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joined Jul 26, 2016

Well that was some intense kissing

Also Akira is a font of great expressions.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Rather, I get the sense that her mother's overprotectiveness is because Yuki has been so traumatized by her condition.

That, too - it's not hard to see how and why she seems to have turned out a bit neurotically (and probably suffocatingly) overprotective. There's hints of it in their conversation too ("then I can't protect you" etc.).

The best intentions behind it doesn't make it any less problematic for Yuki's personal developement ofc but that sort of thing happens a lot between parents and children.

On an entirely different note Yuki seems to take a lot after her mother physically (even their eyelashes look similar) - pretty face and flat as a board :v

joined Jul 26, 2016

Now we know why Yuki is so shy and insecure, her mother overprotective behavior.

Uh, no, we've had ample enough flashbacks of the kind of unwelcome attention from strangers it's mainly rooted in. But her mother's intense and formidable personality is unlikely to have much helped - it's only too easy to picture how a kid as timid as Yuki would have been unintentionally overwhelmed by such a parent.

Also bit of a chicken and egg thing as there's certainly no shortage of objectively valid reasons to worry about the kid, only compounded by the mother's frequent extended absences due to work and their awkward relationship creating a serious communications barrier. Case in point Yuki's been working at Nekotamari for, what, half a year plus without apparently bothering to notify her mother of it even as a courtesy - I reckon a parent doesn't need Ms. Shirakabe's mercurial temperament to kind of start bouncing off walls over something like that. (TBF she's probably unusually agitated atm due to both having been left out of the loop about a fairly important developement and being worried sick.)

It also reads like pretty textbook teenage chafing for independence and rebelling against parent figures. ie. part of growing up. I'll be rather surprised if this isn't primarily a character growth arc for Yuki as the family grapples with the various anxieties and personality clashes involved.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Do we REALLY need the overly specific het on so and so pages tags?

They're funny so yes.

joined Jul 26, 2016

this is full of god tier reaction faces

Image Comments 20 Jun 10:47
joined Jul 26, 2016

rare footage of what happened whenever Lisk self-stunned back during their Blacksteel days ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

^lizard or somesuch, dragons (eg. Ch'en) are a different species

last edited at Jun 20, 2020 10:49AM

Arknights! 20 Jun 09:31
joined Jul 26, 2016

Woah really? Anti-gravity mode is probably the silliest and most fun skill in the game.

Case in point, or, Rube Goldberg conveyor belt feat. Mephisto.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Ayano is so fucking gay, holy shit.

Gayano. o3o

...I'll see myself out.

joined Jul 26, 2016

meta as fuck

Arknights! 18 Jun 15:32
joined Jul 26, 2016

As for today's, there's grilling cheese with Ifrit for one method... :D

joined Jul 26, 2016

Nice dodge, Miyoshi!

When Ayano asked the Big Question in page 5, I thought: "This is it! Miyoshi has no way out now! Her answer will reveal her true feelings, and then and then......"

And then Miyoshi dodged. GRRRRRRR!

But, hey, no use getting angry.

Let's be fair and sportsmanlike about it and just say: nice dodge!

"Curses! Foiled again!" :v

Arknights! 18 Jun 10:38
joined Jul 26, 2016

Other strats I've seen for dealing with heavily buffed ANGERY katana bois were heavy on ranged Op CC, and often dropped Rope behind him to repeatedly yoink him back.

joined Jul 26, 2016

^ yeah you're gonna want to start citing sources because an awful lot of that sounds like, to be quite blunt about it, stereotyped bullshit.

Also myopically focused on pure academia while entirely ignoring the arguably far more important part of social learning. Artificially separating the sexes, thus depriving them of casual and natural daily contact with each other, during what are still very much formative phases of growth isn't going to help anyone develop a healthy and nuanced idea of the opposite sex. One only learns how to be around people by being around people, and gaps left by ignorance are filled with superstition and bullshit.

last edited at Jun 18, 2020 8:08AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

How does she stick that to her hair?

magic of stella glue pretty sure those kinda things have a pin or clasp on the back for exactly that purpose...?

joined Jul 26, 2016

Not sure if Miyoshi is actually this oblivious or the biggest troll in the series...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Old sins coming home to roost huh XD

Image Comments 16 Jun 14:30
joined Jul 26, 2016

Mostima and Applepie gave me "weird platonic long-distance thing" kind of vibes during Code of Brawl.

Exu also notes Texas keeps even her kind of at an arm's length, though the two of them get along and work together well. (Tex likely drags around all kinds of emotional baggage that makes her so aloof but that's another topic entirely.)

...basically you don't find relationships that aren't all kinds of complicated around the Penguins, aside from the very straightforward CroissantxMoney OTP :P

joined Jul 26, 2016

Where did her cigarette go?

Well unless she likes scattering ash all over her floor/carpet/couch it can be assumed she brought an ashtray with her from the kitchen, presumably placed on that low table that's entirely offscreen after the first few pages...

Image Comments 16 Jun 09:47
joined Jul 26, 2016

^a pretty good tower defense game with an interesting cast of characters that, relevantly to our interests, includes a few canon lesbians and multiple more pretty blatantly implied ones. also has meme potential OVER 9000

last edited at Jun 16, 2020 9:49AM

Arknights! 16 Jun 09:39
joined Jul 26, 2016

If you can scrounge up an E2 Silverdaddy from somewhere (I have him in my support list) you can use this tactic I guess? Eyja and/or Ange S3 might also work with some modifications...

Image Comments 16 Jun 08:16
joined Jul 26, 2016

^that's with her kewl majik swords tho, and she wasn't the one who held up a nontrivial amount of collapsing building in-story...

falls down some stairs while in custody for making rude insinuations about Hoshi's weight

Image Comments 16 Jun 08:00
joined Jul 26, 2016

...p sure for some reason the height diff here is rather more than the 6 cm Boss GopnikZima canonically has on Istina tho.

Arknights! 16 Jun 07:34
joined Jul 26, 2016

Sure lemme just pull a Hellagur out of a hat :c

Also never got around to leveling Nearl or the AoE Guards so things got a bit hairy a few times - would probably have gone better if I'd taken the Def cut instead of the Atk one tbh and deployed folks a bit differently. Still cleared risk 8 with 1 seal left tho, mostly by using a Red/Waai/Melantha rotation to gank the red mages away from the main tussle.

Slow Start discussion 16 Jun 07:27
joined Jul 26, 2016

Well that was all VERY anti-climatic, I hope that's a sign the series isn't about to end.

What were you expecting anyway - telenovela melodrama?

Image Comments 16 Jun 07:20
joined Jul 26, 2016

This seems entirely in character for Mostima tbh