Forum › Does anyone know this manga?

joined Dec 29, 2014


I'm looking for a yuri manga or one-shot that I can't seem to remember the name to. The the gist of the plot is that a girl with glasses falls for this athletic girl, who is basically a servant to this pretty girl.

The pretty girl was some sort of sports assistant and had a crush on the athletic girl. In a flashback, it reveals that the athletic girl offered to walk the pretty girl home but the pretty girl declined. On the way home though, the pretty girl is sexually assaulted. The pretty girl blames the athletic girl for the incident and makes the athletic girl her servant, and the athletic girl agrees out of guilt. Flash-forward to the present, and we see that the athletic girl's school work and athletics is suffering as she tries to make it up to the pretty girl. When the athletic girl gets a call from the pretty girl about another tasks, the glasses girl finally confronts the pretty girl over the phone and says the agreement is over or something like that. Moving forward, we see the pretty girl moves away and the athletic girl actually chases after her because she actually does love the pretty girl.

Thank you for any help in advance!

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NHFH Scanlations
joined Sep 10, 2014

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