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Arknights! 15 Jun 19:45
joined Jul 26, 2016

My line leaked two enemies later, actually... >_>

Arknights! 15 Jun 18:47
joined Jul 26, 2016

...actually no scratch that, Vanilla wouldn't cut it there - it's Fang's -1 DP cost talent that lets her get squeezed in just in time.

Arknights! 15 Jun 18:34
joined Jul 26, 2016

Fang is cheap as shit, both to max out and deploy, which is occasionally useful when you really need to get someone out and generating DP ASAP. The "Deep Infiltration" Contingency (-75% passive DP regen) in current Plaza is a good example - Fang was the only Vanguard in my roster I could afford to drop in before the first doggo reached the portal, and held the line until I could throw in Vigna and Myrtle to help out. (Vanilla would work there too but I never bothered to raise her past E1 lv1 so...)

Outside such cyka blyat rush B situations the higher-star Vans have better time-to-DP ratios though, and ofc higher performance ceilings to boot.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Assuming the generalizations even hold.

Odds are low.

joined Jul 26, 2016

well it is fun to read but, am kinda anxious for the bi girl, like what if it's just for experience or sumn? Well if this series can continue we will probably get a POV from her or something like that.

...a good half of the chapter was already narrated from Nono's perspective, did you somehow miss how smitten she is?

I'd rather worry about her continued fixation on how "out of my league" sempai is if I were you.

last edited at Jun 15, 2020 3:15PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Ookuma doesn't screw around huh XD

My Roommate discussion 15 Jun 01:24
joined Jul 26, 2016


joined Jul 26, 2016

Orie's thoroughly confused crush remains inexplicably amusing.

I don't like het

Your :contribution: has been duly noted, found wanting.

joined Jul 26, 2016

We all know that Texas prefer apple pie.

Texas has a harem. There's Exusiai, Sora, Lappland, and to some degree Red.

Well except Applepie is more like a BFF and probably has some kind of weird platonic long-distance thing going with Mostima anyway, she politely but entirely ignores Sora's blatant gay crush, Red gives her (like all Lupos) panic attacks just by being around and she really seems to not want to have anything to do with Lapp if she can help it, since the white wolf is A) homicidally insane B) heavily implied to be something of an uncomfortable specter from an implicitly rather bloody period of her life she'd probably rather forget, given she crossed a nontrivial portion of the known world to get away from it for starters and visibly bristles if someone brings it up (Super Mafia Bro Gambino, again, but then they were already crossing swords anyway)...

TL;DR first is a friend, second she likes well enough as such but has no apparent romantic interest in, third is an Abhorrent Admirer obsessive stalker she'd likely rather not have hanging around at all, fourth is basically a casual stalker (Red's vague-but-unsettling interest being generalised to all Lupo) who scares her shitless... yeah. That's min two counts of Hidden Talent: Trouble With Women of one form or another though which I suppose does narrowly qualify her as a variety of unwilling harem lead. :v

joined Jul 26, 2016

Yeah, when your asking "why won't she have sex with me?" You've sailed clear past Class-S conventions. The use of "straight" here is so bizarre. Maybe it's a translation thing where there's only terms for "lesbian" and for "everyone else"? It wouldn't be surprising if the terminology centered men and how available women are to them.

Just sayin' but I'm tolerably certain both of them currently have more important matters to think about than fine nuances of terminology...

last edited at Jun 14, 2020 10:33PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

I'm super confused about the usage of the word "Straight" in this.

Like, I get it when stories use it for girls who aren't straight when they just haven't realized that they're gay/whatever, but this woman has literally been in a serious relationship with another woman for a full month, is explicitly willing to have sex with said woman, is not in the closet or otherwise trying to hide her interests and there's no implication what so ever that they're just "pretend dating."

And yet both characters somehow consider her a "straight" woman that only men have a chance with?
They're both clearly aware that the "straight" girl is entirely willing to date and sleep with women just from a personal desire to do so, how on earth do you even rationalize thinking of such a woman as "straight?" It doesn't make any sense!

Is this next-level useless lesbians? Is this what it means to go beyond? Useless Lesbian 2? Plus Ultra?

Take this with a grain of salt because I'm not Japanese, but I think the Japanese version of comphet includes the idea that it's perfectly possible for a straight woman to date another woman "in a straight way" as long as the relationship conforms to a certain stereotype - an older partner who's beautiful and experienced and basically perfect, and a younger partner who idolizes her. Think Maria-sama ga Miteiru.

The senpai is directly invoking that myth here. She tries to play the part of the perfect onee-sama because she thinks that's the only way this "straight" girl would date her.

The kouhai also buys into it and doesn't question her sexuality because she can tell herself she's just "admiring" her perfect senpai.

Sounds vaguely like the olden-day Greek erastes-eromenos thing really, or a sort of carryover from various analogous customs in Japanese history...

Of course the joke is that the actual dynamic of their relationship is completely different.

Heh. Picked up a kitten, it turned out to be a tiger cub.

Image Comments 14 Jun 07:37
joined Jul 26, 2016

^free Science PenguinMagallan's hands and you could add toys ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Jul 26, 2016

Just from a geographical perspective this seems like an odd pairing. Never played the game and probably never will.

They're just code names, and the characters are from the same city.

Partially correct, as "Texas" is her family name - it's repeatedly alluded to in her bio. She's hardly the only Operator to use her real name as her codename either, probably helps that like most such she has a technically perfectly legal full-time job.

"Lappland" conversely is clearly a codename; she's a former(?) Mafia-analog assassin from the local Not Italy region ("Siracusa") and folks from there appear to have appropriately themed names like Angelina or the Super Mafia Bros Capone and Gambino in the recent event storyline (who, uh, Lapp is heavily implied to have killed, gratuitously and p much for shits & giggles, in her epilogue cameo appearance...).

Moreover Texas is Columbian by birth (apparently the generic Western Europe/North America equivalent country, as distinct from eg. the British-themed Victoria, Totally Not Imperial Russia Ursus or Not Poland Kazimierz) but is very heavily hinted to have quite the dark past in the Siracusan underworld - the mobster Gambino readily recognised the name and not in a good way - which is where her connection with her near-stalker Lappland apparently stems from. Lapp keeps complaining Texas has "gone soft" as she doesn't murder the shit out of every mofo who crosses her path anymore these days... though she's happy to pick up the slack herself as the two late and unfortunate Mafioso brothers could posthumously attest.


Lappland suffers from an illness/infection that will kill eventually her, and it causes various damage to the body over time. So Lappland making a joke about it caused Texas to be upset, because it's a serious matter. A lot of major characters in Arknights have it, and they're still searching for a cure.

The illness - properly Oripathy (after the magical mineral Originium you catch it from) and colloquially just Infection - or rather the pariah status of most of those afflicted with it is indeed the background driving force of the major conflict in the storyline, with no few hints of even darker undertones that border on lowtier Cosmic Horror...

Good for her Lapp's present employer is at the bleeding edge of medical research on it (she isn't even their worst-Infected patient), and while even they still can't cure it they can largely halt its progress which is sorta important because the disease is invariably fatal untreated.

Slow Start discussion 14 Jun 04:59
joined Jul 26, 2016

then, it´s yuri or not?

You're not going to convince anyone Eiko, Kiyose or Kamu are even remotely straight that's for sure.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Also, why am I lowkey reminded of this exchange...?

joined Jul 26, 2016

"My vocabulary just died"


I second this reaction.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Tbf Lappy is actually crazy so sound judgement should never be expected.

1 x ½ discussion 14 Jun 03:57
joined Jul 26, 2016

She made LINE stickers! So cute!

The "Jun(e)" one is top tier Dad Joke cringe lmao

Slow Start discussion 14 Jun 03:55
joined Jul 26, 2016

Kamu thinking Hana was actually younger than them was quite a surprise. :D

Not necessarily given how the girl tends to act; it was a very... Kamu working theory tho. :D

Image Comments 14 Jun 03:40
joined Jul 26, 2016

^Specter would be the only one that isn't pure crack (Skadi repeatedly tried to behead Grani basically for no reason during Knights' Treasure) and memery (orca theme, penguin, joke writes itself) so, yeah. Their personal issues aside, ie. Spec being clinically insane and Skadi being a sullen brooding edgelord, they clearly share a background and looking after the crazy nun seems to be Golfer Girl's main reason to stick with Rhodes.

last edited at Jun 14, 2020 3:52AM

Image Comments 14 Jun 03:24
joined Jul 26, 2016

^^wasn't the framing device of those that they're Adminstration-sponsored docuramas and naturally duly gloss over or leave out parts that would be particularly embarassing to the organisation?

Arknights! 14 Jun 03:12
joined Jul 26, 2016

...on another note, I iz stoopid lul. I only just now realised the Commendations shop has multiple tabs that get successively unlocked as you clean out the previous one; here I am staring at my literally OVER 9000 Commendations and feeling very very dumb now OTL

On a similar vein it was only relatively recently I figured out you can recycle surplus Operator Tokens from the big yellow button at lower left... >_>

Arknights! 14 Jun 03:02
joined Jul 26, 2016

I cleared it at level 8 using this guide

I used a modification of Ecko's Low Stars All-Stars one which is very similar. The important parts are getting a Vanguard out ASAP to catch the first few doggos and then holding the corner with a sufficiently killy Defender - or AoE Guard I guess? - with enough backline support.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I want what they have



Lily Marble discussion 14 Jun 02:49
joined Jul 26, 2016

Nozomi, as far as we know, is straight as an arrow.

Ever seen an arrow mid-flight?

Fair point.

Also, archer's paradox.

Arrows need to have a certain amount of... flexibility ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)