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joined Mar 29, 2017

Side note because I can here are the engines I reccomend for createing games. In no particular order

If your ok with learning to program
Gamemaker Studio 2 is in my opinion the best entry level engine to mess about with it if i remember its got a free trial but assumeing your not bad at art and want to learn a basic ish language its hard to beat.
It can do 3d but most of the time it is used for 2d stuff.

Im also told that this is a decent for entry level stuff ive never used it personally but its there.

For 3d stuff its kinda hard to beat unity hell even for 2d stuff it vastly out guns most of the dedacated 2d engines but it requires a good grasp on programing and even more so knowledge of how the engine works and the stupid things that it does. Not for newbies or solo projects honstly but good for small teams or larger scale projects.

As for the obvious and easy choice in visual novels just use Ren'Py. Basically every non japanese visual novel has it as the engine. The thing has so few limitations its laughable and has powered some very good games with Katawa Shoujo as the big stand out. The programing is easy yet still relativly powerfull. Honstly this is probly your best bet for createing a game by the deadline if you want to. There are no catches to this engine its just the best at what it does while being free, opensource, and even free for commercial use so you can even make money off of your work.

If you do decide to join up and try out game development just stick with it your first game will probly suck but its a learning exprience and game jams are a great place to get feedback from people who know there stuff. There are very few cases of a first game being even good let alone successful from first time devs. If all goes well check with the engine terms about selling your game if you wish to do that just know the moment you do you open yourslef to critics and they can be harsh. Most importantly if you get stuck there is no shame in going to google or asking for help.

joined Mar 29, 2017

I'm a simple gay woman. When I see Tamamusi, I clicked.


I’m Bi, but i click just as fast too ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Same as the person above

Yeah, that got me too. :P

Can straight people join in too? :3

I dont identefy with any sex for i am a dragon.

joined Mar 29, 2017


-Almost every yuri mangaka

Hey now its not their fault its not like they had a choice to be in a yuri manga.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Almost 18 years of being "active" i cant remember the last time ive dedacated more then 4 hours to one thing.

Mousou Envy discussion 09 Sep 14:54
joined Mar 29, 2017

Urgh, I just hate this whole concept of if you can't get a job you are worthless.

that's capitalism for you

Capitalism ho!!!!

Image Comments 07 Sep 22:11
joined Mar 29, 2017

I need more now

Image Comments 05 Sep 03:53
joined Mar 29, 2017

Never watched the show but do the three of them really have green eyes?

Mono-Eye discussion 05 Sep 03:39
joined Mar 29, 2017

Is it really possible for a straight person to enjoy gay sex jist by using aphrosidiac?

When black hair said she knew twintails would use the big end of the toy on her, for a spilt moment I felt kinda sad for black hair, twintails knew it was her first time but still didn't hesitate to go rough. I mean come on, at least be considerate, for those 500k.

Anw, typical terrible ppl being terrible to each other.

You cant force anyone to enjoy something stuff like rape might "feel good" but the person being raped would rarely say they enjoyed it. That being said yes there are drugs that can cause the kind of exprience the girl has here and yes most of them are addictive. She might have technically never had sex but with a bag like the one she had the other girl could probly safely assume she is used to haveing stuff stuck in her and well meh. Nothing in this is out of this world crazy and probly could happen in the real world and ive seen and heard of stuff that makes this look like vanilla sex.

joined Mar 29, 2017

When the first chapter ended I was intrested after the second I have a long list of questions starting and ending with if you know then why dont you say something.

Image Comments 04 Sep 00:07
joined Mar 29, 2017

The only solution is an orgy

Image Comments 31 Aug 02:44
joined Mar 29, 2017

How does a steampunk world with murder, deception, and politics as a focus, have a yuri couple this adorable.

joined Mar 29, 2017

I figure from the oneshot these two are going to have the on and off type relationship untill they just eventually just stick. From seeing it first hand and how they split in the orignal and remaining very close they will probly both find a new gf not really like them both of them and get back together after like a month.

joined Mar 29, 2017

I guess it is a thing that artists have the hots for loli half beast girls in this world's setting?

I think Itou Hachi just took "write what you know" a little too literally. When I first read that "I'm simply using young bodies in the midst of transformation as a motif to capture the purity that girls hold" line, my thought was, "I bet Itou Hachi is really used to defending herself with a line like this."

In my imagination, she's having a bit of fun at her own expense with this character who dresses up little girls with animal ears to draw pictures of them.


joined Mar 29, 2017

Now with this series seemingly hitting a patch of drama chaosteam is back to all angst all the time it seems.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Wait a yuri manga that did not over indulge in teenage drama and the characters cut to the point. Is this real life?

joined Mar 29, 2017

My weakness for crazy psycopaths will one day get me killed but today I have this to tide me over.

joined Mar 29, 2017

takeyama jin has changed her style! holy shit!

Because of recent internet happenings im unsure if this is a joke or not but ill assume it is one.

1 x ½ discussion 23 Aug 02:35
joined Mar 29, 2017

I find this one really fascinating... never really sure how thing are gonna develop, especially with such a strange love interest? I'm not sure what to think sometimes reading this, but I guess it's why its so interesting! Asuka is defs a plain Jane but super strange!

If you think a parrent is a strange love intrest then you need to read more hentai. You have parrents allover the place being sexed or sexing with or without consent with one or more individuals of all sex combinations. Japan does what it pleases and will continue to do so.

joined Mar 29, 2017

The feeling of getting to be loved for who you are, even If you don't find yourself pretty
From time to time, you'll realize that you are pretty, and you love yourself
Because she showed you that, by loving you

Unless you have my girlfriend who says im the ugliest guy she has ever dated. My responce obviously being your the one who went after me. Only to be smacked down with the out of pitty come back. This has been my life for about 4 months now. Not sure if I feel better about myslef or not but its one hell of a way to go to sleep confused.

joined Mar 29, 2017

I don't get the thing with "Shouta" at all. If she is getting abused, the teacher shouldn't be going "aw, that's too bad", she should be calling the parents, cops, etc., etc... Stupid...

Sensei's first instinct upon rescuing her student from an abusive household was to make out with her. I don't think her priorities are much in order.

Wait so after saveing someone you dont try to get into their pants right after? On a serious note she might want the full picture before makeing a real action. Keeping a kid at a teachers home isnt that crazy sure in this case its probly kidnap and rape but uhhhhh... ya i got nothing.

Citrus discussion 19 Aug 03:06
joined Mar 29, 2017

So, in the end I got the happy ending that I wanted. Still, I can't help but feel slightly cheated about the whole thing.
This does feel all sorts of rushed, I wonder if I would have felt this way if Bloom had ended at chapter 34.

100% agree with this. What bothers me is how Sabu uses timeskips to avoid dealing with real hurdles, which, had the manga focused on earlier chapters methodically, would've made a much better read. Instead, the causes of cheap drama like love triangles and lack of communication lingered on over the majority of the capters. It really seems like timeskip is Saburouta's nuclear solution to everything.

The story does give reasons for her to think all these factors would be a problem, but the fact that NONE of the problems turn out to be real really decrease her credibility as a character.

And this. I must say the author ruined Mei's character royally. She had so much potential to shine during earlier chapters (and especially after Ch 24), the way she turned out is a letdown of epic proportions.

The way I look at it is Hotaru from NTR and Mel fill the same space in terms of a charater that is redeemed near or at the end. Except Hotaru really did get developed heavly and even reverted to her true personallity at the end. Hotaru sends the message that sometimes you create the monster that makes your life more difficult. Mel had no setup for her actions she just kinda did stuff with no real reason to. We know from the first chapters that her net worth is fairly high so it wasnt for money. Mel is very aware of the mutual love so its not because she thinks she is holding Yuzu down. Mel was even given what is basically full controll of her own life so theres noone telling her to not be gay. How was there even drama in the firstplace? What kind of message does Mel send? If you have money, a lover, and full controll of your future dont go off and marry some random guy with less money then you.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Hmm, I kinda wanna know the timeline, whose relationship moved faster? For all we know the other two haven't done anything while these are having sex... just curious x)

Its probly safe to assume they have already had sex as well.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Who would even want to date hiroko after seeing her nails lol

As they say around these parts, "when the DJ is good, the vinyl doesn't get scratched"

Ive never heard that but im stealing it.

LilyHara! discussion 06 Aug 03:25
joined Mar 29, 2017

Way too fast. No development

Nah off screen there was rape into instant stockholms syndrome.

Earth Girls discussion 07 Jul 07:18
joined Mar 29, 2017

Drama in my earth girls?? About as expected now I think about it.