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joined Jul 26, 2016

Ito pls >:|

joined Jul 26, 2016

Didn’t Yuu and mari's relationship in this start out kinda toxic if i remember corectly?
Like Yuu would treat mari kinda bad?... Well anyways i think this chapter was really sweet ^^

You remember wrong. Yuu was just more tsuntsun before Mari pushed her to widen her social circles and start trying to get along with other people. (It's p much just the MahiMahi now but given how downright neurotic Yuu tends to get with strangers, hey, baby steps.)

Tsundere is a kinda toxic personality that revolves around lashing out at their partner rather than communicate their feelings in a healthy fashion. Yuu has definitely improved but she's also definitely subjected Mari to some tedious bullshit in her quest to never be vulnerable ever.

See "teenagers". And Mari doesn't care anyway; she can in fact get quite pushy when she feels Yuu isn't imposing on her enough (re: infirmary scene) or should interact with other people more for her own sake (notably the MahiMahi, but she's also been lowkey trying to get her more comfortable with Ai).

joined Jul 26, 2016

Didn’t Yuu and mari's relationship in this start out kinda toxic if i remember corectly?
Like Yuu would treat mari kinda bad?... Well anyways i think this chapter was really sweet ^^

You remember wrong. Yuu was just more tsuntsun before Mari pushed her to widen her social circles and start trying to get along with other people. (It's p much just the MahiMahi now but given how downright neurotic Yuu tends to get with strangers, hey, baby steps.)

joined Jul 26, 2016

drhelsing posted:

Where's smug loli?

She and staff san retired to Itou Tachi works D:


Like you wouldn't read the shit out of that anyway. =3=

joined Jul 26, 2016

Not that I had an sich anything against the idea of a 4-way here, but necessary reminder BOTH Yuu and Mari would need to get rid of their nontrivial territorial streaks first...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Where's Staff-san? Bring her back, please, k!

Retired to the front desk to give the young'uns some privacy I'd imagine. and/or making out with that epic loli o3o

Image Comments 24 Mar 04:05
joined Jul 26, 2016

^^ by something in the order of maybe 2-3 cm tops IIRC whenever they've been suitably placed for easy comparison, though I'll readily admit I'm not going to trawl through the chapters to check. Definitely not the about half a head plus here, however obligatory that sort of thing for some reason is.

VAMPEERZ discussion 24 Mar 02:13
joined Jul 26, 2016

Don't forget these faces; these rapturous faces lmao

joined Jul 26, 2016

Nano's character setting is basically "bluntly state ALL the truths" isn't it? (well that and "obviously big gay with Shuu")

joined Jul 26, 2016

I mean can't blame the guy. He abruptly found himself in the middle of a very awkward and clearly private matter. "I'll, uh, leave you girls to it" and quietly exit stage left.

Image Comments 24 Mar 00:09
joined Jul 26, 2016

And now all I can think of is those damn snapper plants from Super Mario. >_>

Image Comments 24 Mar 00:01
joined Jul 26, 2016

...aren't these two like practically the same height tho?

VAMPEERZ discussion 24 Mar 00:00
joined Jul 26, 2016

oh no they're all idiots

Also, that escalated quickly.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Oh Riko is on some spectrum all right.

Citrus + discussion 23 Mar 20:51
joined Jul 26, 2016

Did you skip chapter 8 or what

Hell, chapter 11 just had them discuss the whole thing with Sayaka just before heading to bed.

But it's just so awkward! It's not what I meant.

Awkwardness, in my Citrus?! :o

joined Jul 26, 2016

Chapter needs to be tagged with Lizard o3o

Ayame 14 discussion 22 Mar 23:19
joined Jul 26, 2016

whoa that was lewd as fuck

...I kinda lost it when Shinobu flipped into her fire-breathing SRS BZNS mode; "this is justice!" XD

joined Jul 26, 2016

shadesan posted:

@shadesan kiss at ch151 should be added :)

I'm pretty sure they don't actually kiss there, though. That's why it says "freeze" when she moves in. She stopped just short of actually kissing.

Yep, no contact there as far as I can tell

Hmmm I have always thought as she freezing because of the shock

Seems really obvious to me it was Mariri deliberately pulling short... not that Mayuyu wasn't also clearly stunned by that surprise move mind you.

1 x ½ discussion 22 Mar 16:24
joined Jul 26, 2016

Until this point, I'd been pretty sure that Ayako was aware of Akira's feelings for her and was fencing them away, but she seems genuinely flat-footed here.

Reckon that's more because she's (not unreasonably) currently entirely absorbed in her own worries and absolutely didn't expect Akira to spring that on her.

From what we've been shown Akira's clearly been in love with Ayako for years. Akira picked up on that early, that's why she sees her as a rival/threat. I definitely feel like this is a last-ditch play to see if she has a shot, rather than just her "playing cupid".

You mean Asuka in the second sentence, but anyway. Akira hasn't exactly kept her interest in Ayako a secret and the flirt-reject routine seems to be something of a long-running joke between the two of them. But recall, if you will, that Akira also studiously and consistently avoids making serious moves on her in-law due to as yet still unspecified feelings of guilt regarding Atsushi's death (whether that is plain old survivor's guilt or something more dramatic remains to be seen) which Ayako is aware of and, irrespective of her lack of reciprocal romantic interest, appears to consider quite unwarranted self-flagellation.

Which would be one more reason Akira's surprise power move catches her so off guard here, and a major reason why I think she's going for shock therapy rather than "last-ditch play" - there's been no sign that we've been shown of Akira suddenly ditching that emotional cross she's burdened herself with for the past one and half decades.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Et tu, Hinata?

...Noa really doesn't let opportunities to mess with Miyako go to waste whenever she's bored, does she.

1 x ½ discussion 22 Mar 02:08
joined Jul 26, 2016

Hazarding a guess Akira's opting for the shock-therapy approach to get Ayako stop chasing her own tail.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Now they're just messing with Ataru aren't they.

Ayame 14 discussion 22 Mar 02:00
joined Jul 26, 2016

likes the pain

Well that sounds like Ayame all right.

joined Jul 26, 2016

...Riko's really heading to Yandere City isn't she.

1 x ½ discussion 21 Mar 16:12
joined Jul 26, 2016

what manga truly is.

...Chinese cartoons? o3o