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joined Jul 6, 2013

Well, that sucked. What a rushed cop-out.

joined Jul 6, 2013

Interesting twist.


No. That'd go against the whole premise of the manga.

joined Jul 6, 2013

Incoming bath time!

Yuru Yuri discussion 18 Feb 20:10
joined Jul 6, 2013

Yui and Chinatsu
Kyouko and Ayano
These represent justice

Is this really happening? Is this actual development in my Yuru Yuri? Is this real life?

joined Jul 6, 2013

Just do some IVF. Problem solved.

joined Jul 6, 2013

I want to smell Dia! But anyway, this was hot and really cute. Loved it.

School Zone discussion 31 Dec 13:52
joined Jul 6, 2013

What did Yatsude mean at the end there? It sounded like she was speaking from experience- about having a relationship built on falsehood?

Maybe had to do with a certain someone

Good catch! I forgot about that. Can't wait to see what happened between them.

School Zone discussion 30 Dec 15:56
joined Jul 6, 2013

^ Sure, she's to blame too cause she gave up before listening to Sugiura, but Sugiura was literally running away from her as well. They're both cowards!

School Zone discussion 30 Dec 14:42
joined Jul 6, 2013

Yeah, let's not forget that it was all Sugiura's fault. She traumatized Yokoe with those words and her sudden haircut.

joined Jul 6, 2013

Naoko really just said, "I'm not into kids, but variety is the spice of life."

I'm not into lolis, BUT...

joined Jul 6, 2013

They're playing international 4D chess in the middle of the street.

School Zone discussion 21 Dec 09:59
joined Jul 6, 2013

Oh, boy, she asked her! And Kei is getting jelly! I keep hitting the right side of my screen but nothing happens!

Please let there be an unlucky coincidence that makes Kei hate hate Yokoe even more. She needs to suffer.

I could see Yokoe and Yatsude getting into an argument and one of them falling on top of the other as Kei barges into the room, but Yatsude locked the door, so dunno.

joined Jul 6, 2013

Ah, yes, the ninja Church.

joined Jul 6, 2013

Lol, that was an amazing chase secuence.

Yuru Yuri discussion 12 Nov 07:00
joined Jul 6, 2013

Just when I was thinking Yui x Kyouko was endgame. These two were so cute together im happy for Ayano and all these shippers that came out of nowhere.

Hey, I've been shipping them together since the very first time Ayano barged in the club room yelling "TOSHINO KYOUKOOO!" a million years ago. It's just that this manga moves at a glacial pace, so I'm rarely around.

Yuru Yuri discussion 10 Nov 17:00
joined Jul 6, 2013

Wait is that some Ayano x Kyoko development? In the actual manga? Is this real life?

joined Jul 6, 2013

I love the evolution of the dynamic between the two girls a lot. Kinda worried about that subplot though.

joined Jul 6, 2013

Saeko is completely insufferable. I'm not gonna read the wall of spoilers, and I know it's not likely to happen in the end even if there's some drama going on for a while, but Miwa would be a lot better off with the new girl, and viceversa.

joined Jul 6, 2013

And why are there so many sour people here?

tl;dr a small group of people want the series to be something its not trying to be and another small group are mad at said people for being negative.

Its just a cute little goofy manga nothing more, nothing less. Its nothing worth getting mad and trying to start drama over, yet here we are.

Yeah, it's pretty fun and adorable. I mean, this chapter featured puppies, a panda bear suit, and a love reaffirmation. Dunno what else could you ask for in life, really.

joined Jul 6, 2013

Why is this not tagged comedy? It's pretty humorous. And why are there so many sour people here?

joined Jul 6, 2013

Happy ending

Nope, quite the opposite. She could end up in prison for that.

joined Jul 6, 2013

I guess it’s not just considering natural death then, if she was able to alter her lifespan then the girl was going to commit suicide if she said no?

Very cute, fast translations. The author just release them a few days ago on Pixiv

Nah, look at her design: she has injuries in her legs and her knee most likely from repeatedly falling over. She's an airhead prone to getting into accidents for not paying attention to her surroundings. That's what was going to happen to her.

joined Jul 6, 2013

I guess Yandere would be a spoiler.

The only tag I ever look at is the last one to see whether it's yuri or not, unless I'm specifically looking for something. I feel like it's more important to have it properly categorized.

joined Jul 6, 2013

Well, that was hot. Didn't know that was a thing, but I'm glad it exists.

joined Jul 6, 2013