Forum › Original Yuri Comic - More Than Friends?

Norainhere Uploader
joined Jun 27, 2014

Has anyone else seen this comic? It was first uploaded to Pixiv a year ago, but only recently uploaded and translated on Danbooru. It really is adorable. Only the first few parts are on Danbooru though, and a lot more are still up on Pixiv.

Danbooru link:

Pixiv link:

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Yeah, It's pretty awesome. I know someone is working on a scanlation of it at the minute too. So that's nice.

joined Dec 12, 2016

From what I have read on danbooru and a few of the raws this is gonna be a good one. Can't wait for more.

joined Jul 15, 2016

Kasumi's sis really dropped the anvil there that should really be in every narrative based around relationships by now. Too bad so many authors seem clueless as to how to create good relationship drama without the old "confusing your lover's public face with their private face" trope.

joined Apr 12, 2016

Kasumi's sis really dropped the anvil there that should really be in every narrative based around relationships by now. Too bad so many authors seem clueless as to how to create good relationship drama without the old "confusing your lover's public face with their private face" trope.

That's why it's so good. It was clearly going down the route of that trope, but then suddenly her sister just steered the entire manga into the proper logical direction/conclusion that one would normally take.

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