If I were Maki, I think I might have a hard time not resenting Midori's child. I know that's terrible and the child is completely innocent. However the child would be a living reminder to Midori's betrayal.
What kind of possessive weirdo would you have to be to think your like high school sweet heart sleeping with someone else is a betrayal
This website is wild
i'm sorry but if you know you want to fit society's "rules" and get the "D" you DON'T date a girl, make her believe you love her and then dump her. midori was really a bitch at that time she knew she wasn't serious about maki at that time don't tell me this isn't betrayal. this is common sense you don't stay with someone who betrayed you like midori did unless your a masochist (witch is fine who am i to judge?). this is not being possessive the story clearly implied that midori made maki believe she was more that just a "sweet heart" and then dump her.maki truly believed they had something true together. i'm sorry but this "half tazune" child is and will always be a huge betrayal. i still wonder why maki even care about it. anybody with a bit of common sense would have just move on and left midori in her s***
Bullshit. The betrayal was when Midori dumped Maki like an old glove upon graduation (which the latter is understandably still a bit sour over), in due accord with the whole "experimental phase" trope because she is nothing if not slave to conventions.
This has exactly fuck-all to do with the bun she got in the oven years later when she hadn't even spoken with Maki after the above. If they'd continued some sort of romantic relationship then, sure, Midori going and ending up preggers after fucking some dude would be quite a legitimate grievance (cheating ain't cool mang), but as things stand they led wholly separate lives and it was no business whatsoever of Maki's what she did or who she opted to sleep with irrespective of how bad her reasons for it now may have been.
Your claim that it somehow magically was is pure possessive obsessed stalker logic. And Maki thankfully isn't such a disturbed person as to try and claim some kind of bizarre remote-control authority over another woman's sexuality.
last edited at Mar 16, 2020 11:23AM