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joined Jul 26, 2016

Is Homura sensei feeling okay?? Have the boing boings betrayed sensei as of recent?! This was so wholesome and lactose free!!

Or maybe he/she just wants to try out new things. Even the biggest lactation fetishists need a break from lactation once in a while. Is what I assume, anyway...

Doctor's orders, probably. Overdoses are bad mmmmmmmmkay?

joined Jul 26, 2016

its wild to me we're talking about rape now, what are you people smoking

I mean. Baiser just made it clear she is literally averse to consent, at least as far as the Tres are concerned... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Still Sick discussion 12 Mar 13:53
joined Jul 26, 2016

What is the father supposed to be shocked about more? Maekawa suddenly entering his life (indirectly) and having a new manga, or the fact that this info was delivered by her GF?

I'm thinking he took the Why Not Both? option. :v

Quite the broadside to suddenly unload on an unsuspecting old guy tho.

last edited at Mar 12, 2020 1:54PM

Citrus + discussion 12 Mar 13:02
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ Now I want to see an isekai spin-off of Citrus.

LOL. Throw in some tournament arc there. I want to see the gang all go Yuyu Hakusho.

Would break about even in terms of filler content anyway... o3o

joined Jul 26, 2016

On an altogether more important note, is it bad I lowkey want Sulfur to beat me up? >_>

joined Jul 26, 2016

And Sayo isn't broken, she just has desires she didn't know she had before Baiser, and who she thinks Baiser is the only way to get.

Sucks for her that Baiser doesn't do consent.

joined Jul 26, 2016

azuls so horny shes getting caught during her fights, regardless of the fact that utena has no intention of actually beating tres magia, azul should probs not be kneeling and begging in front of her enemy

This. Utena's whole personal stake in the conflict is the thrill of the perpetual battles and trying to have her way with the Tres while they fight her tooth and nail - it's pretty telling that the most excited we've seen her in a while was whenever one of the three pulled out all stops and came at her full bore (Azul in this chapter, fellow combat junkie Sulfur earlier). She's in it for the hunt and the fight, not the kill, something Magenta started suspecting quite early on.

Azul just throwing herself at her feet just... voids all that. A victory without struggle and effort is no victory at all and just tastes like ash. Moreover it violates both the unspoken "rules of the game" and everything Utena admires in both her opponents and her comrades, adoration she's voiced often and explicitly throughout the series (her first meeting with Kiwi would be a standout look at just what makes her tick).

Small wonder then her day is ruined and her disappointment immeasurable - resulting in the hilariously meta scene of the villain giving the hero an intense pep talk and storming off in disgust.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Might be a jab at the tendency of the "lead" magical girl in the traditional format to be the most generic (Magenta's most prominent displayed traits so far have been empathy, intuition and being dumb as a rock)... would go well with the general Meta As Fuckness of the series.

last edited at Mar 11, 2020 11:17PM

Age 15 discussion 11 Mar 11:14
joined Jul 26, 2016

(is Ana her cousin right?)

Strictly speaking it's their parents that are cousins, making them second cousins.

joined Jul 26, 2016

No, they are right: if the use of that pic breaks the status-quo and the end result is a yuri couple, it's for the greater good.


Image Comments 11 Mar 01:43
joined Jul 26, 2016

Ya, Grani and Carol had some pretty good vibes going. Could probably make a case for Grani and Cool Big Sis Nearl, who seems to be something of a mentor to her (or at least worries about the plucky kid a fair bit), too.

The more intuitive pairing for edgelord loner Skadi would be fellow Abyssal Hunter Spectre (aside from the fact the latter is moonbat crazy), towards whom she seems to feel a certain degree of responsibility. (You could also try to ship Spectre with Blue Poison with a bit of imagination, as the two are implied to have co-opped Monster Hunter in the past, but anyways...)

last edited at Mar 11, 2020 1:47AM

Image Comments 11 Mar 01:30
joined Jul 26, 2016

^the operator bios are full of colorful and intriguing potential story hooks, to the point I'd be very surprised if most of those ever actually got used; but it definitely gives the devs a lot of leeway coming up with event storylines and such.

They get kudos for at least trying to give various Operators proper character-building speaking roles in the story chapters tho. Which also helps convey the impression RI's private army of nuts and fruits is actually being busy on the field in organised units.

Age 15 discussion 10 Mar 19:46
joined Jul 26, 2016

Ema really should stop drinking, her restraint and moral compass regarding Anna take a vacation whenever she has some booze in her.

And, yes, she's still by far the least creepy of the Main Cast Who Aren't Anna. Which really just speaks volumes of the others.

Image Comments 10 Mar 19:31
joined Jul 26, 2016

^not like fucked-up Operator backstories were unusual, just ask former child soldier Frostleaf (who apparently went freelance after her Columbian Junior Army unit was dissolved due to casualties) or the three bear cubs from Chernobog (or rather don't, as per standing Medical Departement orders regarding that topic) for starters. The latter, lest we forget, whom were middle schoolers when the city went to Hell...
Seriously sending some of these people into combat is a perpetual What The Hell Hero moment for both the player on meta level and Rhodes Island in-universe. (Nightmare even snarks about that, come think of it...) >_>

More on topic, gotta say this seems like more than a bit of a crack pairing. Last I checked the only canonical connections between these two were their involvement in the Totally Not Spaghetti Western "Knights' Treasure" event storyline - where between her unwillingness/inability to communicate important information and murderhobo tendencies Skadi repeatedly tried to behead Grani - and one comment of Grani's where she insists Skadi is actually a nice person, honest!'d have a stronger case for shipping Grani with the true MC of the event Big Bob srsly

last edited at Mar 10, 2020 7:40PM

Citrus + discussion 10 Mar 17:05
joined Jul 26, 2016

Could totally see Matsuri adjusting very readily to getting isekai'd.

Age 15 discussion 09 Mar 04:43
joined Jul 26, 2016

Well, Miku sucks tremendously. Maybe even worse than Yoshino, though I guess with the added excuse of being an inconsiderate kid.

Debatable. Miku went from zero to manipulative creep in record time and some of the shit she's pulled with Anna probably meets the criteria of sexual assault, but Yoshino is actively and wantonly cruel to Ema and can't even claim the weak excuse of being a messed-up kid.

I'd say that deliberate malice puts Yoshino firmly on top of the list of dodgy people in this story.

Age 15 discussion 09 Mar 04:31
joined Jul 26, 2016

In all fairness to Ema she mostly just needs a hug and usually only gets inappropriately touchy with/has problems suppressing her crush on Anna when reeling from particularly emotionally bruising encounters with Yoshino.

It's not exactly upstanding conduct, given their positions and ages, but at least "seeking comfort when hurt" is a pretty understandable motive.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Safi is considerably curvier than (even adult-form) Jahy-sama mind you, but yeah otherwise the designs are very alike. And if memory serves Subaru from Ichiban Oppai has both a tan and similar ear-like hair tufts...

Author Appeal where? o3o

joined Jul 26, 2016

My intention was merely to show that Minami has been on the receiving end of some unnecessary violence, and that one I put in there just to show that even if everything we the reader actively see happening is "in good fun", clearly Minami expects something bad so she's not just all "lol you hit me".

Necessary reminder that's pretty much the only time ever we see her being jumpy like that. As discussed above it had little to nothing to do with physical violence per se (she seems, sadly, pretty emotionally numb to that kind of thing) but rather her considerable anxieties at the time - she'd basically just cut herself loose from Shizuku and was extremely nervous over whether Minami would be able and willing to accept her "warts and all".

Age 15 discussion 08 Mar 23:26
joined Jul 26, 2016

Your exact age upon entering secondary education (and just moving up the steps of the school ladder in general) really comes down to luck of the draw, ie. where exactly your birthday happens to fall relative to the school year cycle, anyway.

The fact the kids are specifically discussing, at some length at that, which (high) schools they are aiming for should kind of have been a hint tho...

last edited at Mar 8, 2020 11:27PM

joined Jul 26, 2016 here she actually flinches when Iori goes to caress her face

Why this one is here ? Of course she flinch, she just got beat down by her friend and you said it yourself caress not slapping

Not to mention this was right after what was, essentially, breaking off from her longtime emotional anchor (as problematic as that relationship now was, though one notes whenever Minami later reminiscences about Shizuku it's in fond and perhaps a little sad tones) and with all her fears of being rejected by Iori due to her fairly awful past raw on the surface. Bet your ass she was jumpy and anxious as all Hell. slapped in the face with groceries

Come on, this one would barely hurt.It's a plastic packaging she was thrown not an ashtray.

Dunno what the Japanese standard practices in such things are but 'round here that size of package can easily hold half a kilo of stuff, depending ofc what exactly is in it. Getting one of those thrown in your face from point-blank distance will hurt and quite likely break your nose I'd say.
That's one of the few points where the manga actually is engaging in wholly questionable wanton Saturday cartoon violence.

Age 15 discussion 08 Mar 22:38
joined Jul 26, 2016

"Stable" is debatable but Ema at least tries to be decent.

As much as she now has recurring difficulties suppressing her raging homo lust for her cute little (second) cousin. o3o

Age 15 discussion 08 Mar 22:06
joined Jul 26, 2016

Well... Miku went from zero to crazy ass in a very short period of time and really seems to have picked up on the boss-lady's techniques in one short viewing of them and become her protege.

"Two shall there be, a master and a disciple..."

joined Jul 26, 2016

I don't normally mind slapstick too much, HOWEVER, I do not like it in this case because Minami was clearly in a very physically abusive environment, but Iori keeps hitting her. That is not okay with me.

I kind of got the impression it merely mildly annoys Minami, who after all has ample experience with serious violence and fights. Iori, a complete amateur and not exactly a physically formidable specimen, hitting her probably works about the same as a kitten attacking a scarred alley cat - she isn't taken seriously at all. (Minami herself will also dope slap Iori for trolling, FWIW.)
...then again if you look at how her first meeting with Saori - a trained fighter who can and does hit very hard when she wants to and casually made threats against her life - went Minami probably also has some unhealthy issues about that kind of thing, given she apparently found her adorable... >_>

Shizuku and Saori have a very different dynamic which, if I'm reading it correctly, basically boils down to the former still being too damaged to quite function normally and the latter being able and willing to face her frequent relapses into violent outbursts head on. Saori being perfectly capable of beating her down probably also has the side effect of establishing her as the "dominant alpha" in the rather primitive mindset Shizuku seems to operate on - that is, someone worth respect and listening to. They also have an unspoken agreement going that while Shizuku lashing out at Saori is duly settled with fisticuffs and no harm no foul, everyone else in the school is Right Out - the one time Shizuku broke this, even if for arguably noble reasons, Saori got hella upset. (Not in the least, one imagines, because she understands what kind of scrutiny and prejudice Shizuku is subject to due to her ugly history - lashing out at "civilians" will harm herself.)

Rather messy that whole thing, but it does serve to effectively contain Shizuku's difficulties in adjusting to civilised society.