Zuess103 Aug 2, 2014 2:49PM

Aww adorable >w<

Rye Aug 3, 2014 1:10AM

I love this pic neither is one is hiding scars you can say they are in a "naked" relationship here.

Lifecharacter Aug 4, 2014 1:08AM

The only question is if Banba's blushing because of the romantic gesture or because her girlfriend's pretty much naked... and is a sexy cyborg. Probably a bit of both.

last edited at Aug 4, 2014 1:08AM

flips Aug 4, 2014 3:08AM

So, are there any actual yuri pairings going on in the series (excluding imgs done by the artist)? I only sorta know about the short girl with blue hair with the red haired.

Lifecharacter Aug 4, 2014 1:49PM

Other than the ones you mentioned, most of the pairings haven't been much more than subtext, especially in the anime. I believe the only one explicitly shown to be gay is Otoya, and that only comes across because she gets sexual pleasure from going all Jack the Ripper on women.

jaggyd Aug 5, 2014 6:03PM

@flips: The only "canon" pairs we see in the anime (as well as the manga, tho the manga tends to turn up the subtext to on 11 with other pairs), are the main characters Haru and Tokaku, and the pair you mentioned; Chitaru and Hitsugi.

NagaShoes Jul 25, 2015 10:00PM

"Can I touch your robutt?"

Raytraza Mar 10, 2016 6:26PM

At this point the SumixBanba its not only subtext anymore(and its just perfect <3), also Isuke have already show to care about Haruki and Koakuma no Riddle just turn things better :3