Wait, are they at a boarding school where having your own computer, in a four person dorm, is forbidden? That seems ... Rediculous? Insane and likely to breed contempt for the rules, in general, more than anything else?
Reminder that this is China we're talking about. Not only is it the prototypical East Asian "Shame Culture" preoccupied with appearances but also a deeply corrupt totalitarian police state - a mode of governance that strongly encourages a facade of adherence to both the Party line and the various rules and regulations as an outright survival trait, and very little real internalised respect for any of the above because most people full well know them to be a sham (also a survival trait).
Why do you think the country has major corruption scandals with alarming frequency and the regime has to semi-regularly shoot egregiously corrupt middle-rank bosses who were caught with their hand in the cookie jar pour encourager les autres and to give the impression they're at least trying to do something about it?
Meaning in this context chances are the school authorities don't actually give a flying fuck about enforcing those silly prohibitions (unless given some extraordinary reason to put on the pretense of a crackdown) and the students know this perfectly well.
last edited at Mar 20, 2020 9:06AM