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WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 12:41
joined Apr 3, 2016

hissing at coffe with banana juice / OMG, and she complained about bull coffee!!

I know right? I mean, compared to the abominations she tends to come up with, bull coffee almost sounds perfectly normal. xD

O_O mussel sashimi... >.> are they safe to eat raw?

Apparently, since it's one of her favorite "snacks" and she's having that stuff at least once a week. xD

pickes with nutella sounds absolutely disgusting...

I never tried it, but then again: I actually really don't want to, either. xD

that being said you seem to have very contrasting tastes for food XD

Food's not the only thing, we actually contrast a lot in general. There's a whole lot of things we don't have in common, but I still believe that's why we just work so well together. Opposites attract, they say. Guess there's some truth to it. ^_^

But apparently Suzuma said she really likes whatever you cook so I guess you are fine ahahahaha, is it the power of love? ^-^

You are just a hopeless romantic. xD The truth is a bit less of Romeo and Juliet. :-) Su's just not a picky eater. That's pretty much it. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 12:27
joined Apr 3, 2016

How's Su? If possible, can you tell her that I actually tried dark honey/pepper tomatoes? And that I'm still Team Salty Tomatoes all the way. Too bad I'm not her long lost twin xD.

Oh, she's not gonna like that. xD To be honest, I tried honey-pepper tomatoes as well, thank you. I actually had to keep myself from spitting them out. xD

I spit a part of it... (But Su doesn't need to know this xD)

Don't worry, I won't tell. xD Sometimes I really do ask myself how she can eat some of the things she does. Like honey-pepper tomatoes, pickles with nutella, coffee with banana juice and, and this is what always makes me want to vomit even thinking about it, raw mussels. /cringes/ One time we went to the fish market and she got a handful of them. I thought she was gonna take them home and actually cook or grill them, but nope. She just cracked the shell open and ate them as a snack. Cold. Raw. Without any spices whatsoever. I actually just got goosebumps remembering that, and not the good kind. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 12:14
joined Apr 3, 2016

And aw its nice that youre thinking whats best for the dog though. I know a lot of people who insist on having big dogs even though they live in a tiny apartment. Its understable if theyre able to take them out often (especially a husky because theyve got so much god damn energy).. but if theyre not able to, it would basically be torture for the dog :/ . My house isnt all that big either but I take her out for an hour walk 3 times a day.

We actually also take our little bulldog out 3 (or sometimes 4) times a day, but only for about 20 minutes or half an hour. She just has a pretty fast digestion, that's why she needs to get out a little more often. xD She's not big on running around or playing though. One time, we went to the park with her and that one labrador puppy worked her so bad that she ended up sleeping for 12 hours right after we got home. She was so spent. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 12:09
joined Apr 3, 2016

Oh gosh 6 weeks??

Yep. They're keeping her in until the day of her heart transplantation. And probably for at least 2 weeks afterwards, depending on how quickly the surgery scar heals and how well her new heart cooperates with her body. So...I guess you can expect her to come back sometime between June 15th and July.

How's Su? If possible, can you tell her that I actually tried dark honey/pepper tomatoes? And that I'm still Team Salty Tomatoes all the way. Too bad I'm not her long lost twin xD.

Oh, she's not gonna like that. xD To be honest, I tried honey-pepper tomatoes as well, thank you. I actually had to keep myself from spitting them out. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 12:03
joined Apr 3, 2016

To everyone who's still worried about her, this was the first conversation, that we had when I went to visit her today:

Me: /opens door to her room/ Hey there, Dar-
Me: I...don't think I have the authority to do that.
Su: How about fake wedding bands? If you're my wife, you could be able to get me back home.
Me: But we weren't married when you got here. e_o
Su: So? Shotgun weddings. They happen. u_u
Me: They'd ask for the papers, too.
Su: Find someone to fake them then.
Me: -_- You're being ridiculous.
Su: I know! But I miss you and Jacky and even your nutjub of a cat. I wanna go home! DX

Trust me, she's fine. If she has the energy to whine like a little kid, she's feeling perfectly okay. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 11:55
joined Apr 3, 2016

Ahh.. hi Lin..
Thanks... no worry for another 10 pages.. some of us, including me is knocked out..

That's a bit of a relief. Maybe I'll take some time to backread at least a bit of what I missed. ^_^ Just read you have a migraine? Meh. :-/ Try sleeping, it always helps for me.

How's Su?

Pissed off about having to stay in hospital for 6 weeks. xD She's recovering. She already doesn't look as pale anymore, which was a relief for me. All in all, she's fine. :-)

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 11:44
joined Apr 3, 2016

One day of not being here and you make 24 new pages. I'm not even gonna try backreading everything, cause when I'll finish there'll probably be 10 new pages. xD Anyway, hello you sexies. ;D

Cutes. Dog. Ever Ohmigosh. Is there a plushy version of her? If so, I want one. _
I always wanted to have a husky, but I figured since I'm a city girl and we only live in a 4 bedroom condo, it wouldn't be nice for such a big dog. /sighs/

Oh yeah, and everyone who wanted me to say hi to her: Su says hi back to you. :-)

WDTFS fans - off topic 09 Apr 11:10
joined Apr 3, 2016

Happy 100, people! =D

No, I'm at home. I left hospital 2 hours ago when the docs insisted Su needs to rest and get some sleep. I'll go back tomorrow though.^_^

WDTFS fans - off topic 09 Apr 11:05
joined Apr 3, 2016

She's gonna be okay, don't worry. xD I'll keep you updated on her if you want. :-) Now, moving on. What the hell is a kuudere?

WDTFS fans - off topic 09 Apr 10:53
joined Apr 3, 2016

Wait a minute, if the doctors intend to keep Su in hospital till the big day, it means that her condition is so fragile.. well, theres nothing wrong with prevention.. but i do worry now..

Well, she has been getting weaker, but I wouldn't call her fragile. The main reason she's in hospital is because the complexity of her heart's condition makes the reactions of her body to certain things quite unpredictable. The medication she had been prescribed contained some chemicals she seemed to be allergic to, but instead of getting a rash or teary eyes or other symptoms you usually associate with an allergic reaction, the effects of the allergic shock she suffered today seemed to aim directly at her heart and caused her broken heart valve to spasm. Then again, there were also a whole lot of times, when I reminded her to take it easy and not put too much strain on her heart and she'd tell me she was feeling perfectly fine. Trying to predict how her body, especially her heart, will react to certain things is almost always a gamble and for the moment, the doctors refuse to take one. She is by far not fit and healthy enough for the transplantation, so they want to make sure to get her in shape in a safe surrounding as fast as possible. All in all, she's there, because there is no safer place for her at the moment. :-) That's the main reason.

last edited at Apr 9, 2016 10:56AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 09 Apr 10:38
joined Apr 3, 2016

i thought both of u enjoy yr weekend..

Usually, that would have been the reason why none of us would've been here throughout the weekend, but not this time, it seems.

I hope shes alright.

Su's a trooper. She'll be okay. ^_^ I mean, she will be absolutely pissed off about having to stay in hospital for longer than 3 days and probably nagging to the doctors non-stop, but she'll get over it. xD

pls say hi to her for me..

Will do. :-)

/checked link/ Not a fan of the tsundere tag, to be honest. Tsunderes either make me cringe or want to punch a hole in a wall. I can never quite decide which one I'd like to do more.

last edited at Apr 9, 2016 10:39AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 09 Apr 10:22
joined Apr 3, 2016

Er mu zi bu.. the illustrator of magan n danai
U dont read it?

Never heard of either. ._.

WDTFS fans - off topic 09 Apr 10:21
joined Apr 3, 2016

Also, just a quick info: Su won't be around for a while, She got hospitalized today morning after suddenly collapsing in the kitchen. Apparently, it was a severe side effect of the new medication, which she apparently had some sort of hidden allergy to, which neither her nor her doc were aware of. She's fine for now, but weak and the doctors fully intend on keeping her in hospital until the heart transplantation to assure she will be as healthy and fit as possible once the big day is here.

WDTFS fans - off topic 09 Apr 10:17
joined Apr 3, 2016

Who's that cute couple?

WDTFS fans - off topic 07 Apr 19:18
joined Apr 3, 2016

Right. I'll see you tomorrow then.

Okay, see you tomorrow. I'll try to be there at around 5.

WDTFS fans - off topic 07 Apr 19:13
joined Apr 3, 2016

sigh I'm gonna have a serious talk with that woman.

I know you would've wanted me to ask you beforehand, but would you have said yes? Because I keep telling you that I'm absolutely fond of that memory and that I'm beyond proud of the part you played in all of it. The way we met is a compliment to the person you are deep inside. I don't understand why you don't want me to let people know that.

Anyway, I just quickly came here to see if you're still awake. I won't be home tonight at all. My brother is a mess and I think I'll stay the night and drive to work directly from his place tomorrow. So don't wait up for me.

WDTFS fans - off topic 07 Apr 07:03
joined Apr 3, 2016

Though I'd love it if she dropped her habit of jumping on our furniture to puke. -.-

Yeah, second that. =_=

Hey, don't complain about stuff you like. ;D

I'm not. :-)

siiighs rubs nosebrigde Fine. Go ahead.

Yes! :-*
Alright. What is Deepthroat Day you ask? I'll tell you. xD
One thing you gotta know about Su is when she's really bothered by something and she doesn't find a way to solve that problem, she tends to resort to desperate measures. One of these lead to Deepthroat Day, which was born on April 7th 2 years ago. I was over at her place and she had been complaining about having a really annoying itch in the back of her throat, that just wouldn't go away. After nothing would work, on this April 7th 2 years ago, she had the absolutely brilliant idea of trying to scratch the spot inside her throat with a chopstick. She suddenly had to sneeze when she inserted the chopstick into her mouth, which lead to her ramming the thing right down her throat, choking it back up and violently puking all over the kitchen floor as a result. When I came to the kitchen to check on her, the floor was already an absolute mess and she couldn't decide if she wanted to puke or laugh. I ended up on the floor in the fetal position, trying to not die from laughter. And so, Deepthroat Day was born. A day we now celebrate each year by having something you eat with chopsticks for dinner.

And on that note, I'll go back to work. See ya'll later! :-)

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 7:04AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 07 Apr 06:44
joined Apr 3, 2016

It's Deepthroat Day and you just choked on something white

Stahp it, you're killing meh! x'D

this cat seems really weird :P

"Weird" is an understatement. Reeba is a total nutjob, but that's why we love her. ^_^

That thing was expensive yo. :T

But so worth it...

what type of yoghurt? do you like greek yoghurt? do you like fage?

Su usually buys some fruit yoghurt and puts in stuff like additional fruits, cereal, raisins and etc. so I can take it to work and eat it. ^_^ She's a total housewife, lol And yeah, I love greek yoghurt, especially with honey. :-)

may i ask what deepthroat day is

:D /stares at Su/ Can I tell? Please? Please??

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 6:47AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 07 Apr 06:35
joined Apr 3, 2016

Just imagine that for a second! X'D

I just choked on my yoghurt. xD

We usually get up when the cat orders us to

Couldn't have worded it better. xD But cut her some slack. The dog is much worse sometimes.

WDTFS fans - off topic 07 Apr 06:25
joined Apr 3, 2016

What kind of girlfriend are you? X'D

The one that will never let you live this down. >:D
I'll have to pass through Pankow when I drive back today, so I'll pass by a Japanese, a Chinese and an Indian place. Make your choice, but remember: chopsticks or no dinner. >:-)

Su and I usually don't have lunch at all when we're home. xD Breakfast and dinner are usually our two big meals and for lunch we just have small snacks while we go about our business.

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 6:27AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 07 Apr 06:16
joined Apr 3, 2016

Just quickly passing by for a bit during lunch. Hello, you fabulously sexy people! ;D

Hey Su! Did you know? It's Deepthroat Day! >:D

WDTFS fans - off topic 06 Apr 19:35
joined Apr 3, 2016

So it looks like I was recruited by the people who do the official imgur translation scans on WDTFS haha .. ^ ^

Congrats! :D

WDTFS fans - off topic 06 Apr 19:24
joined Apr 3, 2016

are gay people supposed to eat lots of jelly????? :<

No, but according to some old book, being gay is a sin, that gets punished by going to Hell and jelly is my idea of Hell. xD

also you need to try Greek jelly before you decide, ok? :< ok?

Sorry, but I don't think I will. I'm not a big fan of sweet stuff to begin with and jelly, especially its consistency, is just

WDTFS fans - off topic 06 Apr 19:04
joined Apr 3, 2016

Jelly....*/cringes/* I guess that would be my idea of Hell. Me being forced to eat jelly for the rest of eternity.
... Maybe I should reconsider being gay? xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 06 Apr 18:37
joined Apr 3, 2016

I think 2 girls deceiving police to cover up a kidnapping isn't exactly what I'd call "romantic," but it certainly is much more of a story than all those meet-at-bar-take-home-to-fuck things I had going on before I met her. xD