Kyosaya_Bubbiline Jul 6, 2015 2:14PM

I would just like to say that I introduced this anime to my 12 year old niece (she is now obsessed with it) and at the end of watching it her only question was: "Do Maki and Nico like each other?" At that moment, at that very freaking moment, I became the proudest of her I have ever been. She has never seen any yuri anime and yet her goggles are working perfectly!!!

Thiaguinho-sama Jul 6, 2015 2:20PM

That's not yuri googles Kyosaya_Bubbiline, that's the future you're watching, yuri/yaoi googles will be something of the past one day, and everyone will be like your niece and naturally ship characters of the same sex.

scovil Jul 6, 2015 8:21PM

That's really dark future you're seeing Thaiguinho-sama, mainly because It leads us straight to extinction. Let's leave yuri and yaoi in it's own niche.

Thiaguinho-sama Jul 6, 2015 8:37PM

It's the opposite scovil, it'll be the extinction of those who do not ship yuri/yaoi, we're not going to be extinct, we're going to become the dominant species, no more het ships, just homo ship everywhere!

last edited at Jul 6, 2015 8:38PM

Nezchan Jul 6, 2015 9:13PM

You miss the saving grace that is Science babies, scovil. The hope remains alive!

KAIDOU Jul 7, 2015 1:38AM

I remember shipping Buttercup and Blossom as a kid...ah, let the yuri yuri kids unite.

[deleted] Jul 7, 2015 4:32AM

Haha i shipped yuri pairings like everywhere without even knowing until my laate 18-19? XD

WELL, anyways i'm ALWAYS in for YURI, endings could surprise me positively like Korra and Asami! >~<


bodevanlot Jul 7, 2015 8:17AM

You have it positively backwards, Scovil. The last thing the world needs is more people. An entire generation of ~50% gays would do a world of good for so many of the planet's problems.

ari-chan Jul 8, 2015 3:56AM

^Very very very true. +1 my friend

kagakujinjya Jul 8, 2015 4:22AM

I think you guys miss the point, it's not that we should all become gay tomorrow, it should be that we become more accepting of gay couple. And someday in the very far future, we might be able to treat all kinds of couple as just that, a union of love. Because, newsflash: gays are just normal people

Thiaguinho-sama Jul 8, 2015 7:38AM

I never said anything about everyone becoming gay kagakujinjya, I said about everyone becoming like us and ship characters of the same sex, in other words, accepting of gay couples.

last edited at Jul 8, 2015 7:42AM

kagakujinjya Jul 8, 2015 10:38AM

I get you, Thaiguinho-sama. I'm not talking about you.

ark7298 Oct 27, 2015 7:09AM

The immortal shipping, NicoxMaki!

Marion Diabolito Oct 27, 2015 12:03PM

I hope Nico does yoga or the way Maki is holding her is going to kill her back.

Gzt Dec 20, 2015 2:41PM

Cute position <3

Marion Diabolito Jan 15, 2016 12:40PM

Having done two years of yoga with no problems, only to finally throw my back out, I now think even if Nico does yoga, Maki is going to kill her back.