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Slow Start discussion 29 Apr 07:49
joined Jul 26, 2016

Once again a dream that looked pointless actually has an important purpose. We'll see what happens next chapter.

How many times she had a dream like that ? Where she reveal she is a ronin ? It's not like 2nd or 3rd time ? Althouhgt it's the more realistic, it's also make you feel like the whole premise is stupid. There is no way the 3 will me mad at Hana for being a ronin by now so there is really no reason to keep dragging that beside Hana's own cowardice on the subject.

It's not that Hana doesn't have faith in her friends; it's just that she still has major insecurity issues and the topic is a pretty big emotional hang-up for her. Real people can get weirdly fixated on far smaller matters.

Remember - this is a purely personal and emotional matter. Those are routinely objectively dumb and making mountains out of molehills, but that's all utterly irrelevant to the person grappling with them.

joined Jul 26, 2016

And we miss the question of why Moka still rent an appartement if she basically live in Ruri's house.

Well she pretty much just uses it as A) storage for stuff she doesn't want to clutter Ruri's place with B) her mailing address for official matters, presumably because she prefers having some privacy for those.

Slow Start discussion 29 Apr 07:16
joined Jul 26, 2016

But a new girl going for Hana and right after a HanaTama moment, I wish the new girl went for Kamu just to spice things up, and maybe offer a solution to the situation in which Kamu is right now.

I don't recall seeing any indication whatsoever of Kamu desiring a "solution" to her "situation", by which I assume you mean the peculiar little ménage à trois she's got going with Eiko and Sensei, though.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Is her tongue covered in thousands of tiny knives like a real cats too? If so, Masters in for a world of pain...

Or pleasure (O.O)

Feline tongues are like sandpaper and can break skin when applied repeatedly on a spot (some of the big cats actually use them to strip off fur from dead prey, IIRC) but sure, if that's your kink. ' -')

Image Comments 27 Apr 23:26
joined Jul 26, 2016

CAUTION: Random electrical discharges may occur

But then Franka is nothing if not daredevil ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Jul 26, 2016

Nekozaki seems to be carrying quite a bit of baggage.

Image Comments 27 Apr 18:46
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ Well it was a similar landmark deconstruction of its own genre to the point of well-nigh killing off the "classic" iteration thereof.

Gemini discussion 27 Apr 18:06
joined Jul 26, 2016

FWIW in 2003 the Guardian and UK adoption agencies were taking it seriously. That's no solid proof, but it is a higher bar than "reported in tabloids like the Daily Mail."

Policy an sich doesn't mean much; especially in the case of emotionally charged topics it is readily enough driven by nothing more concrete than varying degrees of popular moral panics irrespective of acute lack of concrete evidence and/or flagrantly bad science. Case in point older members here might remember the satanic ritual abuse brouhaha of the Eighties which produced a number of serious miscarriages of justice - that one mostly sticks out in my personal recollection because I was in elementary school at the time the waves made it here and the class was shown some cautionary "hurr durr satanism bad" edutainment video, which mainly just confused the Hell out of everybody present.
I'll leave aside my wider skepticism concerning the rational basis of US and UK policymaking in general.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Love how she talks about her when she is around to hear it, she knows what she's doing

The courtship rituals of Tsundericora subis can seem strange to the layman...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Wanko lives up to her nickname by having god tier abandoned puppy faces :c

joined Jul 26, 2016

...Touko is worrisomely good at flirting with younger girls, just sayin'. Esp as she doesn't quite seem to realise she's doing it. >_>

Image Comments 26 Apr 13:05
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ >not leveling best hors Grani


Image Comments 26 Apr 00:24
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ I don't think The OG TunaKallen can be legitimately termed "ancestor" as IIRC there's zero indication anywhere she ever had children...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Where are the history buff people? Gotta need their off-topic discussion here.

y tho :|

joined Jul 26, 2016

Oh yeah Amane is totally an M~

Image Comments 25 Apr 19:14
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ lel
Spooky wolf is watching you fornicate

Semelparous discussion 25 Apr 19:12
joined Jul 26, 2016

If you consider that every time a Kaiju is killed between the walls the paired partner on the Bastioner's side of the worldline split also dies, it would make sense to say that the same is true of Bastioner's killed between the walls. So that would suggest that, in the battle where Yuuko's sister died, with the ending of: "All targets eliminated at 7:42 PM. Two survivors confirmed out of 16 deployed." There were 14 people in the other worldline who spontaneously died during that battle and ONE who died who was not an active participant in combat. So, presuming that the other side has figured out what is going on between the walls, you would think they wouldn't keep killing themselves...

The term used was "many", implying "not everyone" - though apparently all the Kaiju "pilots" are such doubles for whatever reason. But then there's been no indication the Organisation can actually detect whether someone has a parallel double anyway so they're probably just guessing based on verfiable synchronised deaths...

And given their MO and persistence - as this conflict has apparently been going on for generations - the "other side" can be assumed to not give a flying fuck about their losses, anyway. Why they're so dogged, or trying to invade in the first place, is a big question mark and presumably will be important sooner or later.

Has there been any statement about what the cost of the second wall being breached is?

This is literally all we have to go by so far. No word on whether that's based on past experience or pure speculation, either - or if it's not just a vague claim made to convey how important it is to stop the Kaiju in the interval zone for that matter.

Image Comments 25 Apr 18:44
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ AKA the "Holy Triad" of MMO class design. Tends to leak into some fantasy CRPGs too - looking at you here, Dragon Age... also tabletop D&D 4th ed but that abomination never happened anyway

Which I consider to be a garbage conceptual framework, personally, but that's neither here nor there. >_>

Dear NOMAN discussion 25 Apr 18:39
joined Jul 26, 2016

Also Chitose is still dumb and gay and her handler pays no heed lmao

Gemini discussion 25 Apr 16:46
joined Jul 26, 2016

'Genetic sexual attraction' is the term for that.

It's also considered pseudoscience for want of actual evidence so there's that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

joined Jul 26, 2016

Why should it be woken up?

Obviously, the two creatures are negatives of each other. The two faces of the same coin.

I don't think the two sides are actually that much at odds. There must be something else.

The Hell would I know, ask the author. Obvious genre-trope implications would be that Vena has been "corrupted" somehow and the Light Side mascot wants to undo that, or more deconstructively some convoluted Incubator-style shenanigans. Or if you want to get really paranoid those two are the same creature to begin with using literal blackface and everything it's telling the Tres is as big a lie as the story the "Vena" persona gave Utena...

joined Jul 26, 2016

How to make the readers write more of 125 enthusiastic comments (filling 5 pages of thread) with just 6 pages of doujin: a tutorial by Konbu Wakame.

"Doctors hate her!"

1 x ½ discussion 25 Apr 14:13
joined Jul 26, 2016

Nacht und Nebel was more specifically a particularly infamous Hitler decree, which is where the documentaries take their name from. No idea what Frankl has to do with this other than having survived the concentration camps (unlike many of his family)...

Semelparous discussion 25 Apr 14:03
joined Jul 26, 2016

It should certainly be possible for Bastioners and equally Kaiju to commit accidental Mutual Kills through the dimensional doubling linkage, seeing as how the connection ought to be at full force in the interval zone, but in practice the small combatant numbers involved - particularly on the latter side - ought to render the practical probability low enough to be essentially irrelevant. If anything whenever it happened it should be to the Bastioners' advantage anyway as their combat power is altogether more widely dispersed among multiple fighters; compare a Kaiju suddenly dropping dead after swatting a Bastioner to vise versa in terms of immediate tactical impact.

joined Jul 26, 2016

And who is Venalita?

The bootleg Kyubeyevil mascot. As also named in the latest chapter.

...unless that was a "who is Keyser Söze" reference I didn't catch. >_>

last edited at Apr 25, 2020 12:57PM