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joined Mar 22, 2013

every harem ever, just as yuri. i rather wanted some of the situations play out, meh. -.-

joined Mar 22, 2013

And what do you mean, by "there is no competition."?

If no guys are around the perceived "main competition" to the love interest is eliminated. Just by the virtue that lesbians are much rarer than straight girls. Of course the amount of lesbians in yuri works is usually disproportionate to reality.
Naturally yuri revolves around lesbians first and foremost, so males do not pose any "threat" anyway, but as you can see many readers are rather paranoid and sensitive about that.

Well I like guys in yuri stories, They make the story feel real. Plus I like to see the guy lose. And, that one is as bad as it sounds. heteronormativity bores, and annoys me.

Well people are paranoid for a reason. there is just so much bad bait out there. And people will watch it in hopes of a good ending, because there is not many stories with lesbians to begin with. I used to do exactly that, but it's become too annoying for me.

I like me some genuinely good story with male (supporting & supportive) characters, too. Shame on the bad tropes.

joined Mar 22, 2013

This is a great example of one of those "I like this so far but here's what's going to/should happen" series openings, where Dynasty should generate official betting boards for predicting future developments, with, I dunno, Yuri Points or something (gold lilies, maybe?) to the winners. Odds would change on the individual elements as the chapters come out:

  • Any love triangle: 5:2
  • Exes reunite: 2:1
  • Lizard girl + Camera-chan: 3:1
  • Any polyamory ending: 25:1
  • Sensei & Gecko: 500:1


I'm loving this xD and you just created my ship: Sensei & Gecko. (well Everyone x Gecko^^)

UFO Catcher discussion 23 Apr 09:29
joined Mar 22, 2013

#no one is giving me the yuri story that I need so I'm gonna draw one myself

the struggle is REAL!

Loose Socks discussion 22 Apr 17:17
joined Mar 22, 2013

I wanna see a story where the girl bully is SUPER tsundere and gay for the cute innocent girl she's bullying (partially because she hates seeing boys hitting on her)... And then, when she's in the process of bullying her, she finally looses it and flat out says "why won't you f*cking look at ME?"

Your dream got fulfilled pretty much. Read "Bully and Bullied"!

Her discussion 22 Apr 16:36
joined Mar 22, 2013

Classics never get old!

joined Mar 22, 2013

This is the slow burn of all slow burns. The great-great-grandmother of all slow burns... but it is just sooooooo good!!! T.T I need this to go on forever. Thank you everyone who works on this. I'll be sure to send a donation your way when I'm a bit better on money.

VAMPEERZ discussion 21 Apr 17:50
joined Mar 22, 2013

Looks nice! And I'm always in for such laid back, stoic protagonists.

joined Mar 22, 2013

This is great. Amazing couple, sexy and dynamic relationship and two dorks totally in love. Perfect!

Still Sick discussion 20 Apr 09:22
joined Mar 22, 2013

Even if Maekawa said, I'm kidding, Shimizu's reaction was very strong. Somebody is gonna be very conscious of each other in the next chapter. Can't wait!

last edited at Apr 20, 2019 9:22AM

Thursday discussion 19 Apr 17:55
joined Mar 22, 2013

Why is there no tag that warns me of useless lesbians :(

joined Mar 22, 2013

Haha, go girl!

LilyHara! discussion 19 Apr 17:20
joined Mar 22, 2013

Well shit! This is the exact same story I was making a comic about, before I even knew this existed. And it is similar even in detail. (bullying, superior worker, etc.) Is someone reading my mind? O.o
Okay, but my story was longer and my main character is a lot more bitchy. But still, noooooo my idea is not original anymore... D:

Citrus + discussion 19 Apr 16:52
joined Mar 22, 2013

Is Mei jealous?

Well without the drama there wouldn't be any point in Citrus... O.o

Still Sick discussion 19 Apr 16:43
joined Mar 22, 2013

Man that was so cheesy and it totally made my heart skip a beat. There goes my pride...

joined Mar 22, 2013

Not sure why every label we put on stuff has to be so stringent. She can be tomboyish and also cute, why not. Just as Toda can be cute but also kinda cool. That's what I took from the story, anyway.

Yeah, people tend to forget that Tomboy isn't just a look. Personalities or behavior can be tomboy too, especially in Japanese media.
Personally my favorite tomboys are those that look cute, but act "masculine". I don't think that is a contradiction, but it does work well with the gap effect.

Yes, exactly. And those are my favorite too!
In the end I got the feeling that Tado got a little more tomboyish, because she learnt that she likes to protect cute things. It was a total switching of roles. That is what I love about this oneshot the most.
People tend to tell you who you are meant to be. But fuck them, just be who you want to be. They won't be satisfied anyway, so better be happy yourself.

joined Mar 22, 2013

This is getting better and better!!!

Tsunderella discussion 18 Apr 16:27
joined Mar 22, 2013

That title is amazing, but unfortunately misleading T.T where's my tsundere?

joined Mar 22, 2013

so very cute!! This is my kind of stuff.

joined Mar 22, 2013

fluffy domestic adult life is the best. don't we all wish for the same kind of happiness? just being there with someone we love?

Off Time discussion 13 Apr 16:51
joined Mar 22, 2013

This is great. The world needs fluffy realistic yuri!!

joined Mar 22, 2013

creeeeeeepy... but in a very good way. :)

joined Mar 22, 2013

It is rude to bother people while they are eating. Those bullies are up for a beating.

Philosophia discussion 10 Apr 17:36
joined Mar 22, 2013

This is definitely not a fluffy story, but interesting. i hope there is happiness for Ai in that open ending.

joined Mar 22, 2013

Bully didn't learn anything. she had it coming^^