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joined Jul 26, 2016

I would have agreed with all the Kon is the monster theories, but we've actually already seen what it looks like, so I don't know. Besides, she describes the monster as being beside them in the sex scene, implying that it's some being apart from them. But the story seems to otherwise point in that direction, so who knows?

My guess is that it's never going to be fully explained in the story.

Monsters from the ID o3o

joined Jul 26, 2016

muh turnips

With some modifications that could be a Monty Python sketch, lel. Historically the Mongols routinely ignored the fairly universal practice of "surrender on terms" and reneged on any promises of safe conduct they made. While the resulting nasty rep had its uses in intimidation it also meant enemy garrisons were wont to fight to the death, which in the end made their sieges needlessly long and costly affairs... That started biting them in the ass pretty hard in Europe.

last edited at Apr 20, 2020 7:52PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Y'all must be a hoot playing D&D: "Actually, if you look at it from the screaming hordes of orcs' point of view . . . "

Hey now, barbarian marauders didn't run around a-maraudin' without a reason - even if that reason was merely that their society's SOP of getting troublesome teenagers off the village square was sending them off to misbehave elsewhere for a few years, as was apparently common in pre-Roman Spain for ex. (The ones that returned home alive and laden with pillage could duly be expected to be useful when the community needed warriors; Viking raiders are though to have operated on very similar logic.) And proper rampaging hordes only happened with full-on wars and migrations, both with their usual convoluted causes.

last edited at Apr 20, 2020 5:10PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

blonde girl: i'm not like other girls
dark skin girl: strips

LMAO, that is pretty much what happened

Also epic faces

I never asked for this (but not complaining) - Furuka, probably

joined Jul 26, 2016

There's always the off chance "the author didn't think that far ahead at the time" option

Ya, every now and then there's a certain vibe of "early installment weirdness" because Mikanuji hadn't really decided on the details and storyline directions at the time and now has to do some surreptious retcon to fit with wherever she(?) wants to take the narrative.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Disregard Chthulhu, have snu-snu

joined Jul 26, 2016

Yeah, Minami's dad was an abusive drunk who came after her with a knife.

Note that this would not be incompatible with the parental murder-suicide story Shizuka describes (though realistically she gave her own horrible backstory to establish shared ground.)

Shizuka found out, intending to lord her backstory over her, but realized she sympathized, so she is sharing her own backstory because she feels like Minami can relate.

That's a pretty debatable reading, as her self-described motive for prying rather appeared to be genuine curiosity about Minami...

So holy shit. Shizuka's mom pulled a murder suicide and Shizuka had to bury the bodies. That is so dark.

Goes ways to explain why she's so chronically fucked up, certainly.

On another note, was I the only one to notice that Shizuka's version (recounted internally ie. without any need to gloss things for the benefit of the target audience) of their initial acquaintance indicates the one Minami gave Iori way back in ch 12 is basically BS? Not that it's hard to see why she'd prefer to tell a take that's both rather compressed and "lighter and softer"...
It does, however, have the unfortunate side effect of rendering anything Minami tells about her past inherently suspect at least as far as details are concerned. :/

joined Jul 26, 2016

I didn't have to know about her long tongue 0////0

Gene Simmons Seal of Approval

joined Jul 26, 2016

Your Fuwa has evolved into Yandere!

joined Jul 26, 2016

A wild Snorlax appears!

Image Comments 17 Apr 10:54
joined Jul 26, 2016

Watch it for the gloriously trippy visuals and amazing soundtrack if nothing else.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Probably relevant that the older one being a teacher is rather... peripheral to both the story and relationship. It's more or less just the background context for how they recognise each other in a place they definitely didn't expect to meet and the whole business with the would-be blackmailers; it's not terribly important to their personal relationship, though both seem to find the taboo aspect to be a kinky turn-on during sex.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Just remember that the Kouhai just forced the senpai into the hotel in the first place. Funny how someone who think the other is the worst consent to a relation. The author sure didn't bother to explain how it worked. Magic i suposs. Can't appreciate it when I know how it begin.

Rather getting the impression Tougou does her heel-dragging more out of habit and some kind of stubborn pride thing than anything else - for all her vocal and internal protestations she seems perfectly willing to go along with Sayama's shenanigans. It's just that for whatever reason (Rule of Funny most likely) she finds it necessary to go through the motions of reluctance and telling herself some quite blatant falsehoods about their relationship. (Though I would imagine Rika can get exasperating at times, which alongside sundry "muh sempai face/respect" BS seems to be Haruka's actual bone of contention; but then it's a rare relationship indeed that doesn't have spots of friction and personality clash.)

The whole business seems to be something of a private game between them, pretty explicitly so with the whole weird undie-guessing episode.

joined Jul 26, 2016

random posted:

wldreamer567 posted:

Would it be too much if i ask for more!!!???
I know its too greedy to ask for more but....
They are so lovely!!!!

What would you like?

I regret nothing

I'm sorry I'm not a woman of culture

'Tis the tragic tale of how Big Snope seduced Kylo Ren's young mind to the Dark Side with the promise of the biggest fast food order he had - wait I'm getting things mixed up aren't I...

joined Jul 26, 2016

This seems to roughly follow IRL time, so I wonder if there's gonna be quarantine chapter.

Ripped From The Headlines is kind of a bad creative form tbh.

joined Jul 26, 2016

It's definitely unorthodox. Has personality, tho.

Still Sick discussion 16 Apr 14:19
joined Jul 26, 2016

By "a bit dense" I suppose you mean "in the superactinide series"? :v

last edited at Apr 16, 2020 2:19PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Couldn't readily find an image with the whole thing so.

joined Jul 26, 2016

wldreamer567 posted:

Would it be too much if i ask for more!!!???
I know its too greedy to ask for more but....
They are so lovely!!!!

What would you like?

I regret nothing

joined Jul 26, 2016

Heh, this is actually aware of the absolute shitton of sheer drudge training actual aristocrats underwent to prepare them both for their leadership duties and the necessary social decorum. Seriously some of the regimens you see in biographies would be considered straight up child abuse nowadays (and indeed did cause outright nervous breakdowns at times - in like 8-year olds).

Lily Marble discussion 15 Apr 21:23
joined Jul 26, 2016

and Risa deserves better

Y'all keep repeating this without even a hint as to what that "better" would or should be...

How about someone who doesn't throw her away like trash to marry a man because of what she believes her parents might think and only to crawl back after the man leaves her. Literal trash that doesn't deserve to come back to open arms.

But good thing her mother gave her permission to be gay instead of making the decision herself.


joined Jul 26, 2016

An inimitably WataMote take on the nosebleed trope in such a context :v

joined Jul 26, 2016

Asking the real questions.

Lily Marble discussion 15 Apr 11:38
joined Jul 26, 2016

and Risa deserves better

Y'all keep repeating this without even a hint as to what that "better" would or should be...

Image Comments 14 Apr 19:59
joined Jul 26, 2016

Hell could arguably just be a natural byproduct of the muscle tension from all the pushing and resisting happening there...

Miho definitely looks right pissed tho, like a parent who's had it with their kids fighting and is forcing them to make peace before sending them to their rooms without dinner to reflect.