wasn't being watched with hawk eyes, I went to Su's family's place and checked on him while taking some time to check with Su as well. Now, you already know she has a weak heart, but just let me tell ya'll that her soul makes up for it all at least tenfold.

When we messed up and got a little careless and the police were actually about to find out about our little secret, Su called in sick in school and then she grabbed her friend and a bag of clothes and fled to Saxony with him for a while, where they lived with her aunt for 4 weeks. The heat died down a little bit, she and the boy returned and the hiding game continued. By then, there was a missing child area search going on in the entire city of Berlin and while I had to admit I was getting seriously nervous, Su was still determined like a real trooper. All that time she was facing possible charges for kidnapping, disturbing police work, lying to police and who knows what else, which could have easily landed her in prison for 5 or 6 years, but she was all like "that boy is my friend and if I have to go to jail for helping him, then fine."

Well, all in all after half a year, the boy turned 18. Now free to do whatever he liked and allowed to live wherever he wanted, he went to police, lied that he ran away and lived on his own on the streets for a while and pressed charges against his father. The man is in jail now. The boy and Su are still friends and he's about to finish his apprenticeship to becoming a car mechanic. After the entire ordeal, Su and I kept being in contact, because that girl had seriously impressed me. There's a lot of people who say they'd do anything for their friends, but there's few who actually prove to be true to those words. Su was one of those cases and I figured becoming friends with her would probably one of the best things that could happen to me. After a year or so, we figured we were actually really into each other. So I asked her out, we had a wonderful first date where literally everything that could've went wrong really did go wrong (She showed up a lot more than fashionably late, my purse got stolen, it started raining as fuck), but it was all okay in the end, because I found out she's the type of person, who kisses on the first date. ^_^...Well, and the rest of the story is basically just more dates, more getting to know each other and a lot of sex. We've been with each other for 3 years now and I hope there's a lot more to come.

Welp. And that's the story. At least the most important parts of it. :-)

WDTFS fans - off topic 06 Apr 17:38
joined Apr 3, 2016

oh wow, you story with Suzuma sounds really romantic, you're such a cute couple! yayy ^-^

Which story? I haven't even told the story. I just literally gave you a single sentence and you talk about a story. xD

As for height and age: 32 years old (33 this year's November) and 182,5 centimeters.

Also, I used to speak Italian and Arabic, but I barely remember anything. We left Egypt when I was still just a toddler and Italy when I just started puberty. I spent most of my life in Germany and my parents used English to communicate with one another. I haven't been required to use Italian or Arabic for literal decades now, so I forgot most of it.

WDTFS fans - off topic 06 Apr 17:28
joined Apr 3, 2016

Wait, does that mean that at some point in here, everyone's been sharing their life story but me? o_o...Does that mean I have to tag along with this now?

Pretty much.

Uhh...okay? Well, I'm not too big on sharing stuff,'s a few things, I guess.

  • I lived in Egypt first, then my family moved to Italy and then to Germany.
  • I'm the only one of my family, who has remained in Germany, because the rest of them moved back to Egypt when I was 20.
  • I've pretty much always known I was a lesbian and never found anything attractive in any guy. Ever.
  • I first met Su when she was 18 and she became an important figure in one of my very first cases of trying to make a teen's life less of a hell.
  • I can drink half a bottle of tobasco sauce and not bat an eye. I've been able to do that ever since I lost a bet in college.
  • I survived a train crash 11 years ago. Ever since then, I haven't been on a single train again.

/shrugs/ Except for those few things, my life has been pretty normal.

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 7:26PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 06 Apr 17:07
joined Apr 3, 2016

I gotta say people here have such an interesting life/love story xD

Wait, does that mean that at some point in here, everyone's been sharing their life story but me? o_o...Does that mean I have to tag along with this now?

WDTFS fans - off topic 06 Apr 16:57
joined Apr 3, 2016

Your brother definitely lacks the Evil Brother Stare. xD Still, that sucks. Does he at least back off for the moment when you tell him to or is he clingy?

Well... /cough/ I think jelly is a perversion of nature, that should just burn and cease existing /cough/ I know we have strawberry, blueberry and peach. Su could know more. She's the one with the sweet tooth.^_^;

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 4:58PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 06 Apr 16:41
joined Apr 3, 2016

It was a shitty situation. However he still thinks he can "change me" -_-

Do you have a brother? I've found that brothers can solve those problems very effectively. ;D

WDTFS fans - off topic 06 Apr 16:39
joined Apr 3, 2016

Safest indicator that you're in a forum full of women: the topic changes.
You people are giving me a whiplash here. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 06 Apr 15:32
joined Apr 3, 2016

Back in Philippines, you can get into bars & nightclubs even if you're not in legal age yet.

In Germany, 16 is legal drinking age. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 06 Apr 15:15
joined Apr 3, 2016

Welcome back Lin and Azai ^ ^

^_^ Thanks.

WDTFS fans - off topic 06 Apr 15:14
joined Apr 3, 2016

lazy people will rule the world one day. Dont forget that <3

How did the saying go again? Early to rise and early to bed makes a man healthy and wealthy and dead. Yup, I think that was it. ;D

WDTFS fans - off topic 06 Apr 14:48
joined Apr 3, 2016

Man, looks like I've missed some interesting topics while I was away.
Also, it seems there are a few people here, who I haven't met yet. Hello there. :-) Feel free to ignore my account nickname and call me Lin. I'm used to it and it's much shorter. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 06 Apr 07:22
joined Apr 3, 2016

Are you kidding? I got my hands full with one of you as is! o.o God, I'm doomed. I can already feel some gray hair growing. XD

xD And you say I'm the asshole in this relationship!

LOL! Stressful morning?

You know it. Paper, paper and more paper. I gotta finish it all before Jessie and Marco get here, which will be in 2 hours. /exaggerated sigh/ There's still so much of it. I also gotta make a few phone calls and go to the station at least once so I can check up on Green at least once. I haven't been able to see him for almost a week and I'm a bit worried. It'll be a long day. /more sighing/ Don't wait up for me with dinner. I'll be late.

Anyway, lunch is over. Back to work! See ya'll later! :-)

WDTFS fans - off topic 06 Apr 07:08
joined Apr 3, 2016

I bet there's a ton more things I don't know about you. o.o

/shrugs/ It'll all come up eventually. We got time. ^_^

So...does that mean I've been cheating on you and I don't even know it? O_O My god, I have Altzheimer's! /)(OoO)(\

I don't think you've been cheating. I just have multiple personalities and I didn't know. Sooo... you're still dating moi, but twice :D

Orange juice, Lin. It's a thing. XD

Right. I forgot it exists for a second. /facepalm/

There's also raisins in there, but they prolly sunk to the ground cause they're so heavy.

Rrrrraaaaiiiisssssiiiinnnnnssssss!!!!!! Yeeeessss!!!! /starts digging/

It's really that hot? Geez, where are you from?

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 7:10AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 06 Apr 06:55
joined Apr 3, 2016

How am I supposed to know that? You never told me any of it. XD I thought you lived in Italy from birth til you were 12 and then you guys moved cause, idk, you wanted to try Bratwurst? X'D

My love, it may have escaped your notice, but for most people, food is not as vital as it is for you. And it sure as fuck isn't a reason to leave the country. xD Anyway, you never asked, so I never told. :-) Personally, I don't think it's really important to know. It's all in the past anyway and knowing my background doesn't change who I am.

Hello, Rainy. Did you know? Apparently, you and I are the same person and Su is dating us. xD

...Wut? o.0

xD A few pages ago, mvl thought Rainy is me and thus thought you and her are a couple. I didn't even know I had MPD xD

On a side note, that yoghurt is awesome. Did you put orange somewhere in it? I can taste them, but I don't see them...

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 6:58AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 06 Apr 06:47
joined Apr 3, 2016

Hello, Rainy. Did you know? Apparently, you and I are the same person and Su is dating us. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 06 Apr 06:47
joined Apr 3, 2016

Lin is actually Italian. She lived on Sicilia until she was 12, then her family relocated here. ^^

If you're going to correct people, at least do it correctly. xD I'm half Italian on my father's part and half Egyptian on my mother's part. I also lived in Alexandria at first, but then my grandmother got sick and my father decided to move back to Sicilia to take care of her. My mother, me and my siblings went with him, obviously. That was when I was 5. Then we lived in Sicilia until I was 12 and then we relocated to Bavaria, because my father got a promising job contract in Munich. ^_^

WDTFS fans - off topic 05 Apr 06:00
joined Apr 3, 2016

Anyway, I'll be leaving now. Timmy wants to go out and play and we need to walk the dog anyway. I'll see you later tonight. :-*

See ya'll later, folks! Hope you have fabulous days! :-)

last edited at Apr 5, 2016 6:00AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 05 Apr 05:56
joined Apr 3, 2016

I can't remember names, you can't remember dates. shrugs One day, we'll be old hags sitting in our rocking chairs, knitting socks, it'll be September and you'll be like "Our anniversary is coming up, isn't it?" and I'll go "I don't know. Wait, who are you again?" XD

I can actually see myself being a grumpy old granny. I'll be yelling at kids to get off my lawn all the time and "Kids these days!" will totes be my catch phrase. xD

Absolutely. ;D

=_= I hate you.

rolls eyes Your cat needs discipline. v.v

I'm not even denying that. xD But I don't think we have good chances at educating her. She's 14. She might be a bit too old and too stubborn to learn something new.

Pulling all nighters when you have 2 days left until deadline and all you sustain yourself on is leftover pizza, chocolate and bull coffee. Ah, the memories. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 05 Apr 05:41
joined Apr 3, 2016

Don't expect me to not whine like I'm about to die though.

That's okay, I'm used to this by now. ^_^

Our anniversary is in a week, so you still got some time for that.

Good. I was scared for a second that I had missed it cause I didn't need to check my calendar for some days. xD ... I kind of feel bad for not remembering the date on my own, actually.

No, it's just a little something I saw in a store yesterday. Nothing big, I just thought you might like it, so I got it for ya.

Aaw. ... Great, now I'll be wondering what it is until I get home, which won't be before 8 in the evening. You totally did that on purpose!

Reeba just puked all over our coffee table. ...Srsly, who the fuck taught her to jump on shit everytime she has to barf? I've had cats before and none of them ever did that! Urgh...

LOL! She's been doing that ever since she was 5 or 6. I honestly don't know why. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 05 Apr 05:21
joined Apr 3, 2016

I'm also a caffeine junk since college happened xD

Same! xD Uni does have that effect, lol. Did you ever try bull coffee? (aka mixing a cup of coffee with a can of Red Bull)

As long as you stay young at heart, age is just a meaningless number. :-)

/pats your back/ Stay strong, my love. ^_^

Also, I have a little gift for you when you get back. ^^

o_o Oh god, did I forget our anniversary again?

last edited at Apr 5, 2016 5:21AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 05 Apr 05:04
joined Apr 3, 2016

/hogs all the coffee/ Miiiiiine....

WDTFS fans - off topic 05 Apr 04:58
joined Apr 3, 2016

/drinks all the coffee, leaving nothing for anyone else/ One thing you should know about me: I'm a caffeine junkie. If there's coffee, it's mine. xD

I don't think that'd be a good idea. Your heart's used to being supported by now. You're on vacation anyway, so as long as you do sleep at all, it's ok isn't it? Deal with it a bit longer- And tell your doc it's urgent so you won't have to wait too long.

Timmy is being the bundle of joy he always is. ^_^ He's playing video games now, so I can relax a bit. He wore me out yesterday. xD He says hello, by the way.

WDTFS fans - off topic 05 Apr 04:41
joined Apr 3, 2016

I still say it's the new meds. Your sleeping patterns have been fucked up ever since you started taking them. You should really tell your doc about this.

WDTFS fans - off topic 04 Apr 06:00
joined Apr 3, 2016


Damn, now we know who is the badass in our bunch.

Lol, thank you. xD
I actually am Team Pink, but I tend to avoid fandom discussions. That's more Su's thing. xD I just usually slink into the background and watch.

And I'll have to leave now as well. I'll use my free day to take care of some stuff I've neglected for a while and I really should get started now. See you guys around! :-)

WDTFS fans - off topic 04 Apr 05:37
joined Apr 3, 2016

SoftLikeSteel, what do you do for a living?

Just call me Lin if you like, it's shorter. :-)
I don't know the English word for it, but if I had to translate it, I guess I'd call it "youth counselor." In a nutshell, I help teenagers and young adults figure out problems they have with their friends, family, classmates, teachers and with themselves. It's a job of the social worker branch.

And what do you say about the habit of repeating the same song? One day sometimes is not enough for me.. My record is almost a week with the same song. Now, i feel bad to my coworker..

Repeating a song over and over could mean a whole lot of things. xD In Faylicia's case, I interpreted it means she tends to have problems figuring herself out, because she said she links her song choice directly to her own feelings and moods and specifically looks for songs, that trigger emotional reactions in her. Basically, humans usually find repetitions of any kind boring and annoying after a while. If your mind has picked up all the input there is to gather, it usually moves on and busies itself with something else. If you get hooked on songs for that long, it could simply mean you're extremely audiosensitive, which means you subconsciously find something new and exciting about that song each time you listen to it, which is what keeps your mind from getting bored. It could also mean you link that song to your emotions, just like Faylicia, and you either simply love feeling that emotion or you have trouble expressing that emotion yourself and you use the song as a catalyst to do it for you. Or it could mean the song triggers an emotion within you, which you can't really put your finger on and you subconsciously use the song to keep triggering it over and over again, because you want to figure out what's going on with you.

last edited at Apr 4, 2016 5:41AM