Lilliwyt Jul 22, 2019 9:31PM

A bit late unfortunaly. This is the only end i can accept for Eiko since i'm not a huge fan of Eiko x Sensei.

Rock-on8892 Jul 22, 2019 9:31PM


Throbelisk Jul 22, 2019 10:43PM

This is the only situation in that series that I'm torn about. I think the best solution is for Eiko to marry Kiyose and adopt Kamu.

Flanny Jul 23, 2019 12:25AM


LLENN Jul 23, 2019 1:12AM

I'm sure there was a better birthday pic that didn't involve Kamu, but eh.

Cheesecake Jul 23, 2019 1:50AM

The author’s name and the doujin name don’t seem juxtaposed well...

BV Jul 23, 2019 5:15AM

Hmmm.... maybe I should give this manga a go afterall.

Lilliwyt Jul 23, 2019 6:41AM

@LLENN Fight me but i think it will have been better without Sensei.

luinthoron Jul 23, 2019 6:58AM

^100% agreed.

LLENN Jul 23, 2019 8:52AM

There's no such thing as yuri of Eiko without Sensei, because she daughterzoned Kamu since a long time ago.

Lilliwyt Jul 23, 2019 9:28AM

And Sensei constantly reject her and find her annoying but w/e i'm not gonna explain why here i find this ship way too forced from the author.

last edited at Jul 23, 2019 9:29AM

LLENN Jul 23, 2019 11:58AM

If Sensei was easy to get there would be no manga. The point is that Eiko is actively pursuing Sensei, while Kamu is comfortable with her current position as Eiko's daughter (Some of /u/ even call her just Eiko's pet because she grows cat ears every time she's with her). There is no #KamuTeam because Kamu isn't trying to win, she's okay not winning Eiko romantically, just having her. The romantic goal for Eiko is and will always be Sensei.

And I know you're gonna hate chapter 78 when it drops, so please don't explode when it happens, neither here nor the comment section for chapters is the correct place to explain why you hate the couple. It's what the author wants and she's gonna make it work.

Lilliwyt Jul 23, 2019 12:09PM

That's precisely why i don't follow hardly this manga, because of the Sensei/EIko that doens't make any sense to me.But since the author decide it, i justtry to bear myself with it. I rather have a threeway than Eiko/Sensei. I find this ship forced down the throat, Sensei reject countless time and don't seem interested in the slightest so for me it's a no-go. If what you said it's true then i consider myself dropping it because i hate this ship.

Someone already told me to reread it to try appreciate it but since i really prefer the Eiko/Kamu way (which i don't really think Kamu is satisfied with justfriend honestly) i can't bring myself to remotely even like it in the slightest.

last edited at Jul 23, 2019 12:11PM

Hollows Jul 23, 2019 6:50PM

Sensei reject countless time and don't seem interested in the slightest so for me it's a no-go.

That's because Sensei is the teacher in the StudentxTeacher relationship. And the teacher always has to show "I'm a responsible adult so I will reject your advances". Sensei is too cool to make it obvious, but her aloofness is not disinterest. It's intentionally not showing interest.

Lilliwyt Jul 23, 2019 6:57PM

Anyway, like someone said to me, i put a David vs Goliath but with God on the side of Goliath instead of David. But i cannot make it work for me, it doesn't compute. It's a "Old man yells at clouds" battle but god know i'm stupid enough to continue to do so.

Hollows Jul 23, 2019 7:10PM

Anyway, like someone said to me, i put a David vs Goliath but with God on the side of Goliath instead of David. But i cannot make it work for me, it doesn't compute. It's a "Old man yells at clouds" battle but god know i'm stupid enough to continue to do so.


Lilliwyt Jul 23, 2019 7:28PM

Didn't mean to confuse you. I had already put a rent on Mangadex about this ship in particular and someone had compare me getting against this ship at David (Me) vs Goliath (EIkoxSensei) with God (The author) at the side of Goliath.I already know that the ship will probably sell because it's seem the author will go that way but still i i can't bring to accept it.

I know it's sound to stupid to against the will of the author but whatever.

Hollows Jul 23, 2019 7:33PM

My friend, you have a choice. Why be David when you can be Goliath? Join us, and we will rejoice together as we watch our God complete our holy ship. We will rule together as Goliaths, at the altar of our OTP.

last edited at Jul 23, 2019 7:35PM

Throbelisk Jul 25, 2019 10:13AM

^The whole point of the David and Goliath story is that the little guy can win. I don't really care about your little argument, but you're on the wrong side of the original story.

Lilliwyt Jul 25, 2019 10:27AM

^ Yeah but David win because he had God by his side, unless i don't remember the story well. Here God is the author and is by the side of Goliath aka the ship EikoxSensei. I already know i'm on the wrong side of the story but that's fine by me, i don't believe in God anyway.

LustGreed Jul 25, 2019 12:26PM

Wtf happened in this comment section.lol Just ship whoever you want to ship guys. And just because you don't favor a ship won't make your ship any better(either side would see their own ship "better") so just stop shoving ideals on everyone else.

pogotun Jul 26, 2019 5:28PM


elevown Jul 26, 2019 9:39PM

@Lilliwyt Kiyose is clearly NOT uninterested- I see plenty of interest. Why are you only seeing the times she pushes her away? There are equally as many times where Sensei goes out of her way to flirt and play and tease Eiko too!

She pushes her away because 1) She is her teacher and 2) because she is a guarded and private individual who seems comfortable in her solo private life, and a very self reliant and in charge kinda woman- but she IS clearly into Eiko- but also, trying to fight that- both as a teacher and mainly I think, because of her personality.

She is the Alpha type, confident and laid back- but Eiko is ALSO a similar confident type most of the time. I bet Kiyose have never been pursued like this before. SOME of that does annoy Kiyose - and I think she is also annoyed at herself for her lack of control - but she is even more into her than she is wanting to maintain a distance.

It looks to me like she will give in for sure in the end. Kiyose KNOWS she is really into Eiko too- even tho she knows she shouldnt be flirting with her student she cant help it.

Why do you THINK the author keeps having the pair show up? Because thats her OTP. The fact they are always being thrown together is NOT forced at ALL- it is the whole point. Neither would the author keep putting them together flirting etc if they both didnt like each other. Do you think the author is stupid? You are just not seeing their personality types and understanding their actions properly. It is clear as day to many of us.

The whole reason they pair up is because they are clearly into each other- and Kamu and Eiko have never had a single hint that I saw that was close to sexual tension. They just love each other as friends- and Kamu needs Eiko's support. But never romantically. ( I wont comment more on this here- i'll save if for the manga some time).

last edited at Jul 26, 2019 9:41PM

Lilliwyt Jul 26, 2019 9:46PM

tl;dr idc and my opinion on this ship will not change no matter how many you try.

Kiyose KNOWS she is really into Eiko too

Lol no i don't think but whatever, the author make it work because he want make that ship work so badly.

last edited at Jul 26, 2019 9:46PM

BV Nov 15, 2019 5:29PM

Hmmm.... maybe I should give this manga a go afterall.

Nearly four months later and I haven't given it a go. And at this point, I probs won't. Lol.

Star Light Jan 3, 2020 12:48PM

Whatever f*cking is going on. I'm on @elevown side. The router of EiKiyo is way better with a lot room develop story and more amusing as well. Kamu router seems like lack of coherence. If this router comes true, it will portrait an Eiko as a very suck playgirl rather then a cheeky maiden.

I don't give a damn whether you care or not. You're wasting 1 precious record of the dynasty-scans database!

Lilliwyt Jan 3, 2020 1:05PM

Kamu router seems like lack of coherence.

Whatever you say, i don't really care. I respect your opinion but you won't change mine.I don't like the Eiko/Sensei ship.

Star Light Jan 4, 2020 5:37PM

Never have an idea to change somebody mind. Also, what's wrong with me expressing my opinion? Why you can but I cannot?

Lilliwyt Jan 4, 2020 5:42PM

What are you even saying ? I never said you can't express your opinion, i said that you won't change mine. I don't understand how you reach that conclusion. You can express your opinion all you want

Maximus66 Jan 19, 2020 11:15PM

These girls would make perfect threesome. Or polyamory family.

juanelric Oct 1, 2022 2:22PM

I would prefer this route for Eiko, but I wonder if anyone ever drew a Hana x Tama x Kamu x Eiko fourple