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WDTFS fans - off topic 12 Apr 07:08
joined Apr 3, 2016


Mvl & Rainy, I'm sorry if this is a little rude, but I just have to say it: you guys are such drama queens. xD

I mean, where in the world did you learn, that love just has to go hand in hand with pain? I mean, really now. xD

It's mvl previous story (dealing with her family) that makes her feels that way.. and if i rub her in wrong way, she will say "good night and nice dream" to me, even its still dusk here... xd

My point is that pain doesn't come with love by default. If we're looking at it from a more distant perspective, the truth is that pain comes with being alive in general. Obviously, there is usually some pain involved in love as well, but it's not like the pain immediately increases once you fall in love. If that would be the case, I don't think people would like being in love so much. And if a person has made the experience, that this actually is the case, then I wouldn't blame love for it, but look for the actual root of the problem instead of a scapegoat.

last edited at Apr 12, 2016 7:09AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 12 Apr 06:37
joined Apr 3, 2016

Mvl & Rainy, I'm sorry if this is a little rude, but I just have to say it: you guys are such drama queens. xD

I mean, where in the world did you learn, that love just has to go hand in hand with pain? I mean, really now. xD

last edited at Apr 12, 2016 6:38AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 12 Apr 06:01
joined Apr 3, 2016

I didn't say it had to be immediately. I'm patient and she has quite some time to find an opportunity to you know... test the waters.

Knowing her, I think she actually is going to try it one of these days. Great, now I'm not sure anymore if I should relay your message to her or not. xD

And kanojo probably won't wake up for another 30 mins or so. Bacon's done and I can warm it up later, but everything else I'll wait to cook up once she's in the shower.

Aw. And people say we are the cute ones here. xD

Doctor Llama would approve that. xD

And here we go, now I'm gonna have that stupid song stuck in my head again for hours. Thanks, Azai. xD

Lin i think you are one tough lover for Su. I don't know what i would do in your situation. If i were you i would probably end up in the hospital myself. Hang in there!

I love her. /shrugs/ It's not that hard to know what to do. :-) But thanks, I will.

WDTFS fans - off topic 12 Apr 05:46
joined Apr 3, 2016

Well, Su will not super bored if she can get connected to us again..

That's where one of the problems lie, actually. German hospital technology, at least the one where she's in, is super advanced and high standard, but unfortunately also very sensitive. Since she's plugged on to a device, that monitors her heart function 24/7, she's not allowed to have a phone, since it could disturb the machine. ^_^; I think you're really gonna have to use me as a postman if you want to say something to her, since chances of her coming here before she gets out of hospital are pretty slim.

WDTFS fans - off topic 12 Apr 05:39
joined Apr 3, 2016

/noted everything/ xD You guys are awesome.

@Dofu: We will not get it on in front of my godson, so your report is gonna have to wait a bit. xD Also

Can't wait for kanojo to wake up.

Wake her before it gets cold, lol.

WDTFS fans - off topic 12 Apr 05:09
joined Apr 3, 2016

Morning, Azai & Mvl :-)

She's at the stage where she's being a bit (or rather a whole lot, lol) of a baby about having to stay in hospital for a long time, but she'll get over it. At the very latest, once her dad comes along and gives her the "you are the child of a soldier and soldiers do not whine" speech, she'll drop it. xD Physically, she's feeling a lot better already though. :-)

Oh yeah, anyone other than Azai want me to say something to her today? If so, speak now. I got my notebook in hand right now. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 12 Apr 04:55
joined Apr 3, 2016

I agree.. This obviously the parent's lack monitoring.. Kids will always find sth to throw into their mouth..

I know right? It even says so in each and every assembly manual of the toys: "Not suitable for kids younger than 4 years old. Please watch your kid when they assemble the toy." And even without that very clear hint, it should go without saying, that you shouldn't just give a small kid, who basically use their mouth as a third hand, a toy like that without watching them. Either let them play with stuff they can't choke on or be a responsible parent and watch them when they play. /shakes head/

Hihi, I'm gonna bring Timmy to visit Su with me today and I didn't tell her anything. She will be sooo happy. xD I just hope I won't give her a heart attack. ^_^;

WDTFS fans - off topic 12 Apr 04:19
joined Apr 3, 2016

In Germany, surprise eggs are still like they always were. They either come with little figures you can collect or with fun little toys you can assemble. xD I remember when the US banned them, people in Germany were laughing their asses off. Apparently, surprise eggs need to be banned, because kids can choke on parts of the toys, but teaching kids how to shoot a gun while you actually have a gun in your home that you don't keep locked away is perfectly safe. #SuperiorLogic

Anyway, good morning ya'll! :-)

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 18:25
joined Apr 3, 2016

By the way is Denmark really that cool? I know there's a good animation course there and Hans Christian Andersen XD but that's the only thing I know about Denmark!! >< Is Denmark really open about LGBT people?

They're open enough about it to have legalized gay marriage back in 2012, that's all we really care about. xD

I always thought Germany was pretty liberal but maybe I was wrong X_X was I?

In Germany, there is a very big, noticeable gap between the opinions of the young generation and the opinions of the older generations. The young ones are pretty liberal while the older ones are very traditional and conservative. I actually find it pretty amazing, how the rebellion of the young people against their elders in this country is so extremely obvious and unmasked. An overwhelming majority of the teens and young adults keep talking about how there are many things going so wrong in this country and how they must and will change it once they're old enough to have gained the rights for it. The full acceptance of people of any ethnicity, religion, gender and sexual orientation seems to be high on the list, so as time passes by, I remain hopeful, that this country is going to change for the better.

But the UK wants to leave the EU, though I doubt that's gonna happen...

I personally don't think either, that the UK is going to leave the EU. Strategically, it wouldn't be a very wise step.
Hint: whoever thinks the European Union has only been founded for the economical benefit of the countries, that join it, is a fool.

Gah! Lin you cracked the code!! And a shocking one at that!

We should keep it a secret for now. 0_0 Who knows what kind of scandal is going to happen once these news get out there.

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 6:28PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 17:59
joined Apr 3, 2016

Hang in there! xD

Well...lobsters have claws, right? And claws can cut things. Hmm...what would a gay man want to cut?...
Nickelback is gay!
And they're getting a sex change!

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 17:46
joined Apr 3, 2016

So one of my co-workers has this system set up that will give her a transcript of a voicemail that was left on her phone at work. Sometimes it gets it really wrong.. this is what the transcript sent her: "Yes my name is Michael I'm in bed for Kroger. About a store-- ran the with parishes summer were having lobsters here."

Maybe the person was using a code to leave a secret message. 0_0

O.O maybe I need to crack this code.. I only have an hour left at work so I better start now

I'll help you!
Okay, so what do we got here. Kroger is probably meant to hint at Chad Kroger. Chad Kroger is the front man of Nickelback. So if Michael is in bed for Kroger, then maybe...0_0 ... Nickelback is gay!

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 5:46PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 17:26
joined Apr 3, 2016

So one of my co-workers has this system set up that will give her a transcript of a voicemail that was left on her phone at work. Sometimes it gets it really wrong.. this is what the transcript sent her: "Yes my name is Michael I'm in bed for Kroger. About a store-- ran the with parishes summer were having lobsters here."

Maybe the person was using a code to leave a secret message. 0_0

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 17:23
joined Apr 3, 2016

20cm shorter than you? Just pick her up and set her down like a baby :P (my girlfriend would be so mad if I said this in front of her... I'm almost 20cm taller than her hahaha shorty). Well I'm glad you seem to be fine now ^^

xD I can just imagine myself trying that! /picks up person, ready to slam them into ground/ , /freezes up/, /gently puts them back down on their feet while apologizing/ I'm such a wimp, lol. But yeah, I'm fine. Got used to it, so as long as I can at least run faster than my enemy whenever I get into unexpected danger, I'm good. ^_^

This is good advice, thanks :)

No problem. :-)

is marriage something you've talked about doing? Can you two get married in Germany if you want to? I'm not familiar with your laws.

Weelll...this is pretty much the plan, to be honest. Our relationship is going really good and since we're both pretty open and good at talking, there hasn't been a problem yet, that we couldn't sort out. With this being one of our key characteristics, I know for a fact that we both see us going a long way together. So yeah. We've been talking about marriage before. A lot, actually. :-) There are just a few things at the moment, that need to be done in advance. First and foremost, I want her to be healthy and ready to deal with the shitload of stress called "wedding preparations." We still want to get to know each other at least a bit more as well. I mean, she hasn't even met my parents, so that's definitely one thing that just needs to be done before. xD And there's a bunch of other stuff as well, but to cut it short: with us, it's just a matter of time, really.

Unfortunately, we can't get married in Germany. We could have a civil partnership, but we don't want to settle on that, since we both don't like the entire idea of it. However, if gay marriage hasn't been officially legalized by the time we decide to get married, we plan to use a loophole in the law. Gays can't get married in Germany, but the country acknowledges marriages, that were officially contracted in other countries - including gay marriages. So the plan is that we'll get married in Denmark (which is pretty much the Las Vegas of Europe in that regard) and get officially recognized as a married couple when we get back.

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 16:58
joined Apr 3, 2016

oh gosh this program doesn't load the sound -.-
I wanna kill it...

Do it. With fire.
Like this

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 16:30
joined Apr 3, 2016

but you'd be surprised what you're willing to do to someone if you're scared, drunk, and don't know if anyone else will come to help you.

^_^; Reason why I either take Su or my brother or my brother's dog with me whenever I go somewhere, that might land me in some sort of danger. See, the problem with me is, that I'm not technically a pacifist, at least not by choice. I'm just so fucking scared of actually attacking someone or physically hurting someone. It's like a mental block of sorts. One time about 7 years ago, I was beaten up in an alley by some drunk bitch, who was about 20cm smaller than me and all I did was let it happen. I just froze up in fear and did nothing. ^_^ I'm just lucky I've developed a good sense of danger, so I take someone who can defend me with me whenever I think there's about to be some heat.

I think she'll settle down. She seems some mixture of wanting to go off on the woman that did it and sullen that she wasn't there with me. Anyway I'll just try to be nice, nobody likes to see their loved ones bruised up and this happened very recently.

That's true. Hm...not trying to go all out psych now, but maybe you could try reminding her every time the topic comes up, that you've dealt with it and the whole ordeal is over and done with. A lot of people usually let go when they understand they're digging up things, that have been buried long ago. However, depending on how mad she actually is, it might take some time for her to really do understand, that there's nothing to gain from getting involved anymore. AndthisiswhereI'llstop. xD

Also don't say wifey -_- you'll encourage her.

Sorry, force of habit. I'll try to remember that. :-)

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 4:31PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 16:15
joined Apr 3, 2016

Ooooh I totally am going to go with llamadamadingdong

/sings/ I knew a doctor called llamadama llamadamadingdong
She is the one for me! Llamadama Llamadamadingdong


what song it this? XD

"Rama Lama Ding Dong" by Ihaveforgottenandamtoolazytolookup xD Pretty sure I got some of the lyrics wrong as well, but I just had to make this comment. The opportunity was too golden to let it go.

Why is it scary?

People would probably just refer to you as Doc Llama for short. xD At least I know most Germans would do that. We tend to shorten long names a lot, lol.

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 4:16PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 16:09
joined Apr 3, 2016

Ooooh I totally am going to go with llamadamadingdong

/sings/ I knew a doctor called llamadama llamadamadingdong
She is the one for me! Llamadama Llamadamadingdong


WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 16:05
joined Apr 3, 2016

You peeker you! I was at a bachelorette party (without her) Saturday night and we were all smashed and trying to find our hotel rooms to get some sleep. The third person in the room I was in went to a different room for some reason, and the woman left with me came into my bed and was ya know... being aggressively inappropriate... I told her to stop and fuck off and it got to the point where I punched her in the face and left (anyway, that's why we were talking about the seeing a doctor and my swollen hand problems). But next month my girlfriend and I are supposed to attend the wedding together, and she's just raging about the whole situation right now. I think she'll settle down once she gets it out of her system. I think... I hope.

/rolls eyes/ Gotta hate people who just don't get the message, that sometimes no actually does mean no. I probably would have punched her as well. u_u Except that I actually wouldn't have, because I'm scared of violence and I probably would have just lay there and yelled at her and hoped she'd stop. xD But if a month passes, chances are good your wifey is gonna calm down, right? I mean, I don't think a person could stay this mad for so long, right?


I see! How long do you have left until you graduate? Sorry if that already came up sometime. I tend to forget things. >_<

Doctor Llama...even the name sounds so awesome that I'd sign up for an appointment right away. xD
Yuri-Llama-sensei is even more awesome though! Lol.

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 4:07PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 15:25
joined Apr 3, 2016

Azai, this is out of the blue, but was it you or Llama, who worked in a hospital? I always forget which one of you it was. >_<

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 15:17
joined Apr 3, 2016

Nothing to see here.

Too late, I saw. xD Just curious: what in the world happen to make your gf that mad? o_o

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 14:04
joined Apr 3, 2016

And once you hear "starbucks lovers" you can't unhear it o.O

I swear I heard that too. "Got along with Starbucks lovers, they'll tell you I'm insane" and I just thought "If you get along with them, why would they say you're insane?" xD I looked up the lyrics of that one pretty fast though, since it didn't seem to make any sense. But "bang bang into the womb" always made sense, so I was just so surprised right now. xD

By the way, did you guys know I Prevail made a badass cover of that song? Su showed it to me and I instantly loved it.

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 2:07PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 13:35
joined Apr 3, 2016

On a side note, do you guys know that song called "Bang Bang" by Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj? I just watched a lyrics video of it and suddenly realized they sing "bang bang into the room!" in the chorus. xD I always heard "bang bang into the womb" and I just thought "Wow, now that's a little bit graphic, isn't it?" Goodness. I'm actually relieved right now. xD Even though "into the room" doesn't seem to make a lot of sense...

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 1:36PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 13:12
joined Apr 3, 2016

Hi guys, some of you read FF, right? You would have known about the hiatus thing. I kind of want to hear you guys' opinion about it.

A post from Halmoni's tumblr,
wow some of the top comments on comico about Ssamba’s hiatus are so disgusting

“You shouldn’t have put out a hiatus notice for only 2 weeks then”
“For webtoon artists, drawing manhwa is like their office job. If you worked at the office, you wouldn’t be able to take breaks whenever you wanted to, right? If you don’t think this is true, you’ve probably never worked”
“You should have said it was extended in the first place…now I waited for nothing”

Personally, I think the hiatus is really understandable since it's related to health issues. This is unavoidable and unpredictable.

Tell me your opinions, guys, as I'm somewhat being convinced that Ssamba deserves to be blamed.

You might see that there were some readers who were even countdowning when waiting for this week new chapter. Some showed disappointments and some went into depressions afterward. There may be people out there, for instance these owners of the above comments, who seem to love FF so much to the point where this surprise attack might have hurt them badly that they found it unacceptable. We don't know what those people were doing while waiting for this week chapter, and how much they were looking forward to this week update. Should we blame Ssamba for this since they could really possibly inform readers about the extended hiatus at least a few days before the promising released date, no?

One of the simplest rules of life is this: shit happens. It's okay to be disappointed when you expected something and, for whatever reason, didn't get it. However, it's not Ssamba's fault if some people decided to be fanatic about her work and then start foaming at the mouth when she extends the hiatus. If she didn't give an advance notice, she probably had her reasons. I think it's actually pretty inconsiderate, that people seem to forget FF is actually being created by a human. A human, who has apparently fallen so sick, that she needs more than 2 weeks, which already is pretty long, to rest and recover. Whatever she's suffering from is apparently serious and I think people should rather focus on wishing her the best and motivating her to get better rather than being assholes and basically going "We don't care about your health, now where's the next chapter?" Then again, that's just me. /shrugs/

There's also the possibility here, that some sort of chronic ailment might be involved. Some sort of sickness she's been having for a long time now and it maybe just showed itself a little more than usual. And when she actually wanted to get back to work, it suddenly got worse, which was the reason for the unexpected hiatius extension. When people don't personally know anybody like that - you know, people that suffer from things, that just don't heal - they tend to forget stuff like this even exists. That things like that are very real and they tend to strike unexpectedly and hard. Who can tell us for sure that Ssamba is a perfectly healthy woman? She's the only one who could really tell us and maybe she hasn't said anything, because it actually isn't anybody's business, really. Just some added 2 cents there.

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 1:22PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 12:59
joined Apr 3, 2016

I have never tried banana juice but chocolate with banana is really good so would coffee really be that bad?

Hint: coffee tastes nothing like chocolate. xD

I know buuuut! coffee doesn't taste suuuuper different from cocoa powder... I mean cocoa powder is much sweeter but still they have that nutty flavor, I don't know >< I like coffee flavored truffles and things like that and I think a chocolate truffle with coffee and banana flavors wouldn't be that bad...? I don't know, I might try it, milkshake with coffee and banana or something ^-^. At some point I drank coffee with only milk but I still don't like coffee...

Maybe your coffee is different from ours. In Germany, cocoa and coffee are like black and white. xD I actually like to have chocolate pudding with banana sauce once in a while, but I could never imagine that in coffee.

Wait wait... coffee with banana juice??

Uh huh. It's one of her bored creations. Sometimes they're pretty good, sometimes stuff like banana coffe and "Salty Tom" (aka eating toast with strawberry jam and salt) happens and it makes me ask myself if she was a pig in one of her former lives. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 12:43
joined Apr 3, 2016

I have never tried banana juice but chocolate with banana is really good so would coffee really be that bad?

Hint: coffee tastes nothing like chocolate. xD