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joined Oct 15, 2019

Really enjoyed Eli/Honaka's past chapter just because it didn't revise the past like it did for Haruka/Kanae.

joined Oct 15, 2019

Ohhh no, she took her flyer off, that made me so sad

The vibe in the manga itself didn't seem sad so it was a little weird to me. Hopefully she still gets it up somehow!

last edited at Apr 16, 2024 8:06PM

joined Oct 15, 2019

What a wholesome story, very nice.

joined Oct 15, 2019

What a welcome surprise. Love this couple!

joined Oct 15, 2019

I will say it again and again, there's no other way than poly way for this one. I really don't want any of them to get hurt.

Same. But deep down I think we know how this will end...

last edited at Feb 28, 2024 12:49PM

joined Oct 15, 2019

Do we know for a fact that he has an ex named Henry? Because there's an "I almost talked about my ex" type of reaction and an "I almost revealed I had an affair" type of reaction and this looks to me like the latter. The face you make when what you almost said could have lead to a breakup.
the type who mindblanks when she sees the face of her crush feeling her visual field and can't react for sh*t no matter what happens.

.... think about what type of manga this is. You REALLY think this is a case of infidelity and with zero guilt to boot? The only time angst/drama happened was almost 100 chapters ago and with 1 single couple. That's it. Bringing up moments with your EX to your current partner invokes this exact reaction.

joined Oct 15, 2019

another cute moment. TBH i prefer the TV myself, especially the pacing, but SV does have some good stuff too.

last edited at Feb 16, 2024 1:24PM

joined Oct 15, 2019

Cute series. Feels like the blackouts are hinting at something relating to lingering feelings but i hope not.

joined Oct 15, 2019

I just saw the raws for the next chapter.

Same. Let us pray.

joined Oct 15, 2019

Oof, translation wise I assume it's limited space but reading "conbini" is awkward lol

Ya, it's along the lines of "Just According to Keikaku".
Otherwise, it's a cute oneshot.

last edited at Aug 24, 2023 6:31PM

joined Oct 15, 2019

omg, didn't know there were more chapters. Sad noone went to the sendoff but i guess that's just how it is. Can't wait for volume 6!

joined Oct 15, 2019

love the chill and sweetness it still has going on.

last edited at Jul 9, 2023 6:06PM

joined Oct 15, 2019

Hilarious manga as usual. That dreamy hand scene was super cute.

joined Oct 15, 2019

What an adorable chapter. I'm not worried about her friends; they're a funny bunch and I think they'll help more than anything, including the stoic one. Can't wait to see how this develops!

last edited at Jun 19, 2023 12:29PM

joined Oct 15, 2019

The slow updates stopped a lot of the momentum this manga had imo which is unfortunate because it's still amazing. I'm anxiously waiting for the climax of this arc and the next few!

joined Oct 15, 2019

I think it's more like shifting and controlling who dies. Like if a 'good' person were to die, he would use his powers so that a 'bad' person dies instead.

joined Oct 15, 2019

I’m confused how this is yuri tho >.> reads more like subtext, good one shot tho :3

Don't forget your goggles! Never leave home without them.

joined Oct 15, 2019

Risa knows what's up.

Maple Love discussion 17 May 15:47
joined Oct 15, 2019

I can't find the two page continuation, somebody help pls

Check the 1st page comment. It's a little small but still readable.

last edited at May 17, 2023 3:47PM

Maple Love discussion 14 May 18:20
joined Oct 15, 2019

oldie but a goodie

joined Oct 15, 2019

This is a dramatic setup at it's core. Telling the princess the truth, in her state, would not prevent drama it would drastically increase it (and likely end the series).

I'm not sure. The root of her problems stem from the sword and her not being to feel its power. If she were told about and given the real sword, I think her self-doubts would vanish.

EDIT: same opinion as above.

last edited at Mar 24, 2023 4:08PM

joined Oct 15, 2019

Why Mitsuki take off her glasses when reading on her phone?
presbyopia in her age?

Maybe she's just far sighted and finds them annoying when reading? It's a bit odd though.

She is probably near sighted (myopic). That is what the "near" means, you see just fine nearby, you only need glasses. It is not odd at all if that is the case. I am myopic and so is most of my family, we usually take our glasses to read, it is actually a bit uncomfortable with them. My mother was very advanced in her presbyopia before she started needing glasses even at short distances.

(also, removing glasses to read is the opposite of what you would expect of someone with presbyopia)

Personally I'm the same as her. I'm near-sighted and wear glasses practically everywhere except when reading because it's harder to focus and starts to hurt my eyes. It's too zoomed in, almost like being cross-eyed.

last edited at Jan 16, 2023 1:51AM

joined Oct 15, 2019

Thank you for the translation. Can't wait to see how the father reacts to meeting Yurika!

joined Oct 15, 2019

What a hidden gem. Thank you 'Featured Series'!

joined Oct 15, 2019

Cute. Actually one of the few manga where someone actually stops when told to.