@Hollows November 30, 2018 7:25PM
This reads way too....adult for me. The family background for the black haired girl and the way she acts always makes me think there is something really wrong going on here. Sadly, Usa-chan is too childish to realize.
Hopefully, both of them can develop a really nice relationship and overcome each other's shortcomings.
Super late, but spot on. Seems like on one hand, the author wants it wants to be Young Adult but at the same time is going for TV MA. This tonal shift is confusing. Also, the characters appear to be in middle school, maybe 13-15 (bodies don't look very developed either) yet the story tone feels much more mature, maybe it's the hyper sexuality?? Which typically implies some disturbing traumatic issues, especially when it's adolescents/prepubescent teenagers; as a result I can't help but wonder who the target audience is. Lastly, this story reads as very male, so I'm definitely not surprised that the author is a dude. Explains a lot.
last edited at Jun 23, 2019 8:14PM