Forum › Tips and Help on creating a (web-)comic reader website

joined Mar 22, 2013

Hi my dear dynasty crew and fellow yuri-lovers,

I have a webcomic that I publish on the site webtoon. Since recently they updated their Terms of Use and now basically claim all sorts of rights for the uploaded material (like the right to use the material in ANY media known, to modify, monetize and to create derivate works of), I am thinking of a solution for it. I just do not want some wealthy corporate to have that kind of power over something that I created using hours and hours of my life. They could even use it for generating AI images, I think? And that is just something I do not want to support.

And since I am a big fan of what was done with this website and community, I thought maybe you had some tips how to create a similar website of my own, where I (and maybe even others) could upload their works, have a reader, maybe a subscription system, a comment section and so on. Maybe this is idealistic thinking, but I just want to do SOMETHING. So if you have ANY tips, it's welcomed.

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