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Image Comments 08 Apr 21:49
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ Weird Leg Shit o3o

joined Jul 26, 2016

Love triangle, but a very awkward one.

It's not a love triangle. Asahi doesn't love Subaru that way.

Depends on your definition of a love triangle. If one of the loves is platonic, but it's still significant enough to interfere with the romantic love on the other end, would that still be a kind of love triangle?

I'd say romantic love, platonic or otherwise, is the minimum prerequisite. Otherwise every obstructively overprotective parent would qualify and the term would become so widely applicable as to be diluted of all meaning. (Or as someone once snarkily summarised the fundamental issue with homeopathy, "at this level of dilution the 'medicine' will contain more of your own piss than any active element from the original substance...")

Image Comments 08 Apr 14:37
joined Jul 26, 2016

^^ noblesse oblige ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Jul 26, 2016

I found the girl too violent to be funny, I think it could've worked with a more cartoon/chibi style at least for me

TBF I'm reasonably certain Amane gets off on getting pummeled just like the Joker

SHY discussion 08 Apr 08:20
joined Jul 26, 2016

What next?

Zombies. Or pirates. Or zombie pirates.

They could have a Fight of the Century with the ninjas.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Amane's behavior towards Sango does have that "bother the girl you have a crush on" vibe if nothing else...

Image Comments 06 Apr 21:33
joined Jul 26, 2016


last edited at Apr 6, 2020 9:33PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

I hope not, because being friends would turn out to be really gay...

Eh, just normal.

joined Jul 26, 2016

This thing is totally a fallen angel or something. Top tier acting sk33lz to lull prey into a false sense of security tho. =3=

joined Jul 26, 2016

Just for the record I'm giggling so hard rn at how far off the mark folks here were about Sonomi and Sachiko

joined Jul 26, 2016

>Little White Butterflies

Right, that was enough of a KEEP THE FUCK AWAY sign for me.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Those go both ways

I didn't say they can't disagree with them.

Invoking "muh freedoms" like that implies either exactly as much, or that you didn't quite think the argument through.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Freedom of speech much ? Freedom of opinion much ?

Those go both ways, as anyone observing the exercise of either is also entirely within their rights to have opinions about opinions - such as those being knee-jerky retrograde bullshit - and say as much. Matters of taste are one thing, the kind of moralising high dudgeon that's been thrown around here quite another.

joined Jul 26, 2016

^Comes from the days when horses were the basic piece of farm equipement and transportation and duly routinely traded on marketplaces; checking the degree of wear on the animal's teeth is a good way to ballpark its actual age ergo overall condition and likely remaining useful lifespan, which might not always be what the seller claimed...

Goes without saying that doing that with a gift was more than a little rude given what it implied of your opinion on the giver, whence the figure of speech.

last edited at Apr 4, 2020 4:13PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

...Why would being a Lesbian succubus cause semen to make you keel over? I mean it's one thing if she doesn't like it because she's a lesbian but the way it's written makes me think that she has the deadly reaction to semen because she's a lesbian...

Because ~DOUJINLOGIC~ and amazingly tone-deaf at that. Gonna have to agree with Jazz's summary here.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Also, I get weird shipping vibes between Subaru and her sister.
Am I the only one? I know this is not on purpose, but if they weren't sisters it would feel like a possible love triangle.

whoa calm down Mochi

joined Jul 26, 2016

Im starting to feel like these women aren’t straight

Just normal.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Occurs to me that Subaru's pretty tall isn't she? Even moreso given the age gap.

joined Jul 26, 2016

It's certainly hard to not giggle a bit at this particular interpretation if you've ever taken even a cursory look at the OG lore.

1 x ½ discussion 02 Apr 17:35
joined Jul 26, 2016

Asuka’s grandparents must be the chillest people on earth to have raised two nonchalant kids, one that married the girl that didn’t love him back and the other not giving a shit about incest.

Hey now, near as we've been told Atsushi was the closest Ayako did come to genuine romantic love until now - she has certainly shown no second thoughts over the relationship and remembers him with affection. And Akira somewhat by necessity has a rather estranged relationship with "conventional morality" in such matters to begin with, plus more to the point would pretty much die for what's effectively her surrogate family; she's about the last person around to sweat the (not-so-)small stuff.

joined Jul 26, 2016

So, it was posted the 2nd but it's supposed to be an april fool ?


Lists April 1st to me.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Being bi is completely fine, being a "slut" is completely fine. That said,

  1. If you have somone you remotely care about who will DIE from too close contact with semen, one would hope you'd take extra care with that, and

  2. If you are a succubus with the above mentioned situation, it might be wise to avoid even the possibility of that happening.

In other words, if you replace "semen" with "COVID-19", Mamio, in the role of a "health care worker", needs to improve her hygienic precautions, and Shun, an at-risk demographic, should definitely social distance.

While this is not an unreasonable way to look at it I respectfully submit that wasn't the cause for the expressions of outrage previously witnessed herein, but rather substantial disagreements with the very first sentence of your post.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I wanna know what they would do once they become lovers.

They will hold hands

fucking_yikes.jpg D:

joined Jul 26, 2016

One day, one day, Kishi will do actual, requited, explicit and mutually happy yuri serialization.

I'm just coming to doubt I'll live long enough to see it.

At-least 3 steady explicit couples in Virgins' Empire: "Are we a joke to you?"

joined Jul 26, 2016

The degree of rabid slut-shaming that sometimes happens on these forums is a sight to behold, though not something decent people should have to witness.